
read excel cal to caldav service


mkdir -p baikal/{config,data}

cd baikal

sudo docker run -d --restart always --name baikal -p 13281:80 -v $(pwd)/config:/var/www/baikal/config -v $(pwd)/data:/var/www/baikal/Specific ckulka/baikal:nginx




cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ sudo cp pwa-demo cal-server

https://sabre.io/baikal/install/ 在官网里,会有写

rewrite ^/.well-known/caldav /dav.php redirect; rewrite ^/.well-known/carddav /dav.php redirect;


server { listen 80; server_name cal.lemonhall.me; # enforce https return 301 https://$server_name:443$request_uri; } server { listen 443 ssl http2; server_name cal.lemonhall.me; ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/172-233-73-134.ip.linodeusercontent.com/fullchain.pem; ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/172-233-73-134.ip.linodeusercontent.com/privkey.pem; location / { proxy_pass; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection upgrade; proxy_set_header Accept-Encoding gzip } }

reload ng的配置

sudo systemctl reload nginx

3、配置 Server Time zone 选择上海





lemonhall xxxxxxx



lemonhall xxxxxxxxxx






rewrite ^/.well-known/caldav /dav.php redirect; rewrite ^/.well-known/carddav /dav.php redirect;

7、列出所有的事件 import sys from datetime import date from datetime import datetime from datetime import timedelta

import caldav

caldav_url = "https://cal.lemonhall.me/dav.php" username = "lemonhall" password = "xxxxxxxxxxx"

def run_examples(): """ Run through all the examples, one by one """ ## We need a client object. ## The client object stores http session information, username, password, etc. ## As of 1.0, Initiating the client object will not cause any server communication, ## so the credentials aren't validated. ## The client object can be used as a context manager, like this: with caldav.DAVClient( url=caldav_url, username=username, password=password ) as client:

    ## Typically the next step is to fetch a principal object.
    ## This will cause communication with the server.
    my_principal = client.principal()

    ## The principals calendars can be fetched like this:
    calendars = my_principal.calendars()

    ## print out some information

    my_new_calendar = my_principal.calendar(name="linode默认日历")
    # my_new_calendar = my_principal.make_calendar(
    #    name="Test calendar from caldav examples"
    # )

    ## Let's add some events to our newly created calendar
    ## add_stuff_to_calendar_demo(my_new_calendar)

    ## Let's find the stuff we just added to the calendar
    event = search_calendar_demo(my_new_calendar)

def search_calendar_demo(calendar): """ some examples on how to fetch objects from the calendar """ ## It should theoretically be possible to find both the events and ## tasks in one calendar query, but not all server implementations ## supports it, hence either event, todo or journal should be set ## to True when searching. Here is a date search for events, with ## expand: events_fetched = calendar.search( start=datetime(2023, 11, 1, 1), end=datetime(2023, 12, 1, 1), event=True, expand=False, )

## "expand" causes the recurrences to be expanded.
## The yearly event will give us one object for each year
#assert len(events_fetched) > 1

print("here is some ical data:")

return events_fetched[1]

def add_stuff_to_calendar_demo(calendar): """ This demo adds some stuff to the calendar

Unfortunately the arguments that it's possible to pass to save_* is poorly documented.
## Add an event with some certain attributes
may_event = calendar.save_event(
    dtstart=datetime(2023, 11, 14, 13),
    dtend=datetime(2023, 11, 14, 15),
    summary="Do the needful"

def print_calendars_demo(calendars): """ This example prints the name and URL for every calendar on the list """ if calendars: ## Some calendar servers will include all calendars you have ## access to in this list, and not only the calendars owned by ## this principal. print("your principal has %i calendars:" % len(calendars)) for c in calendars: print(" Name: %-36s URL: %s" % (c.name, c.url)) else: print("your principal has no calendars")

if name == "main": run_examples()

8、增加一个事件: import sys from datetime import date from datetime import datetime from datetime import timedelta

import caldav

caldav_url = "https://cal.lemonhall.me/dav.php" username = "lemonhall" password = "xxxxxxx"

def run_examples(): with caldav.DAVClient( url=caldav_url, username=username, password=password ) as client:

    ## Typically the next step is to fetch a principal object.
    ## This will cause communication with the server.
    my_principal = client.principal()

    ## The principals calendars can be fetched like this:
    calendars = my_principal.calendars()

    ## print out some information

    my_new_calendar = my_principal.calendar(name="linode默认日历")
    # my_new_calendar = my_principal.make_calendar(
    #    name="Test calendar from caldav examples"
    # )

    ## Let's add some events to our newly created calendar

    ## Let's find the stuff we just added to the calendar
    # event = search_calendar_demo(my_new_calendar)

def add_stuff_to_calendar_demo(calendar): """ This demo adds some stuff to the calendar

Unfortunately the arguments that it's possible to pass to save_* is poorly documented.
## Add an event with some certain attributes
may_event = calendar.save_event(
    dtstart=datetime(2023, 11, 14, 13),
    dtend=datetime(2023, 11, 14, 15),

def print_calendars_demo(calendars): """ This example prints the name and URL for every calendar on the list """ if calendars: ## Some calendar servers will include all calendars you have ## access to in this list, and not only the calendars owned by ## this principal. print("your principal has %i calendars:" % len(calendars)) for c in calendars: print(" Name: %-36s URL: %s" % (c.name, c.url)) else: print("your principal has no calendars")

if name == "main": run_examples()


import xlrd from datetime import datetime, timedelta import sys from datetime import date from datetime import datetime from datetime import timedelta

import caldav

caldav_url = "https://cal.lemonhall.me/dav.php" username = "lemonhall" password = "xxxxxxxx" client = caldav.DAVClient(url=caldav_url,username=username,password=password)

def print_calendars_demo(calendars): """ This example prints the name and URL for every calendar on the list """ if calendars: ## Some calendar servers will include all calendars you have ## access to in this list, and not only the calendars owned by ## this principal. print("your principal has %i calendars:" % len(calendars)) for c in calendars: print(" Name: %-36s URL: %s" % (c.name, c.url)) else: print("your principal has no calendars")

Typically the next step is to fetch a principal object.

This will cause communication with the server.

my_principal = client.principal()

The principals calendars can be fetched like this:

calendars = my_principal.calendars()

print out some information


my_new_calendar = my_principal.calendar(name="linode默认日历")

data = xlrd.open_workbook("111.xls") table = data.sheets()[1]

class one_day(object): def init(self,start_row,start_col): self.start_row = start_row # 实例属性 self.start_col = start_col # 实例属性 date_value = table.cell_value(start_row, start_col) date_formatted = datetime(1900, 1, 1) + timedelta(days=int(date_value)-2) self.date=date_formatted self.set_morning() self.set_afternoon()

def set_date(self,date):

def set_morning(self):
	date_value = table.cell_value(self.start_row+1, self.start_col)
	self.morning = date_value

def set_afternoon(self):
	date_value = table.cell_value(self.start_row+3, self.start_col)
	self.afternoon = date_value

def read_one_week(start_row): days = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] date_value = table.cell_value(start_row-1, 1) print(date_value) if date_value=="周一": print("OK,确实是一周,开始解析") for day in days: a_day=one_day(start_row,day) print("================main=================") print(a_day.date)

		events_fetched = my_new_calendar.search(
			start=datetime(a_day.date.year, a_day.date.month, a_day.date.day, 0),
			end=datetime(a_day.date.year, a_day.date.month, a_day.date.day, 23),
		print("I will delete everything in this day:")
		for e_in_a_day in events_fetched:e_in_a_day.delete()

		#may_event = my_new_calendar.save_event(
		#	dtstart=datetime(2023, 11, 14, 13),
		#	dtend=datetime(2023, 11, 14, 15),
		#	summary=text
		may_event = my_new_calendar.save_event(
			dtstart=datetime(a_day.date.year, a_day.date.month, a_day.date.day, 9),
			dtend=datetime(a_day.date.year, a_day.date.month, a_day.date.day, 12),

		may_event = my_new_calendar.save_event(
			dtstart=datetime(a_day.date.year, a_day.date.month, a_day.date.day, 13),
			dtend=datetime(a_day.date.year, a_day.date.month, a_day.date.day, 17),

for row in range(1,31,6): #每一周加6行就好了 read_one_week(row) print("=================================\n\n")