

doctor who

  1. Create a DB named DoctorWho.

  2. Write scripts to create the above tables, keys, relationships and constraints.

  3. Write scripts to insert at least 5 records in each table.

  4. Write a script to update the the episode name to {ORIGINAL_EPISODE_NAME}_CANCELLED for only the episodes with zero doctor appearances.

  5. Write a query to delete all companions who didn't appear on an episode.

  6. Create a function called fnCompanions to printout the companions names for a given episode

    • Input: EpisodeId
    • Output: Companion 1 Name, Companion 2 Name, Companion 3 Name, etc.
  7. Create a function called fnEnemies to printout the enemies names for a given episode

    • Input: EpisodeId
    • Output: Enemy 1 Name, Enemy 2 Name, Enemy 3 Name, etc.
  8. Create a SQL view called viewEpisodes to list out all episodes, include:

    • Author Name

    • Doctor Name

    • Companions

    • Enemies

      P.S. Make use of the previous created functions

  9. Create a stored procedure called spSummariseEpisodes to show:

    • The 3 most frequently-appearing companions; then separately
    • The 3 most frequently-appearing enemies.