
Google Cloud Function triggered by HTTP request. Send message to Slack channel via slack webhook. Node.js runtime.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Cloud function with http trigger type

Google Cloud Function triggered by HTTP call. It means that we can directly invoke the function via a HTTPs endpoint.

This function is simple example of cloud function with http trigger type which send message to Slack channel via webhook. We will use test slack channel test-webshop-cf to test how this function works.

Runtime: Node.js

Guidebook to run this function

  1. Clone this repo
git clone git@github.com:lemon57/cloud-function-http-trigger-js.git
  1. Define Slack webhook url in .env file. You can find the webhook url -> Slack channel webhook.
  2. Deploy this function to GC. Wait a few min ☕
gcloud functions deploy <CF_NAME> <TRIGGER_TYPE> \
 --region=<REGION_NAME> \

Replace CF_NAME by your own name of this function.
Replace TRIGGER_TYPE by correct trigger type for current function. In this case it is --trigger-http
Replace REGION_NAME by region of current project, in our case is europe-west1
Replace CF_RUNTIME by actual runtime, in our case is nodejs16.

  1. Check that the function deployed successfully: by command or through GCC UI.
gcloud functions describe <CF_NAME> --region=<REGION_NAME>
  1. Invoke function by command:
gcloud functions call \
   --data '{"message":"Hello from boozt GCF workshop. Created by {your_name}"}' \
   <CF_NAME> --region=<REGION_NAME>

or by curl command

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
   -X POST \
   -d '{"message":"Trigger GCF by curl command. By {your_name}"}' \
  1. Check the logs:
gcloud functions logs read --execution-id=<EXECUTION_ID> --region=<REGION_NAME>

Take EXECUTION_ID from the output after executing the command: gcloud functions call. 7. Check slack channel test-webshop-cf

Enjoy 🎆