---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MusicXML library version 3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. Grame Research Laboratory, 11, cours de Verdun - Gensoul, 69002 Lyon - France research@grame.fr ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTENT doc : the library architecture documentation MusicXML format is documented in the dtds or schema dtds : the MusicXML DTDs schema : the MusicXML schema samples : sample code musicxml library and tools (names dependent on the platform) For more information, files, see at the MusicXML web site: http://www.makemusic.com/musicxml/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALL MacOS copy the libmusicxml2.framework to /Library/Frameworks Windows copy the libmusicxml2.dll along with your application Linux copy the library to /usr/local/lib or to /usr/lib binaries are compiled for 64 bits architectures on Ubuntu 11.10 you should get the src code (from the package of from git) and compile on your platform ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Platform specific makefiles are included for historic reasons but they are not maintained any more. Please use cmake to generate native projects and makefiles. Note: the library is still named libmusicxml2. It doesn't refer to the version number but to the significant architecture change that has been introduced with the version 2 of the library. The name has been kept for compatibility reasons and because there is no change from architecture viewpoint. Note for windows developers: You must be carefull with the runtime boundary issue : you can't allocate memory (either explicitly with new or malloc, or implicitly) and then pass a pointer across a DLL boundary to be freed (see at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms235460.aspx). The rule is to use the same runtime library than libmusicxml.dll. You can look at the runtime it uses using depends.exe. The easy way is to use the same development environment. Otherwise, you should get the source code and recompile the library using your compiler.