
Primary LanguagePython

urlspace is a way of organizing a bunch of documents that could become a static/dynamic content management system, provided I write the actual code.

Documents are nodes in a tree. Nodes have attributes.

The tree can have multiple representations, some isomorphic (e.g. files on disk ↔ in-memory representation ↔ database), some not (e.g. in-memory representation → HTML files).

The tree is mapped to an URL space (see On short URLs for some related thoughts). This mapping should probably be one-to-one; many-to-one is more flexible, but requires extra choices (e.g how do you represent multiple nodes with the same URL?).


  • finish something; files on disk → HTML files at a minimum
  • write as little code as possible (libraries are OK)

In scope:

  • node types
  • node ordering
  • inline references to other notes
  • (later) resources (node attributes that are not stored with the tree)
  • (later) error pages
  • (later) live preview
  • (later) Atom feeds
  • (later) sitemap
  • (later) image handling
  • (later) full-text search

Out of scope:

  • versioning (it is representation specific, e.g. git for files on disk)
  • web UI (files on disk should be enough)
  • internationalization