
Scrape website

Primary LanguageGo


The tool written in Go to download files in sequential and concurrent mode

Download all html, image, css and js files with keeping the file structure of the website

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Run the script using the command go run main.go or build the binary using go build main.go and run the binary ./web-scraper
  3. To be able to see downloaded website you can visit following page in the browser file://{absolut_path_to_the_script}/books.toscrape.com/index.html
  4. Get absolute path to the script by running pwd in the terminal where you run the script
  5. The script is using following libraries:
    • goquery library to parse HTML
    • progressbar library to show progress bar
    • net/http standard library to make HTTP requests
    • testing library to write tests
  6. The logic of the script is following:
    • get the website URL from the const
    • parse the website content to get all links to the files, store them in the slice
    • create the directory with the name of the website
    • download all files from the website using the slice with links
    • download files in sequential mode and concurrent mode
    • display the results (progress bar, time and amount of downloaded files) for sequential and concurrent mode
  7. The script implements following ways to download files from the website:
    • sequentially downloading files from the website - traverse the website and download files one by one
    • in concurrent mode by sync.WaitGroup to wait for all goroutines to finish and using channels to communicate between goroutines
  8. As result of the script execution you will get:
    • books.toscrape.com directory with all downloaded files in current directory
    • the message how many files going to be downloaded
    • progress bar showing the progress of downloading files for sequential and concurrent mode
    • the message with time of downloading files for sequential and concurrent mode
    • the message with a number of downloaded files
  9. main_test.go contains tests for the script - to run tests use go test command