
The Oak Programming Language. Oak is a modern, low-level, statically-typed translated programming language with extreme macro support, built-in packaging and building, and compile-time-modifiable language syntax. Oak's syntax modification makes it a powerful core for the construction of new programming languages.

Primary LanguageC++

The Oak Programming Language

Version 0.4.4

Jordan Dehmel, jdehmel@outlook.com

Programmer Introduction


Oak is a modern low-level functional programming language with compile-time modifiable syntax. Its usecase is in low-level language and compiler design (see the later section on dialects). Oak also aims to have an integrated build system, necessitating only one call to the compiler per executable.

Oak is most closely related to C, but also has stronger macro support, modern typing, generics, compile-time syntax modification and integrated package management.

This document outlines the basics of Oak, as well as the canonical formatting of Oak code. Deviation from this formatting style is unadvisable, and considered bad form.

Oak is, as of now, a translated language; Oak code is translated via the acorn utility (see later) into C. acorn can also compile Oak into object code and link it to create executables via clang and clang++, respectively.

Did You Say "Compile-Time-Modifiable Syntax"?

Oak has compile-time-modifiable syntax (see the section on preprocessor rules), making it highly customizable and flexible in a way that no other mainstream languages are. In Oak, if you think the language should have a certain shorthand, you can create it. Oak can similarly be a testing ground for new language syntaxes. It supports the creation of "dialects", which are Oak variants which use preprocessor rules to support independent syntactical structures.

Note: Oak has a default syntax, called canonical Oak. Syntax modifications must be opted into on a file-by-file basis, or specified by the compiler via the use of dialect files.

Names and Prerequisites

Name Meaning
Oak The base Oak programming language.
Acorn The Oak translator / compiler.
Sapling The sub-language for creating Oak dialects/rules.
Dialect A syntactically-modified branch of Oak.
TARM Prototype for more advanced rule system.

This document assumes a moderate level of knowledge about programming languages and compiler design. A thorough understanding of C++ and C, as well as a cursory knowledge of Rust, Python or Carbon are recommended (as these languages use the same type specification syntax as Oak).

Compilation, Installation, and Uninstallation

Oak is not compatible with Windows. Oak assumes a UNIX system.

To install, open a terminal in this folder and run make install. This will compile and install Oak, as well as the standard Oak package. To uninstall, call acorn -A. To update, call acorn -a.

Versions of Oak

Oak versions follow the following format.

major release.minor release.patch

As of the time of this writing, Oak is still on major release 0. During this phase of development, Oak is not stable. This means that code written in one minor release or patch is not guaranteed to work in another.

Once Oak moves to major release 1, code written in one patch version will be guaranteed to work in another. Code written in one minor release will most likely work in another. Code written in one major release will have no guarantees about any other.

For More Help

For examples on the concepts presented in this document, see the ./tests/ directory included in this git repo. The files therein are labeled CONCEPT_test.oak, where CONCEPT is the concept covered within. These files are both demos and unit tests for Oak and acorn. Consequently, you can compile all demos via make test or acorn -T.

Quirks of Oak

This section outlines things which make Oak syntax unlike other common syntaxes. As mentioned above, this document requires a moderate understanding of C/C++ syntax, and thus we will mostly focus on differences of this.

Array Order

In Oak, types are read strictly left-to-right. This means that an array of integers is []i32, not i32 NAME[] or [i32]. Oak arrays always come immediately before the thing they contain in Oak type syntax.

Modern Generics / Templates

In C++, a template is verbosely defined as below.

template <class T>
void foobar(T what)
    // ...

In Oak, the template line template <class T> is replaced by simply <t> (generic names must be lowercase).

let foobar<t>(what: T) -> void
    // ... 

Explicit Template Instantiation calls

Unlike C++ and Rust, Oak does not have implied template instantiation calls. The template instantiator must be called explicitly. For instance, the C++ code

// Create foobar<i32> and call it

would become the Oak code

// Ask the instantiator to create a function with this signature
foobar<i32>(_: i32);

// Call that function

Classes and public / private / protected

Oak does not have classes (only structs). Additionally, Oak does not have any form of member protection. This means that all struct member variables are always public.

Class Methods

In Oak, class member functions (methods) can (and must) be defined outside of the class itself. This means that any coder can add a new method to a struct at any point. For instance, you could import the string library and add some new method to turn a given string blue when printed.

Oak methods are shorthand in a way similar to Python.

let a: i32;

// This call

// Is shorthand for


Oak does not have the const keyword. Instead, everything is const by default, and mutability is specified by passing the address of something. Thus, ^i32 in Oak is equivalent to int in C, and Oak's i32 is equivalent to C's const int.

Syntax Overview

In Oak, a variable is declared as follows.


For instance, a boolean named a would be declared:

let a: bool;

You should read the : operator as "be of type". Thus, the above statement reads "let a be of type bool". Functions are declared as follows.

let NAME(ARG_1: ARG_1_TYPE, ...) -> RETURN_TYPE;

For instance, a function that in C++ would be declared bool isBiggerThanFive(int a); would in Oak be declared let is_bigger_than_five(a: i32) -> bool;. See later for atomic type conversions from C (IE how int became i32 here). You should read the -> operator as "yield". Thus, this function should be read "let is_bigger_than_five be a function taking parameter a of type i32 and yielding a bool".

Additionally, the C++ code

bool isBiggerThanFive(int a)
    return a > 5;

would convert to

let is_bigger_than_five(a: i32) -> bool
    a > 5

Note that leaving off a semicolon is equivalent to C++'s return statement. Equivalently, you can use the return keyword.

Pointers are ^ (IE a pointer to a bool is ^bool). The "get address" operator is @.

Syntax is fluid and user-modifiable in Oak. For more information about this aspect, see the Preproc Rules section below.

The :, let and -> operators come from mathematics. For instance, the mathematical statement

$$ \verb|let | f: \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R} $$

is equivalent to the code

let f(_: f64) -> f64;

Both of these statements can be read "let f be a function mapping a single real number to another" (although f64s are an extremely limited representation of the real numbers).

As a final example for this section, examine the "Hello world" program below.

// Include the standard (std) Oak package, which contains print.

// The main function: The program will start by calling this.
let main() -> i32
    // Print "Hello, World!" to the terminal, followed by a
    // newline.
    print("Hello, World!\n");

    // Return a zero exit code, meaning no error.


// main.oak

// Import the `Oak` standard package

// Use the standard `Oak` rule set

let main(argc: i32, argv: ^str) -> i32
    print("This program was started with the command: ");

    print(ptrarr!(argv, 0));

    print("Hello, world!\n");


Commands (bash):

acorn main.oak -o hello.out


<Compiler output here>
This program was started with the command: .oak_build/a.out
Hello, world!
<Process finished with exit code 0>

The let Keyword

let is one of Oak's few keywords. It represents the adding of something to the symbol table. This could be a variable, a function, a struct, or an enumeration. It can even be templated. Oak, unlike languages like Rust and Python, does not have separate keywords for these actions. The possible usecases of the let keyword are outlined below.

// Register `fn` as a function mapping nothing to nothing
let fn() -> void

// Register `var` as an instance of i32
let var: i32;

// Register `structure` as a struct
let structure: struct

// Register `enumeration` as an enum
let enumeration: enum

// Register `templated_fn` as a templated function
let templated_fn<t>() -> void

// Register `templated_structure` as a templated struct
let templated_structure<t>: struct

// Register `templated_enumeration` as a templated enum
let templated_enumeration<t>: enum

Note: Variables represent instances of a given type. Instances, by nature, cannot be templated. Thus, there is no templated case for the variable declaration syntax of let. All other variants of let are considered abstract (they only tell the compiler how to add something), but variable declaration is considered concrete (it uses abstract information to create a non-abstract instance).


Pointers are variables which hold a memory address. This address could refer to a single object in memory, or the start of a contiguous block of like-typed objects. To get the address of a variable in Oak, use the @ symbol. To get the value that a pointer references, use the ^ symbol. Pointer types are the ^ symbol, followed by the type they point to. You can have pointers to pointers.

The alloc! macro for allocating new memory on the heap returns a pointer to the memory it allocated, should it be successful. Similarly, the free! macro frees the memory of the pointer it is passed.

Mutability (ability to change data) is determined by referencing. If an object is passed into a function as a parameter, it will only be modifiable if the function signature designates it a pointer. When calling a function, a single reference can be automatically added by the compiler, but no more than that. For example,

let fn_0(what: i32) -> void

let fn_1(what: ^i32) -> void

let fn_2(what: ^^i32) -> void

let main() -> i32
    let arg: i32;

    // Legal call

    // Also legal

    // NOT legal- will cause compiler error


The address-of operator @ should be avoided unless strictly necessary.

A pointer to an object can be used just like the object itself with respect to its members. For instance, all the following are legal calls.

let item: struct
    a: i32,

let main() -> i32
    let obj_1: item;
    let obj_2: ^item;
    let obj_3: ^^item;
    let obj_4: ^^^item;

    // All the following are legal



Oak has a unique syntax for arrays that may be unfamiliar to users of C, C++ and Rust. In Oak, arrays prefix the type they refer to. For instance, an array of integers is []i32 instead of i32[]. Oak has two types of arrays: Sized and unsized. Unsized arrays are syntactically equivalent to pointers internally, and can point to an array of any size. These are the only kind of array which can be passed as parameters, and the kind that are assigned by alloc!. They are denoted with the [] operator. Sized arrays are not pointers- They are the actual arrays. These are denoted with the [n] operator, where n is a compile-time constant integer. This means that an integer variable cannot be used as the size of an array.

Oak types are always read left-to-right. Arrays are not an exception (unlike in other languages). This makes it slightly easier to decode exactly what an Oak array is of.

Array Examples


i32 a[12];
i32 *b;
i32 *c[10];
i32 d[10][20];


let a: [12]i32;
let b: []i32;
let c: [10]^i32;
let d: [20][10]i32;

In Oak, a pointer to a sized array is an illegal type. However, a pointer to an unsized array is fine.

// Illegal!
let a: ^[5]i32;

// Fine
let b: ^[]i32;

You can also have arrays of function pointers as shown below.

// Array of function pointers
let l: []()->void;

Here are some more miscellaneous examples.

// Array of i32
let i: []i32;

// Array of i32 pointers
let j: []^i32;

// Pointer to array of i32 pointers
let k: ^[]^i32;

// Sized array of i32
let l: [5]i32;

// Sized array of i32 pointers
let m: [10]^i32;

// Pointer to a pointer to an array of pointers to arrays of
// pointers to pointers to arrays of arrays of pointers to i32s
let absurd: ^^[]^[]^^[][]^i32;

// Array of 10 of the above
let absurd_arr: [10]type!(absurd);

Array Initialization

Oak cannot have uninitialized variables. Thus, arrays (sized and unsized) have default values.

Unsized arrays, since they are just pointers to contiguous arrays in memory somewhere, are initialized to the null pointer 0. This is how all pointers in Oak are initialized.

Sized arrays are not pointers- They are the actual contiguous memory positions which unsized arrays point to. Their memory is initialized to all zeros.


This section lists guidelines / rules for writing Oak code. Deviation from the following is considered non-canonical Oak formatting, and is unadvised. Deviation, in fact, could easily be considered an error by the compiler.

Code scopes go like this:

// Good

if (true)
    // ..

let fn() -> void
    // ..

NEVER like this:

// Bad

if (true) {
    // ..

let fn() -> void {
    // ..

Ensure you always have some sort of return statement (except -> void functions), even when it is unreachable. Principles take precedent over literal compiler interpretation.

Oak exclusively uses underscored variable names. Camelcase variable names should never be used, and capitalized variables are reserved for special cases.

// Good
let long_variable_name_with_multiple_words: i32;

// Bad
let longVariableNameWithMultipleWords: i32;
let longvariablenamewithmultiplewords: i32;

// Only allowed for methods which use dynamic allocation
// or for operator method aliases
let LongVariableNameWithMultipleWords: i32;

// Why? No?!?
let Long_variable_name_with_multiple_words: i32;

The same naming tips go for structs and enums. Structs and enums should not have any special name conventions. The only symbols which have different naming conventions are the operator aliases (see later), which use upper camelcase.

These naming conventions are also extended to package names (unless for some reason incompatible with the git host website they are on) and file names. Unlike standard practice in C++ and most other languages, generics types (see later) should still be lower-underscore-case.

Single-line comments should start with "// " (slash, slash, space), and multi-line comments should start with /* (slash-star-newline) and end with */ (newline-star-slash) (just like C++).

// Correct single line comment
//Do not format them like this (no leading space)

// single-line comments should NEVER start with a lower-case

// Except in this case; When
// it is a continuation of 
// a previous line for
// formatting reasons, a
// lowercase start is fine.

Correct multi-line comment.

The same wrap-over capitalization
rules apply.

incorrect multi-line comment
(no leading capitalization)

/*Don't do this (why would you do this?)*/

/*Also do not
do this*/

Also, all files should always end with a newline.

Comment blocks before global definitions (those not within a code scope) will be included in automatic manual generation via acorn -m. These manuals use standard markdown, and by extension all comments should as well.

Any sequence starting with # is ignored completely. This is to allow for shebangs. This symbol should never be used for commenting.

Tabbing should follow standard C++ rules. Tabs and quadruple-spaces are both acceptable, but double-spaces are not. Not using tabbing is not acceptable.

No line of Oak should be longer than 96 standard-width chars wide. Since newlines are erased by the lexer, one can be inserted at any point without disturbing syntax.

If possible you should use a spellchecker when writing code. If a variable name does not pass a spell checker, it is not considered a valid name and should be changed.

Global variables are illegal. Anything achieved by globals can be done better by passing arguments.

All Oak should be as minimalist as possible, and should be split into as many files as it makes sense to do.

Variable, package, and file names may be abbreviated within the sake of reason. An abbreviation is disallowed if it conflicts with another name or if the original name cannot be reasonably extracted from it (for instance, the abbreviation regex is fine, but re is not, because re could realistically refer to anything).

Interfacial files should take the form NAME_inter.oak and NAME_inter.other_language_suffix_here (see later for more information on formatting Oak interface files). For instance, sdl_inter.oak and sdl_inter.cpp.

If multiple lines are required within a function call, the following lines should be tabbed exactly one further than the beginning line. Whenever possible, you should include exactly one argument per line in such a case.

// Proper formatting:
let long_function_name(long_argument_name_one: i32,
    long_argument_name_two: i32,
    long_argument_name_three: i32,
    long_argument_name_four: i32) -> i32

// Also fine:
let long_function_name(
    long_argument_name_one: i32,
    long_argument_name_two: i32,
    long_argument_name_three: i32,
    long_argument_name_four: i32
    ) -> i32

Oak code can technically be written using unicode encoding, but ASCII is recommended for any programmer whose spoken language can be expressed within it.

Note: Oak is hypothetically especially translatable to other human languages due to the preprocessor rule system. It is trivial to implement a dialect file which replaces all Oak keywords with any spoken language's equivalent versions, and still fairly easy to translate the std package. For example, an Oak program written in Hindi would experience a translation process as follows:

oak_hindi_dialect.oak -> oak_canonical_dialect.oak -> c_version.cpp -> executable.exe


Unicode works perfectly fine in Oak, although the later was not designed with the former in mind. International coders should have no troubles.

If Oak reports unicode characters as illegal, please report it as a bug.

Main Functions

The main function must take one of the following forms (you can change the argument names). argc is the number of command line arguments, at minimum 1. argv is a pointer to an array of strings, each of which is a command line argument. The first item of this, argv[0], is the name of the executable that was run.

let main() -> i32;
let main(argc: i32, argv: []str) -> i32;
let main(argc: i32, argv: [][]i8) -> i32;

All macros will use this third form ((argc: i32, argv: [][]i8) -> i32). Note that these two variables can be named anything. A common form is (c: i32, v: [][]i8) -> i32.

Object Oriented Programming

Oak does not have classes, nor does it have internally defined methods. Methods are converted into equivalent function calls during translation as follows.




Thus, you can define a method as follows.


For instance, if you wanted to define a method that converts an integer to a double, its signature would be:

let i32.to_double(self: ^i32) -> f64;

This frees the programmer from the bounds of the initial class definition.

In Oak, you can define new data structures as structs, and define any methods upon it later. For instance, a linked list could be broadly defined as follows.

// Alloc is defined in std's std_mem.oak

let linked_list<t>: struct
    data: t,
    next: ^linked_list<t>,

let append(self: ^linked_list<t>, what: t) -> void
    // Alloc is equivalent to `C++`'s new keyword
    next.data = what;

Oak does not have private members, nor does it have inheritance.

Division Of Labor

Oak does not have explicit header files like C / C++, but there is no reason why you could not use a .oak file like a .hpp / .h. For example, a .oak can establish function signatures without explicitly defining them, allowing another .oak to define them. This allows easy division of labor, as in C / C++. This is obviously vital for any project of scale. Additionally, the translator will detect and prevent circular dependencies, eliminating any analogy to pragma once.

Memory Safety and Heap Memory Allocation

The alloc! and free! functions are akin to C++'s new and delete keywords, respectively. Alloc requests a memory position on the heap with the size of t, and free correspondingly releases that memory. Oak is not memory safe, in that it does not automatically clean up alloc!-ed memory like Java or Rust. In this way it is more similar to C++ or C.

Example of alloc! and free!:

let New<t>(self: ^node<t>) -> void
    // Allocate a single instance on the heap

    // Allocate an array of size 5 on the heap
    alloc!(self.data, 5);

    // Free a dynamically allocated array

let Del<t>(self: ^node<t>) -> void

let main() -> i32
    let i: ^bool;

If a number is provided as a second argument to alloc!, it returns an unsized array of the newly allocated values. Otherwise, it returns a pointer to the single newly allocated space.

Interchangeability With C

You can declare only the function signatures in Oak and define them in C, as is done in the Oak std (standard) package. This is called interfacing. These pairs of dual-language files are interfacial files, and any package primarily porting one language's features to Oak is an interfacial package.

Note: You will have to follow the Oak mangling process, as detailed below.

Conforming to the Oak Mangler

The Oak function signatures

let foo_bar(self: ^data_structure, what: data, hello: ^^data) -> data_structure;
let hello_world() -> void;
let fn_ptr_thing(fn: ^() -> void) -> void;

Will, upon translation to C, become

// Note how the new "mangled" function name contains the entire type
// Argument types are separated by JOIN, and the argument section ends
// with MAPS, followed by the return type.
struct data_structure foo_bar_FN_PTR_data_structure_JOIN_data_JOIN_PTR_PTR_data_MAPS_data_structure(struct data_structure *self, struct data what, struct data **hello);

void hello_world_FN_MAPS_void(void);

// This is how function pointers get mangled
void fn_ptr_thing_FN_PTR_FN_MAPS_void_MAPS_void(void (*fn)(void));

Thus, in an interfacial file, you should follow the above pattern. For higher-level languages like C++ and Rust, you will have to manually disable the mangler upon compile time in order for interfacing to be successful. For C++, this comes in the form of the extern "C" statement.

Operator Overloading / Aliases

Where in C++ you would write

class example
    void operator=(..);
    bool operator==(..);
    // .. etc

In Oak you would write

// The unit struct; No members
let example: struct

let Copy(self: ^example, ..) -> void;
let Eq(self: ^example, ..) -> bool;

There are many so-called "operator aliases" which are listed below. If self is not a pointer, it is a const function.

Oak C++ Description Signature for T
Less < Less than let Less(self: T, other: T) -> bool;
Great > Greater than let Great(self: T, other: T) -> bool;
Leq <= Less that or equal let Leq(self: T, other: T) -> bool;
Greq >= Greater than or equal let Greq(self: T, other: T) -> bool;
Eq == Equal to let Eq(self: T, other: T) -> bool;
Neq != Not equal to let Neq(self: T, other: T) -> bool;
And & Bitwise and let And(self: T, other: T) -> T;
Andd && Boolean and let Andd(self: T, other: T) -> bool;
Or | Bitwise or let Or(self: T, other: T) -> T;
Orr || Boolean or let Orr(self: T, other: T) -> bool;
Not ! Boolean negation let Not(self: T) -> T;
Copy = Copy constructor let Copy(self: ^T, other: T) -> void;
Del ~ Deletion let Del(self: ^T) -> void;
Add + Addition let Add(self: T, other: T) -> T;
Sub - Subtraction let Sub(self: T, other: T) -> T;
Mult * Multiplication let Mult(self: T, other: T) -> T;
Div / Division let Div(self: T, other: T) -> T;
Mod % Modulo / remainder let Mod(self: T, other: T) -> T;
AddEq += Increment by a number let AddEq(self: ^T, other: T) -> T;
SubEq -= Decrement by a number let SubEq(self: ^T, other: T) -> T;
MultEq *= Multiply and assign let MultEq(self: ^T, other: T) -> T;
DivEq /= Divide and assign let DivEq(self: ^T, other: T) -> T;
ModEq %= Modulo and assign let ModEq(self: ^T, other: T) -> T;
AndEq &= Bitwise AND and assign let AndEq(self: ^T, other: T) -> T;
OrEq |= Bitwise OR and assign let OrEq(self: ^T, other: T) -> T;
Lbs << Left bitshift let Lbs(self: T, other: T) -> T;
Rbs >> Right bitshift let Rbs(self: T, other: T) -> T;
New TYPE_NAME Instantiation let New(self: ^T) -> ^T;
Del N/A Deletion let Del(self: ^T) -> void;

There is no Oak equivalent to C++'s increment and decrement operators.

It is notable that there is not a set return type for many of these. It is common to see copy return T, ^T, or void.

With a few exceptions, operator alias replacement occurs within parenthesis (either as standalone blocks for evaluation or as part of a function call). However, in cases like assignment parenthesis are inferred.

No std Oak files use C++-style streams, but there is nothing in the language stopping them from working. However, the obfuscation they add to programmers only familiar with modern languages most likely outweighs any benefit they might provide.

Atomic Types

C++ Oak
unsigned char u8
char i8
unsigned short u16
short i16
unsigned int u32
int i32
unsigned long u64
long i64
unsigned long long u128
long long i128
float f32
double f64
char * str
bool bool
T& ^t
T[] []t
T[123] [123]t
T* ^t
const T t
template<class T> <t>

The last few entries show two things; That Oak does not have references (they are replaced with pointers), and that Oak has smart templating. Additionally note that there are no multi-word types (IE unsigned long long int) in Oak, and that pointers and arrays are moved to before the type they point to.

For instance,

template <class T, class F>
unsigned long long int **doThing(T &a, T b[]);


let do_thing<t, f>(a: ^t, b: []f) -> ^^u128;

Advanced Literals

Oak has built-in support for hexadecimal, decimal, and binary integer literals. Hex numbers are prefixed by 0x, binary by 0b, and decimal by nothing. Additionally, the Oak lexer will merge successive integer literals together, so spacing can be inserted anywhere within an integer literal. This is extremely necessary for readability.

The following code segment demonstrates these ideas.


let main() -> i32
    let j: u32;

    // Binary
    j = 0b10101010101010101010101010101010;

    // Hex
    j = 0x01234567;

    // Separation: All of the following are valid.

    j = 123 456;

    j = 0b 0000 1111 0101 1010 0000 1111 0000 1111;
    j = 0b11111111111111111111111111111111;
    j = 0x 01 23 45 67;

    printf!("j: %\n\n", j);


Similarly, strings are automatically concatenated over spaces or lines.

let long_string! = "hello! This is a very long string which it"
                   "is necessary to split over several lines.";

let split_string! = "we can also" "do this";

Note: Integer literals cannot be split across multiple lines.


You can declare a generic function (a function which can operate on a generic type, rather than a specific, defined type) by using the <..> notation as below.

let generic_fn_demo<t>(arg1: t, arg2: bool, arg3: *t) -> t;

This allows a generic type t (you can use whatever name you want) to enter the function's scope temporarily. On a compiler level, generic functions do not exist until they are called. Upon compiler detection of a call, it is ensured that an appropriately-typed function exists (otherwise, such a function is instantiated).

Oak does not have automatic instantiation of generic functions via argument type analysis. You must manually call the template instantiation unit as follows.

let gen_fn<t>(what: t) -> void

let main() -> i32
    // Call the template instantiator
    // Request the instantiation of the generic block
    // identified by the signature `gen_fn<i32>(what: i32)`
    // which is our gen_fn for the i32 type
    gen_fn<i32>(what: i32);



Note: It is common to replace the names of any and all argument in the instantiator call with the null-name token _. This is equivalent to writing anything else there, but signals to the user that it is an instantiation call.

Similarly, you can define generic structs as follows.

let node<t>: struct
    data: t,
    next: ^node<t>,

let main() -> i32
    // Generic instantiation call

    let head: node<i32>;

Generic enumerations are defined exactly like structs (see later for more information on enumerations). See later in this document for more about instantiating generic structs.


Acorn is the Oak translator, compiler, and linker. Oak is first translated into C, which is then compiled and linked.

Acorn command line arguments:

Option Verbose Purpose
-a Update acorn
-A Uninstall acorn
-c --compile Produce object files
-d --debug Toggle debug mode
-D --dialect Uses a dialect file
-e --clean Toggle erasure (default off)
-E --execute Run executable when done
-g --exe_debug Use LLVM debug flag
-h --help Show this
-i --install Install a package
-l --link Produce executables
-m --manual Produce a .md doc
-M Used for macros
-n --no_save Produce nothing
-o --output Set the output file
-O --optimize Use LLVM optimization O3
-q --quit Quit immediately
-Q --query Query an installed package
-r --reinstall Reinstall a package
-R --remove Uninstalls a package
-s --size Show Oak disk usage
-S --install Install a package
-t --translate Produce C++ files
-T --test Compile and run tests/*.oak
-u --dump Save dump files
-U Save rule log files
-v --version Show version
-w --new Create a new package
-x --syntax Ignore syntax errors

Optimization and Runtime Debugging

Oak has some limited support for compiler optimization and runtime debugging due to its use of LLVM-IR via Clang. The acorn -O and acorn -g commands tell Clang to use full compile-time optimization and allow runtime debugging respectively.

Due to Oak's mangler and rule system, runtime debugging information may not be immediately useful. For instance, generic struct instances have compilation-time-mangled names: vec<i32> will become vec_GEN_i32_ENDGEN, which is much less intuitive to a human observer. Additionally, compile-time rules may cause strange effects in the output code which may not be present in the source. Enumerations, due to their complex internal structure, also may be hard to parse to a human eye. However, with practice and use of the acorn -e flag (to view the translated c++ source code) this information should become easier to parse.

Additionally, it is worth noting that both of these options will increase compilation time, and the -g option will significantly increase the size of the output executable.


The following are the standard macros associated with Acorn.

include!(WHAT, WHAT, ..) causes the translator to also use the file(s) within. It can take .oak files. It will first look for local files. However, if no local file exists, it will check the /usr/include/oak folder. For instance, if include! is called on std/opt.oak, acorn will first look for a local ./std/opt.oak file. If none exists, it will check /usr/include/oak/std/opt.oak (which is part of the standard Oak package).

package!(WHAT, WHAT, ..) is a more advanced version of the above. See the packages section below for more details.

link!(WHAT, WHAT, ..) causes the compiler to also use the file(s) within. It takes .o files, or anything that can be used by a standard C linker. You can, for example, write a function header with no body in a .oak file, and add a link! macro containing the function definition, perhaps compiled in another language. This makes integration with C / C++ files extremely easy.

You can also define your own macros as follows. If you wanted to create a macro named hi! which expands to print("hello world"), you would do the following.

Macro arguments are always treated as strings. For instance, link!(foobar) is equivalent to link!("foobar"). You are encouraged to put quotations around any filenames.

let hi!(argc: i32, argv: ^^i8) -> i32

    print("print(\"hello world\")");


A macro is compiled separately, so if you want to use a included file within, you will have to call its inclusion macro again. You will note that a macro has the same type as a main function; This is why.

If you wanted to create a macro named print_five_times!() which prints the name of a symbol 5 types, you would do the following.

let print_five_times!(argc: i32, argv: ^str)
    if (argc != 2)
        throw(error("Invalid number of arguments."));



If you were to call print_five_times!(a), it would expand into aaaaa. If you were to call print_five_times!(a[b].c), you would receive a[b].ca[b].ca[b].ca[b].ca[b].c.


The package!(WHAT) macro imports a package. If it is not yet installed on the compiling device, it can be cloned via Git by using acorn --install PACKAGE_URL. You can update or reinstall a package via acorn --reinstall PACKAGE_URL. A few packages have known URLs, meaning you can just say acorn --install NAME, rather than the full URL. Installed packages keep their files in /usr/include/oak/NAME. Note: You can use --install or -S.

Creating Packages

Every package must have a file named oak_package_info.txt. This file takes the following form.

NAME = "name_goes_here"
VERSION = "0.0.1"
LICENSE = "license"
DATE = "July 14th, 2023"
SOURCE = "example.com/example_package"
AUTHOR = "Jordan Dehmel, Joe Shmoe"
EMAIL = "jdehmel@outlook.com, example@example.com"
ABOUT = "A demo of Oak package creation"
INCLUDE = "main_file_to_link_to.oak,another_file.oak"
SYS_DEPS = "package1 package2"

NAME is the name of the package. VERSION is the version number of the package (For instance, major release 1, minor release 15, patch 12 would be 1.15.12). DATE is the date this version was last updated. SOURCE is the URL where the package's Git repo can be found. AUTHOR is the string which contains all the package author names, separated by commas. EMAIL is the same, but for emails. ABOUT is the package description.

INCLUDE is the most important field- It contains the filepaths (relative to the main folder of the repo, IE ./) of all files which will be directly include!()-ed by Acorn at compile-time.

For instance, the STD (standard) library has a central linking file named std.oak. This file contains include! macros for all other files in the package. Thus, only std.oak needs to linked at compile time- the rest will be taken care of automatically. Thus, std/oak_package_info.txt has a line reading INCLUDE = "std.oak".

SYS_DEPS is a string containing space-separated packages required to be installed by your operating system. For instance, if a package used SDL2 and Git, it would include the line SYS_DEPS = "SDL2 git".

Packages are only managed by Git. The canonical host website is currently github.

Editing Oak

If you use VSCode, you can add this to your .vscode/settings.json file.

"files.associations": {
        "*.oak": "rust",

Rust is similar enough to Oak that you won't notice any major issues, so long as you don't enable any Rust extensions.

Preproc Definitions

There are several so-called preprocessor definitions which can be called upon. These will be replaced with their values before compilation. Each of these begin and end with two underscores.

Name Type Description
line! i128 The current line
comp_time! i128 The UNIX time of compilation
prev_file! str The path of the previous Oak file
file! str The path of the current Oak file
sys! str The operating system compiled for

Additional preprocessor definitions can be defined as follows.

let name! = definition;

Following the above definition, all occurrences of name! will be replaced by definition.

Preproc Rules and Sapling


Use with caution. Rules alter the fundamental syntax of the language.

The following subsection describes the use of the Sapling rule engine. Additional rule engines are available via minor changes to the acorn source code.

Rules are an experimental feature that allow you to add more functionality to Oak. They take in a pattern of symbols, and replace it with a different one when it is detected in the code. A pattern definition is mostly like a fragment of Oak code, save for a few special features.

The default symbol type in a rule is a literal. These match only the symbol that they are. For instance, hi would only match symbols that say hi. It would not match a symbol that said hi-llo, even though the pattern is a prefix of the latter. This is because rules operate on symbol-wise pattern matching, not character-wise pattern matching.

The second type of symbol in a rule is a variable. These take the form of a dollar sign followed by a single alphanumeric character (in regex, \$[a-zA-Z0-9]). Variables can only use single-character names, so there are a maximum of 62 variables per rule. Whatever single symbol is matched into a variable will be accessible in the output pattern.

The final type of symbol in a rule is a wildcard, represented by two dollar signs. A wildcard matches anything, but is not stored.

The dollar sign was chosen over the traditional "glob" * operator because it is not used within usual Oak code. The glob also represents multiplication, so it is not used. Using the dollar sign means that there are no backslashes needed in an Oak rule.

Output patterns do not use wildcards. Upon replacement, any occurrence of a defined variable in the output pattern will be replaced with that variable's match in the input pattern.

For instance, the input rule meow $$ $m meow would match meow woof bark meow, or indeed any other two symbols surrounded by meow's. The difference comes only in the output pattern; $s would map to bark, but woof would never be accessible. As far as the output pattern is concerned, that $$ could have matched anything.

Input and output patterns are lexed, so spaces may or may not be required within.

In a way, rules allow you to define whatever syntactic fluff you want. The rule-definition language outlined here is tentatively called Sapling. This may be stylized $apling.

Defining and Using Rules

Rules are defined using the new_rule! macro. This takes three arguments; The name of the rule, the input pattern, and the output pattern. For instance, a rule named foo_to_bar with an input pattern foo and an output pattern bar would be declared new_rule!("foo_to_bar", "foo", "bar");. Note that all arguments to rule macros must be strings. This is advisable (but not strictly required) of all macros.

Once a rule is defined, it will be inactive. To make a rule active, you must call the use_rule! macro. This takes one or more rule names, and activates those rules from that point on. Note that these rules are only active after this macro is called.

The set of active rules does not roll over when a new file is called, but the set of all rules does. This means that a included file will have access to its "parent" files' rules, but they will always be off by default. The use_rule! macro will need to be called within every file which wants to use a rule.

Removing Rules

A rule can be deactivated (but never deleted) using the rem_rule! macro. This takes zero or more arguments. If zero arguments are given, it disables all rules. If one or more, it disables the rules with the given names.

Rule Bundles

Multiple rules can be bundled together under one name by using the bundle_rule! macro. This takes two or more arguments, with the first argument being the name of the bundle. The remaining arguments are the names of the rules which fall within this bundle. This allows you to use a single use_rule! call to activate a hole suite of rules.

Bundles cannot be disabled all at once; You will need to call rem_rule! for each of their component rules. A bundle with a given name will always overwrite a rule with the same name, except in a bundle_rule! call. A rule can never overwrite a macro call, but can overwrite anything else. Rules cannot find special / comment symbols (like the secret //__LINE__= symbol).


// File "source.oak"


new_rule!("everything_to_meow", "$$", "meow");
new_rule!("remove_meow", "meow", "");



these symbols will be destroyed by the meow menace

Any file which calls include!("source.oak"); would have access to the remove_everything rule, but it would always be off by default.

Here is the source code of the std_method bundle, which does automatic method reformatting.

new_rule!("argless_mut_method", "$a . . $b ( )", "$b ( @ $a )");
new_rule!("argless_method", "$a . $b ( )", "$b ( $a )");
new_rule!("mut_method", "$a . . $b (", "$b ( @ $a ,");
new_rule!("const_method", "$a . $b (", "$b ( $a ,");


Stored Globs

As of version 0.0.2, Sapling also has several more features. On such feature is $+, which is a wildcard that matches any one or more symbols. It may not be the first or last symbol in a Sapling sequence, as it is terminated only by the first instance of the following symbol (if it were the first item, it would be highly inefficient). Another such, with the same rules, is $*. This symbol matches any zero or more symbols that are not the following symbol. With these two symbols, no occurrence of the following symbol may match anywhere within. Additionally, a variable may not occur directly after either.

hi $* ( ) would match hi hello hello hello hello ( ), but not hi hello hello ( hello ) ( ).

This update also introduces a stored glob operator $*X with X being another single-character variable name. For instance, if $*a { -> if ( $a ) { would auto-parenthesize if statements.

// STD Oak dialect rules

"if $*a {" "if ( $a ) {"
"while $*a {" "while ( $a ) {"

// NOT final; We want to use STD_OD as a jumping-off point

It also introduces the merge operator $< for output patterns. This fuses the preceding and proceeding symbols, without any separation. For instance, ( $t )( $*f ) -> to $< $t ( $f ) would convert standard cast notation into the Oak equivalent.

Rule Memory

During the matching of a rule via Sapling, the engine will keep track of the history of the attempt thus far. This history is called the rule memory. You can reset the memory with the $~ card, or pipe the entire contents into a variable with the $>X card (where X is the variable).

Pair Matching

Consider the following rule, taken from an old version of the std Oak package.

    "for ( $*a ; $*b ; $*c ) { $*d }",
    "{ $a ; while ( $b ) { $d $c ; } }"

A modified version of this still underlies the Oak for loop system. However, what happens if we embed an if statement within a for loop in the above example? The rule would stop tracking $d as soon as it encountered the ending curly brace of the if statement, possibly breaking all following code. We need a card which can handle pairs of opening and closing symbols. $<$OPEN$CLOSE$> is just such a card. If we replace OPEN with an opening curly brace and CLOSE with a closing one, this card will recognize any one or more nested set of curly braces and move beyond them (more specifically, it will maintain an internal counter, incrementing it upon OPEN, decrementing it upon CLOSE and only ceasing once it reaches zero). This can be use in conjunction with rule memory to store the entire set of nesting braces in a variable.

Below is the modern Oak equivalent of this rule.

    "for ( $*a ; $*b ; $*c ) $~ $<${$}$> $>g",
    "$a ; while ( $b ) { $g $c ; }"

This version can recognize infinitely nested sets of curly brackets with no issues.

Note: The Sapling interpreter is somewhere between a deterministic finite automata and a push-down automata.


A suite is a set of multiple literals, any of which can be matched in a given position. A suite is denoted as follows.


Similarly, a negated suite matches any single symbol except those within.


For both of these, literals are delineated by the dollar sign.

Negative Lookbehind and Lookahead

A negative lookbehind, denoted by


causes a pattern fail if the previous character was the specified literal. It does not advance the current position, so

$/<hi $/<hey hello

Would match any occurrence of hello not prefaced by hi or hey.

Similarly, there is the negative lookahead, denoted by


This works identically to the negative lookbehind, except with the following symbol instead of the preceding one.

Note: There is no positive lookahead or lookbehind in Sapling.


Dialect files introduce rules that are handled before all others and which are always enabled by the translator. This allows for the creation of Oak dialects, or syntactically different languages which use rules to collapse into regular Oak at translation-time.

Dialect files (.od files, for Oak Dialect) consist of a few types of line. There can be comments, marked by // (slash-slash-space). A line can read clear, which erases all existing dialect rules. It could also read final, which disables any further dialect changes. Finally, a line could read "INPUT PATTERN HERE" "OUTPUT PATTERN HERE", with an input and an output pattern enclosed by quotes and separated by a space.

Dialects are loaded via the acorn -D filename.od argument.

Theoretically, Oak's ability to construct and use dialects means that it can be used to process other languages into itself. A properly-constructed dialect file could instruct acorn to turn a Rust file into Oak and compile it. This is obviously a long way off, however, and will require a more advanced language than Sapling.

Translator Passes

The Oak translator goes through the following passes when processing a file from Oak to C. Each of these represents (at minimum) one full pass over the entire file. In stages after stage 3, they represent symbol-wise iteration, but before then they represent character-wise iteration.

1 - Syntax checking 2 - Lexicographical symbol parsing (lexing) 3 - Compiler macros (file inclusions, linker commands, etc) 4 - Rule parsing and substitution (handles rule macros) 5 - Macro definition scanning 6 - Regular macro call handling 7 - Preprocessor definition insertion 8 - Parenthesis and operator substitution 9 - Sequencing 10 - (External) Object file creation via clang 11 - (External) Executable linking via clang

Special Symbols

Special symbols are inserted during lexing to retain metadata. They are essentially ways for the lexer to talk to the compiler. They are ignored by nearly every other stage of translation. This is, for instance, how acorn knows which line an error occurs on even though the Oak lexer erases newlines extremely early in processing. Special symbols are prefixed with two slashes, like a comment. The line special symbol looks like this: //__LINE__=X, with X being replaced by the current line.

As a front-end user of acorn, you shouldn't have to worry about special symbols. They will appear in some parts of acorn-generated dump files, but otherwise they should not appear anywhere (even Sapling ignores them).

Time and Space Complexities

Oak translation, in theory, runs in time complexity proportional to the sum number of characters in the included files; O(n). This analysis assumes that this number of characters outnumbers the number of symbols, and that any further iterative process takes fewer steps that this. The space complexity is the same as the time complexity. These prepositions may prove to be false, however, warranting a more thorough analysis.

The "std" rule

The std rule (included in the "std" package) allows Oak to behave more like other languages. For instance, it allows the use of OBJ.FN()-style method calls and OBJ[IND]-style array accesses. More detail can be found by examining std/std.oak or std/std.od.

The std/math.oak File

The "std/math.oak" file provides some math functions, and is analogous to C++'s cmath. Below is a table describing the included functions.

Name Description Notes
abs Returns the absolute value of a number
pow Returns a to the power of b Runs in O(b)
math_pi Returns pi (3.14159..)
math_e Returns e (2.71828..)
fact Returns the factorial of a number
sin Returns sin of a value (radians) Uses a 9th order Taylor polynomial
cos Returns cos of a value (radians) Uses sin
tan Returns tan of a value (radians) Uses sin and cos
floor Rounds a number down
ceiling Rounds a number up
round Rounds a number
sqrt Returns the square root of a number Uses Newtonian iteration
f_mod Returns a modulo b (floats)
min Returns the smaller of a and b
max Returns the larger of a and b
even Returns true if a number is even

Multithreading and the std/threads.oak File

Oak provides some basic multithreading support as of version 0.0.4. This comes via the "std/threads.oak" file. A thread begins a new thread when you call start(@t, @f), where t is the thread and f is a function mapping void to void (let f() -> void). After a thread has begun, you must wait for it to complete. To halt the execution of the instantiating thread until the instantiated thread has finished, call join(@t) for some t: thread. See later for more help on function pointers.

SDL2 and the sdl Package

Simple DirectMedia Layer 2, or SDL2 is a framework for accessing low-level system IO. The Oak git repo includes a basic Oak package called sdl which interfaces with the C SDL2 library. This allows some graphics to be created by Oak.

Translation Units

Unlike the C family of languages, Oak has a built-in build system. No makefiles or command-line flags are necessary (or, for the latter, allowed).

For instance, to compile a file using SDL2 in C++, you would need to say something like

clang++ foobar.cpp -I/usr/include/SDL2 -D_REENTRANT -L/usr/lib -lSDL2

With proper library construction, the corresponding Oak command can be simply acorn foobar.oak.

This auto-build system necessitates the concept of the translation unit.

The term translation unit has been thrown around without explanation several times in this document. A translation unit in the context of Oak is the network of .oak, .o, .od, .cpp, .hpp, .h, and .c files used by acorn during a given command.

For instance, the command acorn tests/macro_test.oak would begin with a translation unit containing only tests/macro_test.oak. If that test were to open with the line package!("std");, the translation unit would grow to include the file listed under INCLUDE= in the std package. This file (std/std.oak), would likely contain link!, include!, and possibly even package! macros, all of which would expand the translation unit.

When addendum VI mentioned that only one thread function may be defined per translation unit, that means that a file is barred from using multithreading if any of its "parent" files use it.

Member Padding in Interface Libraries

This section is confusing and is only necessary to read if you are developing an interfacial library.

It is sometimes required for the C version of a struct to have more members than its Oak counterpart. For instance, the interface for the sdl package defines the sdl_window struct. On the C side of the interface, this struct contains a SDL_Window * member and a SDL_Renderer * member. These two items are not included in Oak because they would require too many useless symbols to be loaded into memory. If they were included, all structs and definitions which are somehow related to them would need to be interfaced and loaded as well. Oak's solution to this is member padding. It is perfectly legal to have mismatched struct members across an interface, as long as one is not smaller than the other and padding is never touched. This explains why the sdl_window struct has the confusing line __a, __b, __c, __d: i128,. This adds four i128 members, effectively requiring 64 bytes of space at the end of the struct. This space holds the extra members on the C side.

If a program were to modify the padding of a padded struct, the other side of the interface would have its data destroyed and made nonsensical.

// sdl/sdl_interface.c

struct sdl_window
    u64 width, height;

    SDL_Window *wind;
    SDL_Renderer *rend;
// sdl/sdl_interface.oak

let sdl_window: struct
    width, height: i32,
    __a, __b, __c, __d: i128,

'str' vs 'string'

The atomic str struct is exclusively for statically-stored string literals. Anything that is included in your source code surrounded by quotations is a str. These are of fixed size, and are stored directly in the compiled source code. On the other hand, the string struct (available through the std/string.oak file) is a dynamically-resizing container for storing strings. These structs keep their memory on the heap, so they can be of any size. These are much more useful, as they can be the return type of functions and Oak can more easily interface with them. Internally, strings are dynamically-resizing arrays of i8 atomics (in C++ terms, a vector of char's). string structs were introduced in Oak 0.0.6.

Input and Output Files

The std/files.oak file defines the i_file and o_file structs, which handle input and output to and from files respectively. i_files read from files, and o_files write to files. std/files.oak is an interface to the C FILE * system.

i_files and o_files do not open a file when they are created! You must call the open method before they can be used to read or write.

Here is a useful demonstration of both structs.


let main() -> i32
    // Write test file
    let out: o_file;
    let to_write: string;

    New(@to_write, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\n");

    // Read test file
    let str_a: string;
    let str_b: string;

    let inp: i_file;
    str_a = inp.read(to_u128(5));
    str_b = inp.read(to_u128(5));

    print("a: ");
    print("\nb: ");


Function Pointers

A variable can store a pointer to a function. For instance, a variable f can hold a pointer to a function taking an i32 and yielding an i32 via the code let f: ^(i32) -> i32;. The argument types go inside the parenthesis, and the return type after the -> yield operator. This variable can later be made to point to any function mapping the argument list to the yield type. It can be called in the same way as any other functions.

For example, the program


let a(what: i32) -> i32

let b(what: i32) -> i32
    (2 * what)

let main() -> i32
    let f: ^(i32) -> i32;
    f = @a;


    f = @b;



would print



Enums in Oak are essentially ways for one type to encompass multiple types. Enums are very similar to structs, except that they can hold only one of their values at once. However, unlike a C++ union, the type of an Oak enum is also stored. In this way, it is like a combination of C++'s enum and union. An Oak enum declaration looks like this:

let example: enum
    option_a: i32,
    option_b: unit,
    option_c: preexisting_struct_name,

Note that an Oak enum looks exactly like an Oak struct. Enums are handled through use of the match statement as below.

let main() -> i32
    // Assume the previous code chunk is included
    let obj: example;

    match (obj)
        case option_a(data)
            // `data` becomes a pointer to the i32 which
            // option_a entails

        case option_b()
            // In this case, no variable is captured from
            // option_b. This is almost always the case for unit
            // structs (obviously) but can also be done with
            // non-unit structs.

            // There can be no capture in a default option,
            // because the capture's type could not be known at
            // compile-time.


The match statement is one of two ways to access the data inside enums in Oak, with the other being the compiler-generated "wrap" methods. The compiler generates

let wrap_OPTION_NAME(self: ^ENUM_NAME, data: OPTION_TYPE) -> void

for each option OPTION_NAME in an enum ENUM_NAME. This wraps the data variable into the enum. This all happens via a compiler C interface.

Note that, if the type of an enum option is the unit struct, the compiler will instead generate a single-argument "wrap" method, taking only the self.

Generally speaking, a wrap method puts data into an enum, and a match statement accesses it.

The printf! macro

The printf! (print formatted) macro is a very useful and compact way to print things. It is available via include!("std/printf.oak");. This is similar, but not exactly like, C's printf function. The first argument to the printf! is a format string. Any percentage signs % within this format string will be replaced by the macro arguments which follow. For instance, printf!("hello %\n", 5); would print hello 5. This works with literals or variables- anything for which the single-argument print function is defined. The first argument after the format string corresponds to the first %, the second to the second, and so on. For instance, printf!("% % % % %", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5); would print 1 2 3 4 5.


let main() -> i32
    printf!("The number five: % \nThe number six: % \n", 5, 6);
        "The following should be a literal percentage sign: \\%\n"

    printf!("This test the failure system of printf % \n");

    let i: i32 = 5;
    let j: f64 = 1.234;
        "Variable i is %, j is %, and some text is '%'.\n",
        "some text here"


NULL Values and Error Handling: opt<t> and result<g, b>

Oak, like any sane language, has no NULL. Any item which may sometimes be NULL must be explicitly wrapped in an opt enum. This enum has only two options: some and none. In the some state, it holds exactly one instance of the generic t.

Similarly, Oak does not have a throw / catch error system. Instead, the control flow must be explicitly controlled at compile-time. Any function which has the possibility to error must return its values wrapped in a result<g, b> enum. This has two states, ok and err. The ok state holds one instance of the g (for good) generic, while the err state holds one instance of b (for bad). Error recovery must be explicitly handled via match statements.


The assert! macro is an extension of the panic! macro, and is available in std/panic_inter.oak. assert! takes a single argument. If this argument evaluates to false, it will call panic!. Otherwise, it will do nothing. The literal output of this macro is if (CONDITION) {} else { panic!("CONDITION"); }. This makes it a recursive macro, or a macro which calls other macros.

Boolean Expansion Rules

Oak has very limited functionality for boolean values by default. For instance, Oak has no negation (!) operator, because the operation-substitution portion of the compiler only handles binary operations (ones which have a left and right side). The negation operator is unary, and thus is not handled there. The bool rule (available via std/bool.oak) provides this functionality, as well all allowing the python-style not, or, and and keywords.

Note: While using the bool rule, both ! and and are legal ways to call the negation operator.

Efforts to Reduce Undefined Behavior

To cut down on undefined behavior (resulting from uninitialized variables), every datatype in Oak has one and only one "default" constructor. The default constructors of all struct members are called upon instantiation. This default value is said to be the "canonical" or "unit" value of that datatype.

As such, Oak cannot have uninitialized variables.

Instantiation Blocks and Generic Data Structures

As should be obvious to anyone who has worked with a templated data structure library, it is necessary for structures to generically have not only members, but methods. However, Oak as discussed thus far has no way to instantiate a group of generic methods when a generic data structure is instantiated. This is where the pre and post keywords come in. A pre keyword means that the following code block will need to be run before a template is instantiated. post is the same, but it is run after the instantiation. Failure in either of these code blocks means that the template is invalid, but is not treated as a compiler error.

let list<t>: struct
    data: t,
    next: ^list<t>,

let New<t>(self: ^list<t>) -> void;
let Del<t>(self: ^list<t>) -> void;

let main() -> i32

    let node: list<i32>;


Oak as discussed so far necessitates lines 7 and 8. These tell the compiler to instantiate the generic functions New and Del for use with t = i32. However, this is obviously cumbersome to an end user. Thus, we introduce the post block.

let list<t>: struct
    data: t,
    next: ^list<t>,
    New<t>(self: ^list<t>);
    Del<t>(_: ^list<t>);

let New<t>(self: ^list<t>) -> void;
let Del<t>(self: ^list<t>) -> void;

let main() -> i32
    let node: list<i32>;

The above code tells the compiler to instantiate New and Del with the t generic anytime the node<t> template is instantiated. Thus, these are automatically instantiated by the compiler when the struct is. Also notice that the argument name in the post block doesn't matter, so long as the rest of the instantiator call matches the candidate.

This system is in response to the fact that, in Oak, a struct does not inherently "come" with any methods, and thus the exact methods to instantiate with a generic struct are unknown. This allows the programmer to tell the compiler exactly what is needed for use with the struct.

Explicit, Implicit / Casual, and Autogen Function Definitions

It is often useful to separate the declaration of a function from its implementation (see the earlier section on division of labor). However, it is necessary for any function to have exactly one implementation to avoid undefined behavior. When creating structs, a definition for New and Del are always required. However, it is not always practical to write these functions explicitly each time, especially if they are to be unit (empty) functions. For these reasons, we introduce the concepts of explicit, implicit, and autogen function definitions.

// A casual definition
let do_thing() -> void;

// An explicit definition
let do_thing() -> void

All casual definitions are erased when an explicit definition is called. This allows external definitions and interfacial files. For instance, you could link an object file to Oak which provides the definition for a casual definition. You cannot, however, do this with an explicit definition. This will cause multiple definitions of the symbol.

When a struct is defined, a unit explicit definition for New and Del are added to the symbol table. These do provide an explicit definition, and thus cannot be overridden. There is, however, a way to avoid this. Casual definitions erase not only implicit definitions, but also auto-generated unit definitions. Thus, if you provide a casual definition for New or Del, you can define them in external object files and link them together.

Autogen functions are marked with the //autogen special symbol.

Naming Conventions for Library Files

File names, especially in libraries, and especially in the Oak std library, should be clear and concise. Names should be singular, even if the file describes a class or data structure (IE std/strings.oak should become std/string.oak). Files linking Oak to another language should be as physically close as possible to their partner file as possible. These interfacial partner files should be named as close to the Oak naming scheme as is possible for their language, and their compiled object files must adhere to the Oak naming scheme. File names may be shortened to a reasonable degree, so long as they do not conflict with any other package and their full name can be reasonably extracted from the abbreviation (for instance, input_output.oak to io.oak is a valid abbreviation). The same can be said about struct and enum names. If there is an addendum required to the name, it should go after the main name (for instance, the std file std/conv_extra.oak).

Files should provide nothing more than they have to. If you have the option to split something (especially interfaces) off into its own file, you generally should do so. For example, std/unit.oak is one line of code long (let unit: struct;) because it does not need to have anything more. Oak code and, by extension, .oak files should be minimalist.

c_print!, c_sys! and c_panic!

c_print! prints a message at compile time, concatenating the passed strings. c_panic! does the same thing, but throws the result as a compile error. c_sys! runs a command at compile time. In any of these cases, the message will be prefaced by its originating file and line number. Since these macros are compile-time only, any variables passed will not be evaluated; Only their names will be printed.

The c refers to compilation, not to the C programming language.

Pointer Macros

Because Oak uses pointers to denote mutability, functions are allowed to automatically reference or dereference arguments. However, in maintaining interoperability with the C family, Oak also supports pointer arrays. This combination of facts makes Oak pointers uniquely hard to work with. To address this, the ptrarr! and ptrcpy! macros are used. ptrcpy! takes two pointers, and copies the second into the first. If these are a and b, it performs a = b. ptrarr! takes the head of a pointer array and an integer. If we are to denote these a and b, it returns a[(unsigned long long)b] (that is to say, *(a + (unsigned long long)b)).

Note: Pointer copying is only allowed in places where alloc! and free! are valid, since it can cause duplicate addresses. ptrcpy! can also accept 0 as its second argument, setting the pointer to the null pointer.

The Erase Macro

Oak does not have private members, but sometimes it is still useful to disallow the use of a type after its declaration. In this case, you can use the erase! macro. This takes the name of a struct, and disallows it from being used again. For instance, the std/interface.oak file provides erased structs of various sizes for use in struct interfaces. These items can never be accessed, but still take up space within a struct.

Test Suites

A test suite is a set of unit tests that acorn will compile and optionally execute in order to test the validity of a build. A test suite is created by creating a folder named tests, and putting any number of *.oak files within it. After this structure has been imposed, acorn -T will compile the entire test suite and report on any failures it discovers. Similarly, acorn -TE will compile and execute each item in the test suite. acorn -TT will test as usual, but stop going after the first failure. The same goes for acorn -TTE. A compilation is considered a success if and only if the acorn compile process returns no errors. An execution is considered a success if and only if its main function returns a 0. Either failure case occurring will be considered a failure and will count towards an internal failure counter. The results of running the test suite will be reported after the test's conclusion.

The Oak standard test suite is included in the installation git repo. Each item within this test suite must compile in order for an Oak update to be considered valid. This can be tested via make test or acorn -T. These items do not need to execute with a zero exit status, as some of them are demonstrations.

Test suite executables are not individually saved. Each test is compiled into a.out, which is overwritten by the next test.

Advanced Language Augmentation Via raw_c! Macro

The raw_c! macro completely bypasses the Oak compiler and directly inserts its arguments as C code. This can be used for more advanced language development features which may require efficiency or capabilities beyond that of Oak.

Future Improvements to $apling - TARM

$apling is limited in the modifications it can make to Oak, but it is nevertheless a vital resource. In addition to the existing rule system, a more powerful rule engine is in development. This new rule system is called TARM, for Token Augmentation Register Machine. It is a type of Turing Machine optimized for low-level token stream augmentations which will be controlled by an assembly language. A rigorous exploration of TARM will not be attempted here, especially since it is not yet implemented into Oak.

acorn version 0.2.11 introduced the option for multiple rule engines, allowing the future integration of TARM.

List of Keywords

The following are the canonical Oak keywords- That is to say, these words cannot be the names of variables, structs, enums, or functions in canonical Oak. Oak aims to have as few keywords as possible, keeping with its theme of baseline minimalism.

  • let
  • if
  • else
  • while
  • match
  • case
  • default
  • pre
  • post

Note: There is nothing stopping a rule or dialect from adding more keywords. For instance, the bool rules add the and, not, and or keywords.

List of Atomic Structs

The following are atomic (built-in, indivisible) types.

  • struct
  • enum
  • integers - u8, i8, u16, i16, u32, i32, u64, i64, u128, i128
  • floats - f32, f64, f128
  • str - equal to ^i8
  • bool
  • void

The unit (memberless 1 byte) struct is provided by std/unit.oak.

List of Keyword-Like Macros

The following are atomic (built-in, indivisible) macros.

  • include!
  • link!
  • package!
  • new_rule!
  • use_rule!
  • bundle_rule!
  • erase!
  • alloc!
  • free!
  • c_print!
  • c_panic!
  • c_sys!
  • type!
  • size!
  • ptrcpy!
  • ptrarr!
  • raw_c!

This list is not inclusive, as additional compiler macros are constantly being added.

Misc. Notes

Some miscellaneous notes which are not long enough to warrant their own section in this document:

  • Oak does not have namespaces under the canonical dialect, although the namespace or std rules provide a simulacrum of them.
  • Oak was previously (0.1.*) translated to C++. As of 0.2.0, it is instead translated to C.
  • As of version 0.0.10, the New and Del operator aliases are single-argument only. Just use Copy for anything else.
  • You can call a multi-argument = operator (Copy) like this: a = (b, c, d); (as of Oak 0.0.10)

Packages Included With the Standard Install

The following packages are included with the Oak source code on github. These can be installed via the command make packages.


This package includes a regular expression interface and some resources for bitwise, hexadecimal, and ASCII printing of data structures. These prints allow you to see the contents of any arbitrary type.


This package interfaces with the C SDL2 library, which allows access to graphics. This library is useful for games.


This package includes files vital for the function of nearly all Oak programs. It should be included in virtually all programs.


This package is the standard templated library for Oak. It includes generic implementations of the following data structures.

  • Binary Search Tree
  • List (doubly linked list)
  • Map (linear probing symbol table)
  • Queue
  • Set
  • Stack
  • Vector (vec)

Oak Compiler Structure

This section is not required for a programmer-level understanding of the Oak language, but may be useful for troubleshooting and deeper understanding. The sections detailed below view each section of the Oak compiler as a discrete object, even when that is not technically the case (for instance, "the sequencer" and the "reconstructor" are really tightly intertwined, and few, if any, of the underlying units are represented by C++ objects in code).

The following sections represent a tangled nest of calls, and thus it should not be assumed that they are presented in the strict order in which they occur.

Intermediate Language Choice

acorn uses C as an intermediate representation. This is done for the sake of portability, since C is very close to a universal machine language and C compilers have been heavily optimized. In early development, acorn instead used C++, but this proved too costly and largely unnecessary. It is plausible that acorn one day switches to LLVM IR instead of C, but this is not immediately probable and should not be expected.

Compiler Frontend and acorn

The acorn resource is a wrapper for the underlying Oak compiler system. It also provides numerous other resources, such as package management, which will not be detailed in this section. As far as the Oak compilation process is concerned, acorn takes in a file name, and processes all the code within that file, recursively following inclusions therein.

It also handles higher-level calls to external systems. For instance, acorn calls the C compiler after the translation process, and the C++ linker after compilation. While the following compiler sections are usually devoted to being free of fluff, acorn is allowed to have user-friendly features.

Upon taking in a file name, the compiler frontend calls the lexer upon its contents. The lexer is detailed next.

Lexical Tokenization and the Lexer

Note: Within Oak documentation, the terms token and symbol are often taken to have the same meaning. Additionally, "lexical tokenization" is referred to as "lexicographical symbol parsing". This is an Oak-specific term.

The lexer takes in a string, and returns a token stream (a stream of discrete strings, each of which is the smallest it could meaningfully be). This process is called lexical tokenization, and these tokens will be the only thing used by the remainder of the compilation process.

Tokenization is context-dependant. The same symbol set that in one place would signify a new token could, in another, continue on in the same token. For instance, if the lexer came across the string "a+8", it would yield the token stream "a", "+", "8". If it instead came across the string "a8+8", it would yield "a8", "+", "8". In this case, the 8 caused a new token to be started when following +, but not when following a.

During lexing, several important processes happen. The first of these is that all comments, single-line or multi-line, are erased. All #-begun lines (the only legal use of which being the shebang #!/path/to/program) are also removed. The second important process is the insertion of special symbols. These are symbols which are ignored by everything following this process. They carry additional information that might otherwise be lost by tokenization, like the line number. These begin with //, but they are not tokenizations of comments in the source code. They are only inserted by the lexer, not the source code.

The final pass of the lexer is called the conglomeration pass. At this time, the tokenized input will be iterated over, and qualifying series of tokens will be merged. For instance, - is a valid token on its own, but when it precedes a number, it should not be considered its own token. Similarly, two string literals separated by whitespace will be merged together.

Operation Substitution

The operation substitution phase of compilation replaces operator calls (addition, subtraction, etc) with their formal function call definitions. This phase is a sort of hardcoded preprocessor rule pass. After this phase, no operators remain- only function calls.

Preprocessor Rules and the Rule Processor

A rule is a combination of an input pattern and an output pattern. The input pattern represents, via a series of cards (space-separated tokens which match some set of other tokens), the set of token streams which the rule targets. The output pattern is the content which a match will be replaced by in the token stream. There are several special cards for output patterns as well. More about the specifics of rules can be found earlier in this document.

The rule processor, which is by default $apling, is a specialized turing machine (or, for more limited rule processors, deterministic finite automata) for the augmentation of patterns of tokens (or symbols, in Oak terminology).

The original $apling is a push-down automata, meaning it has limited functionality. However, work is in progress to replace it with a Token-Augmentation Register Machine (TARM), which will offer Turing-completeness and thus more complete functionality.

Side Note: The Hierarchy of Automata

The following lists several models of automata from least powerful to most, with an example for each. Each successive class can perform all computations of those above it and more.

  • Combinatorial Logic (Boolean logic)
  • Finite-State Automata (RegEx)
  • Push-Down Automata (Sapling rule engine)
  • Turing Machine (TARM rule engine)

Part 0- Rule Engines

A rule engine is a function which takes in a certain portion of the input token stream and augments it in some way. This is an abstraction which allows $apling and TARM to function interchangeably in the compilation process. New rule engines can only be added by directly modifying the C++ acorn source code and recompiling. Thus, they are not to be considered a front-facing resource for developers- Even those of dialects.

Part 1- Rule Loading

Upon encounter of the new_rule! macro, the acorn compiler frontend adds the rule contained within into its internal bank of rules. Upon use_rule!, it copies that rule into the bank of rules which are used in the current file. use_rule! does not carry over into other files.

The standard call to new_rule! takes three arguments: A rule name, an input pattern, and an output pattern. However, if a fourth argument is provided, it will be treated as the rule engine. If no such engine is provided, $apling will be presumed.

Part 2- Compile-Time Rule Application

During the iterative process executed by the acorn compiler frontend on a given file, there is a stage wherein rules are handled. The specific execution location of this stage, as well as the number of times it is executed, has changed numerous times in the lifetime of Oak.

During this phase of compilation, the token stream is iterated over, and each of the active rules are applied. If a rule matches, the matched token stream section is replaced accordingly. The specifics of this vary according to the rule processor's pattern language, and cannot be detailed here. More information about these specifics can be found earlier in this document.

Note: This process can occur multiple times. A rule can, for instance, cause the inclusion of another file which must be loaded before compilation can continue. This might, in turn, require the application of more rules. This section ceases after no further rules can be applied.

Macros, Definitions and the Macro Instantiation Unit

Macros are compile-time functions. They output raw code, which is then used by the final program. They have the same notation as compiler macros, which are analogous to preprocessor directives in other languages. Technically, however, compiler macros operate on the compiler itself, rather than the source code's token stream.

Preprocessor definitions are compile-time constants, as opposed to functions. They are analogous to C's #define directive, except that they cannot be redefined after creation.

Note: Macros and definitions cannot be redefined. Attempting to do so will cause an error.

Macro definitions are collected by the acorn compiler frontend during one phase of the iterative compilation process, and replaced with their corresponding values before sequencing.

Macro definitions are written to their own temporary .oak file during the build process. After this, they are compiled into executables by acorn. Input to a macro is provided as command line arguments into these executables, and their cout output is reinserted into the code at the desired spot.

Syntax Trees and the Sequencer

Sequencing is the penultimate step of compilation, followed by reconstruction. This is the most time-consuming step, where the specific semantic meanings of statements are determined and they are translated into their equivalent low-level-language code. This is a highly recursive process, and is always evolving.

Oak sequencing is perhaps best detailed by the source code itself. Thus, this author invites you to analyze sequence.cpp.

Translation and the Reconstructor

The final phase of compilation is reconstruction, in which the low-level statements generated by sequencing are assembled into an equivalent C program, which is then compiled. This essentially works as a specialized traversal of the syntax tree where each node is replaced by its C statement. This C code is then written to an output file and compiled via an external C compiler. If so desired, a C++ linker can also be called.

Templating and the Template Instantiation Unit

Note: In Oak, the terms templated and generic are used interchangeably. The former comes from C++, and the later from Rust (in the author's experience).

The template instantiation unit is the section of the Oak compiler which handles instantiation calls for generic / templated code blocks. There are three parts to the instantiation process, detailed below.

Part 1- Generic Insertion

When a function, enum or struct is detected to be generic (via the <t>-style generic declaration), it is inserted as a template into the template instantiation unit's internal bank of templates. The specific generic arguments are also stored, as well as the type (for instance, a function or enum).

Part 2- Instantiation Call

Later on, the sequencer will detect a call to the instantiator, denoted <some_type_which_exists>. Upon hearing this, the instantiator will search through its templates until it finds one which suites the call (some template such that, when the generic is substituted into the type, the resulting type matches that used in the instantiator call). Alternatively, if this specific template / generic combination has already been instantiated, it will simply return. Otherwise, once the correct template has been identified, it will move on to part 3.

Part 3 A- Pre and Post Blocks

A pre block represents the things which must be true in order for a certain template to be viable. For instance, the choice of whether to use a tree or hash-table based lookup table will depend on whether the data is hashable or only comparable. A pre block can check for hashability, and reject a given template if it cannot be ensured.

A post block represents things that should logically be instantiated along with a given template. For instance, if we are instantiating a struct, we would logically also want to instantiate its constructor and destructor.

pre blocks are executed before the main template during an instantiation call, and post blocks are executed after.

Part 3 B- Template Substitution

Upon the selection of the proper code block, the instantiator will begin by iterating through the tokens of the code block, replacing any occurrence of the i-th generic with the i-th generic specified during the instantiator call. For instance, if the template was declared via <t, h> and the instantiator call was <i32, f64>, it would replace all instances of t with i32 and all instances of h with f64. After this replacement, the resulting code section would be fed to the sequencer like any other code. This causes the symbols within to be entered into the global namespace as if they were never generics at all.

Note: The generic system exists exclusively within Oak; There is no way to interface C++ generics with Oak or vice-versa.

Package Importing Via the package! Macro

The package! macro belongs to the compiler macros, in that it directly controls the actions of the compiler before any other code is evaluated (roughly equivalent to the preprocessor in C). Upong a call to package!, the compiler looks for a directory in the Oak include directory which matches the passed name. On UNIX systems, this directory is /usr/include/oak. If you wanted to import the std package, acorn would check for the existance of /usr/include/oak/std. If this folder does not exist, acorn throws an error.

Assuming that the aforementioned folder does exist, acorn attempts to load the oak_package_info.txt file within it. This is a specially formatted file which tells the compiler some basic information about the package: Most importantly, it contains an INCLUDE tag, which lists the file(s) to include when the package is loaded by the compiler. This value is usually a central "linkage" file which links all the others together. Upon finding this entry point, acorn will begin loading all files included by the package. After finishing, it will return to after the original include! statement.

The Mangler

The mangler is how Oak differentiates between functions with identical names but different types. It takes in a type and a function name, and returns a string which fully disambiguates this function from any others of the same name. It does this by appending a certain special string for each item in the type.

Prefix - Oak's Internal Type Representation

Oak types can be represented in a linear fashion. Consider the following code.

let a: i32;

Internally, Oak's symbol table will store a definition for a with type ["i32"] (where [] represents a C++ vector).

let b: ^^i32;

Oak would store this type as [PTR, PTR, "i32"]. Similarly,

let c(arg: bool) -> void;

would be [FN, "bool", MAPS, "void"]. A more complex version like

let d(arg_a: ^i32, arg_b: ^^bool) -> bool;

would become [FN, PTR, "i32", JOIN, PTR, PTR, "bool", MAPS, "bool"]. This is a way to represent unambiguous types in a linear vector format. The mangler leverages this to turn a type vector into a string.

The Mangler: Easy Cases

If a symbol a has the type [FN, "i32", MAPS, "void"], the mangler would produce the output name a_FN_i32_MAPS_void. This symbol would keep the same type, but would be unambiguous in name. This is one of the reasons why capital letters are not allowed to coexist with underscores in Oak- it could interfere with the mangler.

The following are several more complex cases mapping input Oak directly to its output C.

let a(arg: i32, arg_b: ^^bool) -> bool;

let foo: struct

let b(arg: foo) -> ^void;
let c(arg: ^(_: bool) -> void) -> void;
struct foo

bool a_FN_i32_JOIN_PTR_PTR_bool_MAPS_bool(i32 arg, bool **arg_b);
void *b_FN_foo_MAPS_PTR_void(struct foo arg);
void c_FN_PTR_FN_bool_MAPS_void_MAPS_void(void (*arg)(bool));

This can become a pain in interfacial files, where the literal name of the symbol defined externally must match the Oak mangled version. However, many language manglers do not even provide a consistent standard across compilers, so Oak is at least better than that.

The Mangler: Edge Cases

Consider the following Oak code for a singly-linked list node.

let node<t>: struct
    data: t,
    next: ^node<t>,
    New<t>(_: ^node<t>);

let New<t>(self: ^node<t>) -> void
    // ...

let main()

What does the instance of New created for node<i32> mangle to? In fact, what does node<i32> mangle to? Oak's target language is C, which does not have generics, so it cannot contain the <...> syntax.

As you may have guessed, this solution is solved similarly to the one mentioned above. node<i32> simply mangles to node_GEN_i32_ENDGEN, and this is used as its atomic type name internally for mangling purposes. This means that the Oak

let New<i32>(self: ^node<i32>) -> void

will mangle to the C

void New_FN_PTR_node_GEN_i32_ENDGEN_MAPS_void(struct node_GEN_i32_ENDGEN *self);

This means it is possible for the compiler (and technically the programmer) to tell the type of a given symbol in the target C code given just its mangled name.

Function Candidate Identification

There are several ways in which a function can be matched to a function call.

  • Precision match (all types match exactly)
  • Implicit casting for built-in types
  • Auto referencing and dereferencing

Demonstration of the first case:

let fn(a: foo, b: bar) -> void;

let main() -> i32
    let first: foo;
    let second: bar;

    fn(first, second);


Demonstration of the second case:

let fn(a: i128) -> void;

let main() -> i32
    let arg: i32;



Demonstration of the third case:

let fn(a: ^i32) -> void;

let main() -> i32
    let arg: i32;


    let arg2: ^^i32;



If a function signature can be matched exactly, the compiler will not look for signatures using casting. If a signature can be found exactly or by using casting, the compiler will not look for signatures requiring referencing or dereferencing.

Note: Implicit casting can cast anything from the set [i8, u8, i16, u16, i32, u32, i64, u64, i128, u128] to anything else in that set, or anything from the set [f64, f128, f256] to anything else in that set. No other types are supported for implicit casting, including any pointers to these types.


The remainder of this document is dedicated to examples designed to get a programmer comfortable with Oak. These examples are largely arranged from easiest to hardest, with the final few demonstrating the more esoteric regions of Oak development (like interfaces and dialects).

Number Guessing Game

Difficulty: Easy

This example covers:

  • Terminal input and output
  • Random number generation
  • Preprocessor definitions
  • The printf! macro

This example requires:

  • An understanding of Oak syntax
  • A Linux terminal
  • An acorn compiler installation

Let's create a game where you have 5 chances to guess a randomly selected integer. Upon an incorrect guess, the program will inform the user if they guessed too high or too low. Let's start by importing the needed files, which should all be contained in the "std" package and the "std/rand_inter.oak" file. We will also activate the "std" rule, so that we can use some common Oak syntactical shortcuts like for loops.

package!("std");    // For printing and standard functions
use_rule!("std");   // For common syntactical shortcuts

include!("std/rand_inter.oak"); // For random numbers

// A skeleton main file, which we will write our program in
let main() -> i32

First, we will need to generate a random number. We will do this via the seed_rand() and rand(low, high) functions, both available via the "std/rand_inter.oak" file. This file interfaces with the operating system's random number generator.

The seed_rand() function, when called with no arguments, seeds the random number generator with the current time. rand yields the next number generated by the RNG given its existing seed. Thus, you must call some form of RNG seeding function before rand.

We will save our random number in a variable named chosen.

// Needed packages

let main() -> i32
    // Without the std rule:
    // let chosen: i32;
    // chose = rand(0, 10);

    // With the std rule:
    // let chosen = rand(0, 10);

    // The std rule allows "chosen" to take the type of rand
    let chosen = rand(0, 10);

But what if we want to use numbers in a different range? We should pull these numbers out into their own symbols. Let's use preprocessor definitions, so that our symbols do not take up runtime memory.

Upon compilation, whenever a preprocessor definition is encountered, it is immediately replaced by its definition. They are different from variables in that they cannot be redefined.

A preprocessor definition is defined as follows.

// Not within any code scope
let var_name! = var_definition;

We can use this to augment our program as follows.

// Needed packages


// Preprocessor definitions
let low! = 0;
let high! = 10;

let main() -> i32
    let chosen = rand(low!, high!);


We should also add some output, so that the user knows what range their guess should inhabit. We can do this using the printf! macro, available via the std/printf.oak file. This macro allows variables to be outputted in the middle of a string according to a format string. Inside a format string, any "%" will be replaced by the next variable passed. For example,



let main() -> i32
    let a: i32 = 123;
    let b: bool = true;

        "The value of a is %. The value of b is %.\n",


We will use this to modify our code as follows.

// Needed packages


// Preprocessor definitions
let low! = 0;
let high! = 10;

let main() -> i32
    let chosen = rand(low!, high!);

        "Guess a number between % and %.\n",


Next, let's create the loop wherein the user will guess.

// Needed packages


// Preprocessor definitions
let low! = 0;
let high! = 10;
let num_guesses! = 5;

let main() -> i32
    let chosen = rand(low!, high!);

        "Guess a number between % and %.\n",

    // This for loop has been broken over multiple lines, but
    // they can be written within one line as well.
    for (let current_guess = 0;
        current_guess < num_guesses!;
        current_guess += 1)
        // Do guessing here


We can read an integer from the terminal using the get_i128 function. We will store this in a variable called guess.

// Needed packages


// Preprocessor definitions
let low! = 0;
let high! = 10;
let num_guesses! = 5;

let main() -> i32
    let chosen = rand(low!, high!);

        "Guess a number between % and %.\n",

    for (let current_guess = 0;
        current_guess < num_guesses!;
        current_guess += 1)
        let guess = to_i32(get_i128());

        if (guess < chosen)
            // Guess is too low
        else if (guess > chosen)
            // Guess is too high
            // Guess is correct


We will use another variable to shore whether or not the user has guessed correctly. If this is the case, the for loop should halt. In any case, we should update the user on the validity of their guess.

// Needed packages


// Preprocessor definitions
let low! = 0;
let high! = 10;
let num_guesses! = 5;

let main() -> i32
    let chosen = rand(low!, high!);
    let has_chosen_incorrectly = true;

        "Guess a number between % and %.\n",

    let current_guess: i32;
    for (current_guess = 0;
        current_guess < num_guesses! && has_chosen_incorrectly;
        current_guess += 1)
        print("Guess: ");
        let guess = to_i32(get_i128());

        if (guess < chosen)
            print("Too low...\n");
        else if (guess > chosen)
            print("Too high...\n");
            print("You guessed it!\n");
            has_chosen_incorrectly = false;


Let's try it out. Compiling via the command acorn /PATH/TO/MAIN.oak -o guessing_game.out creates the executable guessing_game.out, which can then be run via the command ./guessing_game.out. Here's the output from an example run.

[user@hostname guessing_game]$ ./a.out
Guess a number between 0 and 10.
Guess: 5
Too high...
Guess: 2
Too low...
Guess: 4
Too high...
Guess: 3
You guessed it!

It works!

Grep- File RegEx Search

Difficulty: Easy

This example covers:

  • Terminal output
  • Command line arguments
  • Regular expressions
  • File input and output
  • Panics
  • Colored terminal output
  • std/bool and the bool rule

This example requires:

  • An understanding of Oak syntax
  • A Linux terminal
  • An acorn compiler installation
  • A boost C++ library installation
  • A basic understanding of regular expressions

Let's create an Oak program which will take in a filename and a regular expression as command line arguments, and output every line in that file which matches the expression. This is similar to the grep utility in POSIX systems. A typical call to this program might look something like this:

./oak_grep.out file.txt "regex+ pat?tern h*ere"

Let's start by reading in the two command line arguments.



let main(argc: i32, argv: ^str) -> i32
    // If argc != 3, panic w/ the given message.
        argc == 3,
        "Please provide exactly 3 command line arguments."

    // Get the command line arguments
    let filepath: string = argv.Get(1);
    let pattern: string = argv.Get(2);
        "Got filepath '%' and pattern '%'\n",

[user@host dir]$ acorn tests/oak_grep_ex.oak -o oak_grep.out
[user@host dir]$ ./oak_grep.out file.txt "regex+ pat?tern h*ere"
Got filepath 'file.txt' and pattern 'regex+ pat?tern h*ere'

It works! Now, lets open the given filepath as a i_file. This requires the use of the std/file_inter.oak file, so we will also add that to our list of inclusions. Let's also switch to the standard Oak dialect's notation for include! macros. Doing this, we get the following code.


include "std/panic_inter.oak", "std/file_inter.oak",

let main(argc: i32, argv: ^str) -> i32
    // If argc != 3, panic w/ the given message.
        argc == 3,
        "Please provide exactly 3 command line arguments."

    // Get the command line arguments
    let filepath: string = argv.Get(1);
    let pattern: string = argv.Get(2);
    // Open filepath
    let file: i_file;

    // Line variable to read the file into, line by line
    let line: string;

    // Read the first line of the file
    line = file.getline(to_u128(512));

    // Close the file


Now we have the file, but we have no way to iterate over it! To do this, we will include the std/bool.oak file in order to use the bool rule, which adds the not keyword (as well as boolean negation in general). Using this, we can use the i_file's eof function, which returns true if the end of the file has been reached.


include "std/panic_inter.oak", "std/file_inter.oak",

include "std/bool.oak";
use "bool"; // STD Oak dialect notation for use_rule!("bool")

let main(argc: i32, argv: ^str) -> i32
    // If argc != 3, panic w/ the given message.
        argc == 3,
        "Please provide exactly 3 command line arguments."

    // Get the command line arguments
    let filepath: string = argv.Get(1);
    let pattern: string = argv.Get(2);
    // Open filepath
    let file: i_file;
    let line: string;

    while not file.eof()
        line = file.getline(to_u128(512));



Now we can iterate over the line! However, we still need to do the actual RegEx searching. For this, let's include the extra/regex_inter.oak file, and use the regex struct and regex_search function.


include "std/panic_inter.oak", "std/file_inter.oak",
    "std/string.oak", "extra/regex_inter.oak";

include "std/bool.oak";
use "bool";

let main(argc: i32, argv: ^str) -> i32
    // If argc != 3, panic w/ the given message.
        argc == 3,
        "Please provide exactly 3 command line arguments."

    // Get the command line arguments
    let filepath: string = argv.Get(1);
    let pattern: string = argv.Get(2);
    let pattern_reg: regex = pattern;

    // Open filepath
    let file: i_file;
    let line: string;

    while not file.eof()
        line = file.getline(to_u128(512));

        if line.regex_search(pattern_reg)



It's looking great! But we can be a little fancier. Let's print the lines which match in green text using the std/color.oak file. Using this, you just have to call the .green() method on any string to turn it green (and .red() for red, etc.). While we're here, let's count the number of matches we find, and output that when we finish.


include "std/panic_inter.oak", "std/file_inter.oak",
    "std/string.oak", "std/printf.oak",
    "extra/regex_inter.oak", "std/color.oak";

include "std/bool.oak";
use "bool";

let main(argc: i32, argv: ^str) -> i32
    // If argc != 3, panic w/ the given message.
        argc == 3,
        "Please provide exactly 3 command line arguments."

    // Get the command line arguments
    let filepath: string = argv.Get(1);
    let pattern: string = argv.Get(2);
    let pattern_reg: regex = pattern;

    let num_matches = 0;

    // Open filepath
    let file: i_file;
    let line: string;

    while not file.eof()
        line = file.getline(to_u128(512));

        if line.regex_search(pattern_reg)
            num_matches += 1;



    if num_matches == 0
        print("No matches!\n".red());
        printf!("% lines matched.\n", num_matches);


Let's try it out! (Note: This document is plaintext, so the terminal colors will not appear here)

[user@host oak]$ acorn oak_grep.oak -o oak_grep.out
[user@host oak]$ ./oak_grep.out oak_grep.oak "print"
    "std/string.oak", "std/printf.oak",
        print("No matches!\n".red());
        printf!("% lines matched.\n", num_matches);

5 lines matched.

It works!

Collatz Sequence

Difficulty: Moderate

This example covers:

  • Terminal output
  • Recursive functions

This example requires:

  • An understanding of Oak syntax
  • A Linux terminal
  • An acorn compiler installation
  • An undergraduate understanding of mathematics
  • Understanding of advanced mathematical notation

For this example, we will write a short program to yield the Collatz sequence of a given positive integer $n$. A (heavily mathematical) definition of said sequence precedes the exercise.

For a given positive integer $n$, the Collatz sequence of $n$ is defined as the numbers resulting from the repeated application of the following set of rules.

  • If $n_i$ is even, $n_{i + 1} = \frac{n}{2}$.
  • If $n_i$ is odd, $n_{i + 1} = 3n + 1$

These rules can be translated from english to math as below.

$$ n_{i + 1} = \begin{cases} \frac{n}{2} & n \equiv_2 0 \\ 3n + 1 & n \equiv_2 1 \\ \end{cases} $$

This process is iterated until the output is equal to 1. The Collatz sequences of the first few positive integers are shown below.

  • 1
  • 2, 1
  • 3, 10, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1
  • 4, 2, 1
  • 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1
  • 6, 3, 10, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1
  • 7, 22, 11, 34, 17, 52, 26, 13, 40, 20, 10, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1
  • 8, 4, 2, 1
  • 9, 28, 14, 7, 22, 11, 34, 17, 52, 26, 13, 40, 20, 10, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1
  • 10, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1

The Collatz conjecture states that, for all positive integers, there exists some finite number of repeated iterations which will reduce said number to 1. That is to say, that all Collatz sequences are of finite length. Representing this claim mathematically,

$$ \begin{aligned} & n_{i + 1} = \begin{cases} \frac{n}{2} & n \equiv_2 0 \\ 3n + 1 & n \equiv_2 1 \\ \end{cases} \\ & [ \forall n_0 \in \mathbb{Z}^+ ] [ \exists j \in \mathbb{Z}^+ ] : n_j = 1 \end{aligned} $$

We will designate the mathematical function mapping some $n_i$ to its $n_{i + 1}$ the Collatz function. This function is represented in Oak below.



// Takes in n_i and returns n_{i + 1}
let collatz(n: u128) -> u128
    let out: u128;
    out = n;

    if (even(n))
        out /= to_u128(2);
        out *= to_u128(3);
        out += to_u128(1);


We can subsequently create the following function to print the Collatz sequence of a given number.

let print_collatz_sequence(n: u128) -> void
    print(" ");

    if (n > to_u128(1))
        let next: u128;
        next = collatz(n);


As a tail recursive function, this can easily be rewritten iteratively to conserve stack space- this is left as an exercise for the reader.

Our full program is as follows.



// Takes in n_i and returns n_{i + 1}
let collatz(n: u128) -> u128
    let out: u128;
    out = n;

    if (even(n))
        out /= to_u128(2);
        out *= to_u128(3);
        out += to_u128(1);


let print_collatz_sequence(n: u128) -> void
    print(" ");

    if (n > to_u128(1))
        let next: u128;
        next = collatz(n);


let main() -> i32
    for (let i: u128 = 1; i < to_u128(10); i += 1)


The following is the output from this program.

2 1 
3 10 5 16 8 4 2 1 
4 2 1 
5 16 8 4 2 1 
6 3 10 5 16 8 4 2 1 
7 22 11 34 17 52 26 13 40 20 10 5 16 8 4 2 1 
8 4 2 1 
9 28 14 7 22 11 34 17 52 26 13 40 20 10 5 16 8 4 2 1 

This is correct.

Creating a RegEx Interface

Difficulty: Hard

This example covers:

  • The Oak mangler
  • The link! compiler macro
  • Interfacial files

This example requires:

  • An understanding of Oak syntax
  • An understanding of C++ syntax
  • An understanding of makefiles.
  • A Linux terminal
  • An acorn compiler installation
  • A boost C++ library installation
  • A basic understanding of regular expressions

In this example, we will be creating a version of the Oak extra/regex_inter.oak interfacial file. This will allow us to access the C++ boost RegEx library from within Oak, and give us a better understanding of how to create interfacial files and libraries in Oak.

Let's begin by creating a folder to contain our interfacial library. We will name our library re, for Regular Expressions. The acorn compiler conveniently has a command for creating a new library- acorn -w NAME, where NAME is the name of the package. For our purposes, we will navigate to the folder where we want our library to be, and call acorn -w re. This will create the re folder, where we will do the rest of this exercise.

acorn -w re     # Creates the package
cd re           # Moves into the new dir
ls              # Shows the files acorn made

You can fill in your details in re/oak_package_info.txt if you want; This step would be required if you wanted to publish this package. Additionally, it initializes a git repo and creates a linkage file re.oak. We will need three more files here: the two halves of the interface, and a makefile. We will use the following command to create these.

# From the re folder
touch re_inter.oak re_inter.cpp Makefile    # Create files

Let's explore the boost RegEx functions we will be interfacing with. First, the regex match function. We will focus on two instances of this; The two-argument and the three-argument versions.

The two-argument boost::regex_match function takes a string for the text to search, and a boost::regex object representing the pattern.

The three-argument boost::regex_match function takes a string for the text, a boost::smatch object to record the results into, and a boost::regex for the pattern.

Both of these functions return booleans. Clearly, we will need an Oak wrapper struct for the boost::regex and boost::smatch classes, as well as wrapper functions for each of these functions. We will use the built-in std/string.oak implementation of a string. Let's begin constructing our C++ file.

// re/re_inter.cpp

#include <oak/std_oak_header.hpp>
#include <boost/regex.hpp>
#include <oak/string.c>

// An Oak wrapper class for boost::regex
struct regex
    boost::regex *re;   // Uses dynamically allocated memory

    // To get to 32 bytes
    char padding[32 - sizeof(boost::regex *)];

// An Oak wrapper class for boost::smatch
struct regex_smatch
    boost::smatch m;

    // To get to 96 bytes
    char padding[96 - sizeof(boost::smatch)];

// Ensures the C++ compiler will not mangle symbol names
extern "C"
    // Interfaces with the two-argument boost::regex_match
    bool regex_match(string *text, regex *pattern)

    // Interfaces with the three-argument boost::regex_match
    bool regex_match(string *text,
                    regex *pattern,
                    regex_smatch *into)

This is a solid start, but we will need to do some legwork before we are fully able to interface. The boost libraries require a C++ std::string rather than the custom Oak string which is passed as a parameter. We can avoid this by using the underlying data struct member, which is a contiguous C-style string. This means we can construct a std::string from this raw C-string and pass that in. For our interfacial structs, we will simply pass the underlying member. This leaves us with the following code.

// re/re_inter.cpp

#include <oak/std_oak_header.hpp>
#include <boost/regex.hpp>
#include <oak/string.c>             // Oak strings
#include <string>                   // C++ strings

// An Oak wrapper class for boost::regex
struct regex
    boost::regex re;

    char padding[16]; // To get to 32 bytes

// An Oak wrapper class for boost::smatch
struct regex_smatch
    boost::smatch m;

    char padding[16]; // To get to 96 bytes

extern "C"
    // Interfaces with the two-argument boost::regex_match
    bool regex_match(string *text, regex *pattern)
        return boost::regex_match(std::string(text->data), pattern->re);

    // Interfaces with the three-argument boost::regex_match
    bool regex_match(string *text,
                    regex *pattern,
                    regex_smatch *into)
        return boost::regex_match(std::string(text->data),

Now we have successfully wrapped the boost functions, but we have one more hurdle: The Oak mangler. Because Oak translates into C for compilation, it must be able to disambiguate between functions using only their names. Note how both of our functions are called regex_match: If we didn't do anything to these names, C would become confused. Thus, the Oak compiler mangles the symbol names to include their full types. The mangler can be unintuitive, but close inspection of the std interfacial files should be enough to understand it.

For a function which in Oak would be written

let regex_match(text: ^string, pattern: ^regex) -> bool;

The corresponding mangled symbol names is


This mangled name, not the original name, is what the C linker will look for. Thus, we must modify our function names to align with the mangler. Note that struct / enum names are not mangled by Oak, and thus remain unmodified. The following code demonstrates this.

// re/re_inter.cpp

#include <oak/std_oak_header.hpp>
#include <boost/regex.hpp>
#include <oak/string.c>             // Oak strings
#include <string>                   // C++ strings

// An Oak wrapper class for boost::regex
struct regex
    boost::regex re;

    char padding[16]; // To get to 32 bytes

// An Oak wrapper class for boost::smatch
struct regex_smatch
    boost::smatch m;

    char padding[16]; // To get to 96 bytes

extern "C"
    // Interfaces with the two-argument boost::regex_match
    bool regex_match_FN_PTR_string_JOIN_PTR_regex_MAPS_bool(
        string *text, regex *pattern)
        return boost::regex_match(std::string(text->data), pattern->re);

    // Interfaces with the three-argument boost::regex_match
    bool regex_match_FN_PTR_string_JOIN_PTR_regex_JOIN_PTR_regex_smatch_MAPS_bool(
        string *text,
        regex *pattern,
        regex_smatch *into)
        return boost::regex_match(std::string(text->data),

Now we are finished with the C++ portion of our interface for these two functions. We can now create an Oak file to interface with it. Note that this is separate from the re/re.oak file that acorn created for us. Linkage files should not be interfaces. Let's begin by creating the Oak versions of the interfacial structs.

// re/re_inter.oak


// This is an alternative to the include! macro
// This notation comes in the "std" rule
// The string file is needed here
include "std/string.oak";

let regex: struct

let regex_smatch: struct

It is very important that we match the size of our interfacial structs to their C++ counterparts. This is why we used padding to make their sizes a nice number. The std/interface.oak file provides immutable / hidden memory block types of varying size. These blocks are used to build interfaces like these, where the modification of internal data by an Oak program would cause the C++ struct to stop functioning. Using these padding blocks, we arrive at the following code.

// re/re_inter.oak


include "std/string.oak";
include "std/interface.oak";

let regex: struct
    __a: hidden_32_bytes,

let regex_smatch: struct
    __a: hidden_64_bytes,
    __b: hidden_32_bytes,

The double underscore prefix is recommended for interfacial padding members such as these. Now, we can add the function signatures which will be filled in at link-time by the C++ implementations.

// re/re_inter.oak


include "std/string.oak";
include "std/interface.oak";

let regex: struct
    __a: hidden_32_bytes,

let regex_smatch: struct
    __a: hidden_64_bytes,
    __b: hidden_32_bytes,

let regex_match(text: ^string, pattern: ^regex) -> bool;
let regex_match(text: ^string, pattern: ^regex, into: ^smatch)
    -> bool;

Note that Oak allows at most 96 non-whitespace characters per line. However, its complete disregard for all whitespace after lexing means that all code can be split across any number of lines.

Now, we must add a way for acorn to know to include the C++ implementations at link-time. This takes the form of a link! macro.

// re/re_inter.oak (excerpt)


include "std/string.oak";
include "std/interface.oak";

// More shorthand for compiler macros via the "std" rule
link "re/re_inter.o";

Now we have a basic interfacial library! However, for it to be useful to use, we must have ways of accessing and modifying the data in our interfacial structs safely. Since Oak only allows zero-argument constructors, we must initialize the regex struct via the Copy (=) operator. Additionally, there are several fields within smatch which we need to be able to access. We will also create the function signatures for these here.

// re/re_inter.oak


include "std/string.oak";
include "std/interface.oak";

link "re/re_inter.o";

let regex: struct
    __a: hidden_32_bytes,

let regex_smatch: struct
    __a: hidden_64_bytes,
    __b: hidden_32_bytes,

let regex_match(text: ^string, pattern: ^regex) -> bool;
let regex_match(
    text: ^string,
    pattern: ^regex,
    into: ^regex_smatch) -> bool;

// To be externally defined in C++
let New(self: ^regex) -> void;
let Del(self: ^regex) -> void;

let Copy(self: ^regex, pattern: string) -> void;
let Copy(self: ^regex, pattern: str) -> void;

// To be externally defined in C++
let New(self: ^regex_smatch) -> void;

let size(self: ^regex_smatch) -> u64;
let str(self: ^regex_smatch) -> string;
let Get(self: ^regex_smatch, index: u32) -> string;

Now, let's create the C++ implementation of these functions.

#include <boost/regex.hpp>
#include <string>

#include "oak/std_oak_header.h"
#include "oak/std/string.c"

struct regex
    boost::regex *re;

    char padding[32 - sizeof(boost::regex *)]; // To get to 32 bytes

struct regex_smatch
    boost::smatch m;

    char padding[96 - sizeof(boost::smatch)]; // To get to 96 bytes

extern "C"
    bool regex_match_FN_PTR_string_JOIN_PTR_regex_MAPS_bool(string *text, regex *pattern)
        return boost::regex_match(std::string(text->data), *pattern->re);

    bool regex_match_FN_PTR_string_JOIN_PTR_regex_JOIN_PTR_regex_smatch_MAPS_bool(string *text, regex *pattern, regex_smatch *into)
        return boost::regex_match(std::string(text->data), into->m, *pattern->re);

    //////////// Methods ////////////

    void New_FN_PTR_regex_MAPS_void(regex *self)
        memset(self, 0, sizeof(regex));
        self->re = nullptr;

    void Del_FN_PTR_regex_MAPS_void(regex *self)
        if (self->re != nullptr)
            delete self->re;

    void Copy_FN_PTR_regex_JOIN_PTR_string_MAPS_void(regex *self, string *pattern)
        if (self->re != nullptr)
            delete self->re;

        self->re = new boost::regex(pattern->data);

    void Copy_FN_PTR_regex_JOIN_str_MAPS_void(regex *self, str pattern)
        if (self->re != nullptr)
            delete self->re;

        self->re = new boost::regex(pattern);

    void New_FN_PTR_regex_smatch_MAPS_void(regex_smatch *self)
        memset(self, 0, sizeof(regex_smatch));

    u64 size_FN_PTR_regex_smatch_MAPS_u64(regex_smatch *self)
        return self->m.size();

    string str_FN_PTR_regex_smatch_MAPS_string(regex_smatch *self)
        string out;
        out.size = self->m.str().size();

        out.data = new i8[out.size + 1];
        strcpy(out.data, self->m.str().c_str());
        out.data[out.size] = '\0';

        return out;

    string Get_FN_PTR_smatch_JOIN_u32_MAPS_string(regex_smatch *self, u32 index)
        string out;
        std::string from = self->m[index].str();

        out.size = from.size();

        out.data = new i8[out.size + 1];
        strcpy(out.data, from.c_str());
        out.data[out.size] = '\0';

        return out;

Now we've got the C++ and Oak files in a functional state, but we still need to give acorn directions on how and what to build upon installation. This is where the makefile comes in. We will add the following lines to our makefile.

CC := clang++
FLAGS := -pedantic -Wall
LIBS := -lboost_regex

all:    regex_inter.o

regex_inter.o:  regex_inter.cpp
    $(CC) $(FLAGS) -c -o regex_inter.o regex_inter.cpp $(LIBS)

Finally, we must modify the re/re.oak linkage file so that it includes the re/re_inter.oak interfacial file.

// re/re.oak


This is all that is needed for installation. Now, we can run the command acorn -S re from the folder which contains the package folder re to install our package.

acorn -S re

Let's test it out! We'll create a test file first, and give it a skeleton main function.

touch re_test.oak   # Create our test file
// re_test.oak

import "re";

let main() -> i32

To compile this program, we will use the command

# Compile re_test.oak to re_test.out
acorn re_test.oak -o re_test.out

To run it after compilation, we will use


Let's test our RegEx interface by attempting a few RegEx matches. We will test the pattern abra*ca?dabra+ against the strings abrcadabraaa, abraaaacdabra, abrcdabr, and abarcdabrar. The first two strings should be a match, and the second two should be a fail. Here's what our test file should look like with these tests implemented.

// Use the standard Oak dialect

import "re";
include "std/string.oak";

let main() -> i32
    let pattern: regex = "abra*ca?dabra+";

    let string_one: string = "abrcadabraaa";
    let string_two: string = "abraaaacdabra";
    let string_three: string = "abrcdabr";
    let string_four: string = "abarcdabrar";

    // Test string 1
    if regex_match(string_one, pattern)
        print("String one matched.\n");
        print("String one did not match.\n");

    // Test string 2
    if regex_match(string_two, pattern)
        print("String two matched.\n");
        print("String two did not match.\n");

    // Test string 3
    if regex_match(string_three, pattern)
        print("String three matched.\n");
        print("String three did not match.\n");

    // Test string 4
    if regex_match(string_four, pattern)
        print("String four matched.\n");
        print("String four did not match.\n");

    print("Done with everything!\n");


Now, lets test it out!

acorn tests/regex_ex.oak -o regex_ex.out
String one matched.
String two matched.
String three did not match.
String four did not match.
Done with everything!
<End output>

It works!

The techniques used herein can easily be adapted to create a wide variety of interfacial files.

A Server and Client Using Sockets, RegEx, and File IO

Difficulty: Hard

This example covers:

  • Terminal input and output
  • Regular expressions
  • File input and output
  • Socket programming

This example requires:

  • An understanding of Oak syntax
  • A Linux terminal
  • An acorn compiler installation
  • A boost C++ library installation
  • A basic understanding of regular expressions
  • A basic understanding of socket programming

In this example, we will be using the Oak standard library to create a file server and client. The client will be able to make requests to the server, and the server will send back some file matching the request. Let's start by creating the necessary files.

# Create Oak files for the file server and client
touch file_server.oak file_client.oak

We'll add a skeleton into each.

// file_server.oak

let main() -> i32
// file_client.oak

let main() -> i32

We want our file server to take in a request for a given file in the form of a regular expression, and send back the first file which matches it. Thus, it will need the string, file_inter, regex_inter, and sock_inter Oak files, all of which are found in the std package (although not included by default).

The client program will only need to make requests and save files, so it will only need string, file, and sock_inter.

Additionally, we will include std/printf.oak in both files for convenient printing. Now, the skeleton files should look like the following.

// file_server.oak

include "std/string.oak",

let main() -> i32
// file_client.oak

include "std/string.oak",

let main() -> i32

Now, let's focus on the server side of things. When not connected to a client, the server should listen for one. When one arrives, it should wait for a command from it. Upon hearing a command from the client, it should search for a file matching the given regular expression. If not found, it should send back an error message. Otherwise, it should send the file.

When sending a file, we will first have the server send the size of the file. The client will echo back this size to indicate that it has received it. Then, the server will send the file. The Oak socket interface is always TCP, so the file will be broken apart automatically. Requests will work in the same way- size, then message.

An error opening the file will be indicated by sending a size of zero.

The above outline roughly translates to the code below.

// file_server.oak


// Sizes will be sent using this many chars
let size_chars! = to_u128(8);

// Handle a single request
let do_request(server: ^server_sock, request: string) -> void;

let main() -> i32
    let is_listening = true;

    // Create empty server socket
    let server: server_sock;

    // Initialize server socket to localhost on port 1234
    // Save result of initialization into result
    let result = server = ("", to_u16(1234));

    let size_str: string;
    let size: u128;
    let request: string;

    while is_listening
        // Listen for a connection
        // save connection status in result
        result = server.listen();

        size_str = server.recv(size_chars!);
        size = to_u128(to_i128(size_str));

        if size != to_u128(0)
            request = server.recv(size);

            if request == "quit"
                is_listening = false;
                do_request(server, request);
            is_listening = false;

Great! Now we've got the basic outline of our server. However, we still need to define do_request. A request should be a regular expression, and our do_request function should send the first file it finds matching this description over the server socket. Once we have the exact filename to send, this won't be so hard. However, how do we find the first filename that matches the given regular expression? Let's do this the "hacky" way, using the std/sys_inter.oak file.

We will tell the system to save a list of all local files to a temporary .txt file, then read that file in. From this, we can iterate through until we find a filename which matches the given regular expression. Then, we will load the matched file into memory and send it over the socket. After this, we must remember to delete our temporary .txt file. Let's create a skeleton of our do_request function.

// file_server.oak
// (code above hidden)

// This line will be integrated into the earlier include! block

// Handle a single request
let do_request(server: ^server_sock, request: string) -> void
    // Make system call to list all files in this directory

    // Open file where the above output was saved

    // Iterate over lines in this file
    //      If the current line matches request
    //          Load this file
    //          Send this file
    //          Break

    // If no matches were found
    //      Send error signal
    // Delete temporary text file

// (code below hidden)

The Linux command we will be using to save a list of all local files to a temporary text file is ls > temp.txt. After this, temp.txt will contain all the files in the current directory.

// file_server.oak
// (code above hidden)


// Handle a single request
// Assumes the server is running on Linux
let do_request(server: ^server_sock, request: string) -> void
    // Make system call to list all files in this directory
    let result = sys("ls > temp.txt");
    assert!(result == 0);

    let pattern: regex = request;

    // Open file where the above output was saved
    let file: i_file;

    let line: string;
    let found: bool = false;

    // Iterate over lines in this file
    while !file.eof() && !found
        // Read a line of at most 256 chars
        line = file.getline(256);

        // If the current line matches request
        if (line.regex_match(pattern))
            // Load this file
            let to_send: i_file;

            let contents: string;
            contents = to_send.read(to_send.size());

            // Send this file

            // Break
            found = true;


    // If no matches were found
    if !found
        // Send error signal
    // Delete temporary text file
    sys("rm temp.txt");

// (code below hidden)


acorn and Oak source code

acorn and the Oak are free and open source software. They are available with the GPLv3 at github.com/jorbDehmel/oak.

acorn Error Lookup

The following table maps a compile-mode acorn call return value to its meaning. If acorn executes its result via the -E flag, it will return the return value of that execution, no matter what.

Code Meaning
0 Success
2 Runtime error caught
3 Unknown error caught
7 Failed to create test suite file
10 Aborted Acorn update or install

Most compile-time errors will have meaningful descriptions in their outputs, and thus do not return different values.

acorn Error Classes

Error Class Meaning
runtime_error Miscellaneous error not attributable below
sequencing_error Syntax error within symbol tree construction
generic_error Error instantiating or entering a template
package_error Error loading a package
rule_error Error processing rule
parse_error Error parsing token stream (depreciated)
unknown An unknown bug- issue w/ acorn

Note: Unknown errors represent bugs in acorn, and should be reported as such. Errors without reasons are unacceptable.


The Oak programming language outlined here bears no relation nor resemblance to any other programming languages, frameworks or prototypes of the same name. Unique names are increasingly difficult to find for programming languages. The Oak referenced here was developed independently from any similarly-names items.


Oak is protected by the GPLv3.