
Compare two Pandas DataFrame using Python to find the difference/overlap (what's in DataFrame A but not B and vice versa, and what A has is also in B and vice versa)

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Python DataFrame Diff and Overlap Functions

Ever found yourself wondering what rows are in Pandas DataFrame A only, but not in B (or vice versa), and what rows are in A, as well as in B (or vice versa)?

While there exists pandas.DataFrame.diff() (more like an element-by-element subtraction), pandas.Index.intersection (only on the index) and pandas.DataFrame.merge() (more like SQL join to merge two DataFrames), none of them does exactly what we need here.

Therefore I wrote these two functions df_diff() and df_overlap() to do exactly that -- see the visual demo below.

Great things about them:

  • Can compare on any column (not only on the index - but default to index if omit arguments on_A and/or on_B)
  • Can compare on different column combination (like column_this in DataFrame A and column_that in DataFrame B. You can also insert concatenated id columns of your own and then compare on them)
  • Can handle duplicated/missing ids correctly
  • They are mainly based on set operations -- super fast!
  • Has error check/handling (will safely return empty DataFrame if found no result or got invalid input)

To use the function(s), simply copy them from file df_diff_overlap.py. Or try notebook df_diff_overlap.ipynb if you prefer the step-by-step Jupyter way!
