
A simple bare-bones docker image built on Alpine contains configuration for basic nginx, uwsgi, and django setup.

Quick Start

  1. Clone the repo: git clone

  2. Build the image: docker build -t nginx-uwsgi-django ..

  3. Run the container: docker run -p 80:80 nginx-uwsgi-django.

  4. Check out your site curl $(docker-machine ip).

Adding your own Django Application

  1. Remove the initial django project: rm -r project.

  2. Create your own django project: startproject myproject.

  3. Update uwsgi/uwsgi.ini to point at your new project: sed -i '' 's/project/myproject/g' uwsgi/uwsgi.ini.

Installing from a Requirements File

  1. Place a requirements.txt file in the main directory.

  2. Install the requirements via the Dockerfile: sed -i '' 's/pip install django/pip install -r \/app\/requirements.txt/g' Dockerfile.

Python Version

Defaults to python2.7. You can change this line FROM python:2.7-alpine to FROM python:3.5-apline in the Dockerfile if Python 3 is what you what.

Check the official python repo for other python versions. Use the apline images.