Taxi service startproject

In this task, you will start project Taxi service.

  1. Create a virtual environment, activate it, and install django via pip. Remember, everything you will do in this project, do with activated virtual environment.
  2. Start project taxi_service inside the current directory (add . at the end of the command). You should have such structure:
|-> venv
|-> taxi_service
  1. Inside py-taxi-service start application taxi.
  2. Inside taxi/ create models according to this diagram:


Note: licence_number and Manufacturer: name fields should be unique.

  1. You have noticed that Driver inherits from AbstractUser. It means that the standard User model should be replaced with the model Driver. Notice, that Driver has an additional field compared to the standard User. To make correct model name display in the admin, add verbose_name and verbose_name_plural inside Driver model.

  2. Edit

    • Register all your models in the admin.
    • Make Driver's field licence_number be displayed as the other field.
    • Add licence_number to the fieldsets, so you can edit this field while updating Driver.
    • Add licence_number to the add_fieldset so you can fill this field while adding a driver.
    • Make it possible to search Car by model.
    • Make it possible to filter Car by manufacturer.
  3. Make migrations and migrate.

NOTE: Attach screenshots of all created pages on admin panel to pull request. It's important to attach images not links to them. See example:
