
Python script that sends e-mails from a raspberry pi hooked up to a moisture-sensor

Primary LanguagePython

This script assumes a moisture detector is connected to SPI on the Raspberry Pi 3. Sensor is below: http://a.co/21NN4yP

The moisture sensor is activated when removed from water or the moisture level reaches below the threshold. When this happens an e-mail is sent.

Table of measurements and average readings to come...


$ sudo pip install jinja2
$ sudo pip install adafruit-mcp3008
$ sudo pip install pyfiglet

Globally available as a script

$ sudo -i
$ PROJECT_ROOT=/home/pi/Projects/moisture-sensor
$ ln -s $PROJECT_ROOT/app.py /usr/local/bin/moisture-sensor
$ chmod +x /usr/local/bin/moisture-sensor
$ exit

NOTE: GPIO 2/3 are reserved for devices with hard-wired pull-ups.

NOTE: To use Amazon SES a TXT Record must be added to Namecheap's DNS Entries. Also, free-tier limits the FROM/TO to verified e-mails only. To send from plantbot@my-domain.com:

NOTE: When adding the TXT record on Namecheap ignore amazon's _amazonses.yourdomain.* TXT name value and just put @ in the host column

  1. Create a catch-all redirect e-mail on namecheap and point it to gmail
  2. Send verification e-mail to the above from the Amazon SES console
  3. ???
  4. Profit.

Hardware Requirements

To read specific moisture levels the sensor's analog signal must be used. Unfortunately, Raspberry PI doesn't support analog ootb so the following are needed:

Adafruit provides an easy to use library to interact with the MCP3008 and get readings from its channels. Along with examples: https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_Python_MCP3008

Wire up the MCP3008


NOTE: I used hardware SPI which needs to be enabled:

