
Ruby example calling DirectKit API

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

⚠️WARNING: This client is deprecated⚠️

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Ruby API client to query LemonWay API


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'lemonway'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install lemonway


  1. Initialization : Lemonway::Client.new(api_params, client_config_options, &client_config_block)
  • api_options (Hash) : mandatory hash where are passed the api param you want to reapeat every client query + the :wsdl uri
  • client_config_options (Hash) : optional hash passed to savon to build its global options used by the client on every query
  • client_config_block (Block) : optional block to customize the savon client, takes a savon global options instance as param
client = Lemonway::Client.new({wsdl:  "https://ws.lemonway.fr/[...]/service.asmx?wsdl"}, {ssl_verify_mode: :none})
#is the same as
client = Lemonway::Client.new wsdl:  "https://ws.lemonway.fr/[...]/service.asmx?wsdl" do |opts|
  1. Query the API directly calling the method on the client instance : client.api_method_name(params, client_config_override, &client_block_config_override)
  • api_method_name : Lemonway underscorized mehtod name (refer to the Lemonway doc or to client.operations to list them
  • params (Hash) : params sent to the api, keys will be camelcased to comply with the SOAP convention used by Lemonway
  • client_config_override (Hash) : A hash of config transmitted to the savon client, which overrides the savon global config for the current api call only
  • client_block_config_override (Block) : A Block taking a savon global options instance as param, to override the client call configuration options
  1. API response will always be a HashWithIndifferentAccess with underscored keys. Retrieve it as a result or pass a block to the API point method
# initialize the client
client = Lemonway::Client.new wsdl:  "https://ws.lemonway.fr/mb/ioio/dev/directkit/service.asmx?wsdl",
                              wl_login: "test",
                              wl_pass: "test",
                              language: "fr",
                              version: "1.1",
                              wallet_ip: ""

# list the available operations as follow : 
resp = client.operations
=> [:register_wallet,

# requests takes underscored names, and undescored (or camelcased) options, some hash with indifferent access are returned
resp = client.register_wallet,  wallet: "123",
                                client_mail:        "nico@las.com",
                                client_first_name:  "nicolas",
                                client_last_name:   "nicolas",
                                wallet_ip: ""
=> {id: '123', lwid: "98098"}
resp[:id] == resp['id'] == '123'

Please refer to the Lemonway documentation for the complete list of methods and their parameters, or query https://ws.lemonway.fr/mb/[YOUR_LEMONWAY_NAME]/dev/directkit/service.asmx if Lemonway has provided you a development account


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request