boozt-workshop-2023 - DB indexing 📇

Useful info:

  • Our workshop slack channel is pt-conf-2023-workshop-db-index.
    Feel free ask any questions there in case you are remote during workshop or you have any issues with setting up the work envoironment.

Set up work envoironment for the workshop

Using mysql-base docker container and dummy test database:

  1. On your local machine, inside home directory, create working directory for example:
    mkdir workshop-indexing
    cd workshop-indexing
  2. Git clone this repo (docker-compose.yml and some initial sql script for DB):
    git clone
    cd boozt-workshop-2023
  3. Download dump of the test database from
    goodle drive
    Download only this sql file backup_index0522.sql
    Move it inside ~/workshop-indexing/boozt-workshop-2023 on your local machine
  4. Start docker container: Go to ~/workshop-indexing/boozt-workshop-2023
    Run docker compose up -d
    Your docker container based on mysql-base image should be up now.
    To check that, run:
    docker ps
    You should see the docker container with the name boozt-workshop-2023-mysql-1.
  5. Check connection to your test DB inside the container: Inside this directory ~/workshop-indexing/boozt-workshop-2023
    run docker compose exec -it mysql mysql -u root --password=index
    You should get mysql prompt:
    Inside this mysql prompt run show databases;, you should see index_test DB.
    Type exit;. You should be now inside ~/workshop-indexing/boozt-workshop-2023 directory again.
  6. Get the name of your container:
    Run docker ps, the name should be boozt-workshop-2023-mysql-1.
  7. Your docker container is up and index_test DB exist,
    then import prepared DB dump data (downloaded sql file) inside this DB.
    Inside ~/workshop-indexing/boozt-workshop-2023
    cat backup_index0522.sql | docker exec -i boozt-workshop-2023-mysql-1 /usr/bin/mysql -u root --password=index index_test

Now your test DB inside the docker container is ready.
index_test DB should have two tables: customers and orders with some dummy data.

  1. You should also have one of the DB management tool to connect to the DB and run queries.
  • Sequel ACE,
  • DBeaver,
  • or any other
  1. Using your DB management tool connect to your test DB.
    Connection specs:
  • host:
  • username: root
  • password: index
  • database: index_test
    Select index_test DB and check that you have two tables orders and customers with data.

Now your work envoironment for the workshop is ready. 🍾
If you have any questions just ask in the channel pt-conf-2023-workshop-db-index.