
Geocoder control for mapbox-gl-js using your own Geocoding API

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC

Mapbox GL Generic Geocoder

Bring your own geocoding srevice to mapbox-gl-js. Based on Mapbox GL Geocoder


var geocodeNominatimRequest = function(query, mapBounds, options) {
	var params = { format: "json", q: query, limit: options.limit };
	var urlParams = new URLSearchParams(Object.entries(params));

	return fetch("http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search?" + urlParams).then(function(response) {
		if(response.ok) {
			return response.json();
		} else {
			return [];
	}).then(function(json) {
		return json.map(function(result) {
			return {
				name: result.display_name,
				lat: result.lat,
				lon: result.lon,
				bbox: [result.boundingbox[2], result.boundingbox[0], result.boundingbox[3], result.boundingbox[1]]

mapboxglmap.addControl(new MapboxGenericGeocoder({}, geocodeNominatimRequest));

Usage with a module bundler

This module exports a single class called MapboxGenericGeocoder as its default export, so in browserify or webpack, you can require it like:

var MapboxGenericGeocoder = require('mapbox-gl-generic-geocoder');