
Recently, I was trying some ideas on the ransom note files of many ransomware. The results were submitted to an academic journal to evaluate the findings. I will share the results later.

This Folder contains the ransom note files of many ransomware.

71 ransomware familes.

182 ransom note files.

Extensions: txt, html, htm, hta and rtf.

The ransom note files are organised by families and in many cases by the version of the family. For more details, see the Ransom RansomDetails.pdf

we collected the ransom note files:

-from Malware Traffic Analysis Projcet of Brad Duncan.

-from Hybrid-Analysis, looking for the terms of the most known ransom note names.

-by running some samples in our VMs.

-from the week in ransomware of BleepingComputer.

-from the Pastebins of the ransomware hunter Michael Gillespie the owner of Id-Ransomware project.