
You can use this sass/css file to lint your html for broken links, bad attributes or any other development lazyness

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


You can use this sass/css file to lint your html for broken links, bad attributes or any other development lazyness


Using npm: npm install lint-html-with-scss-css


Clone this repo and cd to it, after that in console type: npm install to install dev dependencies, it is gulp based and has a gulp watch with browsersync enabled, it will autocompile on save.


Include the script from the dist folder in your page or use it directly on your scss project via @import lint.scss

Add .debug class on the html element and you are ready to go.

See: index.html to see how it works.


Based on this article : https://bitsofco.de/linting-html-using-css/