
Primary LanguagePython


Session One: Kick-Off


Core System Requirements

  • test-driven
  • add-remove components
  • exchange components
  • documentation(simple)
  • one-click-deploy
  • 12 Factors (http://12factor.net/)


We use a iterative work process with the following phases:

  1. Plan the iteration and decide on a test
  2. Develop whatever there is to develop
  3. Run in Operations using a one-click installer
  4. Test the test decided previously
  5. Document in README.md

All components interact with a git repository.

Session Two: Hello World


A server running a Hello World web app.

Technologies used:

  • Github repo
  • Docker
  • Django
  • Selenium
  • virtualenv


  • git repo initialized (lenarother/mkr)
  • virtualenv set up
  • test works and fails
  • Docker container created with a single script (Dockerfile)


  • make sure to use compatible versions of Selenium/Firefox
  • make sure you do not use Python2 on one dev machine and Python3 on the other
  • do not try yes | sudo apt-get install docker

Session Three: One-Click



  • get Docker to run by start_docker.sh


  • created Django instance + application via Docker
  • docker-compose up creates an image, installs django, attaches local filesystem and starts the server
  • the tests passes


  • Docker is under heavy development. Make sure you have the latest version, so that the documentation corresponds to your system.
  • Docker installation instructions worked nicely
  • strange phenomenon on KR's machine: reboot, after the reboot terminals did not start, pressing Ctrl-C resulted in a Python error message connected to virtualenv (maybe because leftovers from previous virtualenv session(s)?? Docker took a long while to start after installation, much longer than on MRs machine.
  • it took a while to figure out how to create a Django app in the right folder via docker-compose (with the -w option). It is a bit annoying that files created by docker-compose all belong to 'root'.

Session Four: Postgres



  • Add a Postgres database that keeps a table with quotes
  • Quotes from the database are highlighted on the web page


  • added example quotes by Sun Tzu and test
  • added postgres container to docker-compose
  • added model, created a migration via docker-compose
  • added a view and HTML template to display quotes
  • created a data entry manually in a django shell session --> works


  • does not pass the one-click test yet, because we wrote the data entry manually

  • found that docker containers tend to accumulate. You can clean them up with:

    docker ps -a | grep 'weeks ago' | awk '{print $1}' | xargs --no-run-if-empty docker rm

    docker ps -a | awk '{print $1}' | xargs --no-run-if-empty docker rm

Session Five: Service Health Check



  • more smooth startup according to one-click paradigm


  • problem re-occured: when we start docker-compose so that new containers are created, the process fails because postgres creation is overtaken by Django --> Django doesn't find database because it is not ready yet.
  • problem solved brute-force by sleeping 10 seconds in container before starting Django
  • for more elegant solution wrote shell script that starts services via docker-compose one by one
  • added "service health check": shell script on Django container waits for DB to come up


  • learned what a 'race condition' is
  • the health check could possibly hang in an endless loop if DB server crashes, therefore not too advisable for production

Session Six: Fixtures



  • build a test that passes without manually adding a DB entry.


  • added test for views in django application
  • used ORM for adding test data
  • used docker-compose to run the test inside the container
  • extended shell script to stop containers if tests fail


  • three independent sources recommend not using JSON fixtures, but use the ORM or tomboy instead.
  • problem: how to write a test fixture that runs inside the Django container when the test runs locally?
  • the start_docker.sh script removes all containers on the local machine!

Session seven: Manage Command



  • Problem: Startup from last session is broken (tests fail). It seems there is still a race condition.
  • Add manage command to load quotes into DB
  • Create fixtures in container via management command that is used via fabric


Solving the race condition

  • Solution: extra script that tests whether db is up executed before running tests.
  • Added parser for quotes
  • Added test for the parser
  • Added management command to add quotes to DB
  • Added test and load functionality via fabric
  • Acceptance tests with Selenium PASS

Session eight: Add an external app



  • add the django-wiki app


  • installed Pillow + django-wiki by adding them to Dockerfile
  • extended fabfile to connect to Bash + Python in django container
  • got the wiki to run (Yay!)


  • when Dockerfile changes, images are not rebuilt automatically, you need docker-compose create --build
  • needed to 'python manage.py createsuperuser' before logging into the site
  • scanned local network with: nmap -sP


  • create superuser automatically from environment var
  • add nginx
  • create packaged Django app
  • package a project for deployment
  • add Django admin interface
  • make template/view for quotes nicer
  • improve documentation
  • Jenkins: add CI server that rejects commits with TABs
  • does Django cache automatically if you add 1000 entries to the DB or does it send 1000 queries?
  • Ansible / Vagrant / OpenStack / Salt
  • Logstash / Graphana / Kibana
  • Redis
  • RabbitMQ
  • Celery
  • Sentry