An extension to django.contrib.flatpages to provide for
- Support markdown and other similar markup formats. You can also provide you own markup format parser.
- Optional support for the excellent markTtUp jquery editor. This requires the installation django-markitup.
- Easy inclusion of images in flatpages. Note Admin image thumbnails require the installation of sorl thumbnails.
- The inclusion of metatag keywords and descriptions in flatpages.
- Some support for revisions.
Migrating you data to flapages_x should not be difficult since the data which currently in the contrib.Flatpage model (content, titles) is not affected. Your templates will still utilize the {{flatpage.content}} and {{flatpage.body}} context variables. Once you installed flatpages_x the markdown formatted content is actually be stored separately in a related Revisions model. On saving, this will be rendered to html via the configurable markdown and saved to the Flatpage.content field
Create a virtual environment for your project and activate it:
$ virtualenv mysite-env $ source mysite-env/bin/activate (mysite-env)$
Next install flatpages_x.:
(mysite-env)$ pip install git+
Inside your project run:
(mysite-env)$ python syncdb
markItUp support
If you want to use the excellent markItUp! editor widget. Install django-markitup
(mysite-env)$ pip install django-markitup
You need a few configuration steps
Add 'markitup' to your INSTALLED_APPS setting.
Add the following to settings:
MARKITUP_SET = 'markitup/sets/markdown' MARKITUP_SKIN = 'markitup/skins/markitup' MARKITUP_FILTER = ('markdown.markdown', {'safe_mode': True})
3.You need to use the AJAX-based preview for the admin widget
url(r'^markitup/', include('markitup.urls')) in your root URLconf.
Admin thumbnails
If you want view admin image thumbnails install sorl thumbnails
(mysite-env)$ pip install sorl-thumbnails
to yoursettings.INSTALLED_APPS
.Configure your
If you are using the cached database key value store you need to sync the database:
python syncdb