
Primary LanguageR

This R package estimates the statistical parameter E(E(Y|A=1,B)-E(Y|A=0,B)|A=a) using targeted maximum likelihood estimation (TMLE). If A is a treatment, then this is sort of like a Treatment Effect, Conditional on one of the treatments, hence the name tmlecte. Under various causal models, this statistical parameter has interpretations of things like

  • the affect of treatment among the treated (ATT)
  • the natural direct effect (NDE), and
  • the natural direct effect among the untreated.

The methods in this package will probably be added to the tmle package on CRAN in the future.


This package can be installed directly from github using the devtools package:

install.packages("devtools") #if you don't have it already

Alternatively you could download the source or clone it with git, then R CMD BUILD and R CMD INSTALL it.


Once installed, the package is loaded with library(tmlecte). Documentation is available in R's built in documentation system (?tmlecte). Some examples are provided in the documentation.


Lendle, S. D., Subbaraman, M. S., and van der Laan, M. J. (2013). Identification and efficient estimation of the natural direct effect among the untreated. Biometrics, 69(2), 310-317.

Van der Laan, M. J., and Rose, S. (2011). Targeted learning: causal inference for observational and experimental data. Springer.