
:couple: A curated list of Model Merging methods.


Awesome Awesome Model Merging

A curated list of Model Merging methods: Combining different pre-trained models.

Contributions are welcome!

Acknowledgments: This wonderful template is from https://github.com/VainF/Awesome-Anything by Gongfan Fang.

Title & Authors Intro Useful Links
Model Fusion via Optimal Transport
Sidak Pal Singh, Martin Jaggi
> ETH Zurich, EPFL
> NeurIPS'20

intro [Github]
Git Re-Basin: Merging Models modulo Permutation Symmetries
Samuel K. Ainsworth, Jonathan Hayase, Siddhartha Srinivasa
> University of Washington
> ICLR'23

Language Models are Super Mario: Absorbing Abilities from Homologous Models as a Free Lunch
Le Yu, Bowen Yu, Haiyang Yu, Fei Huang, Yongbin Li
> Alibaba Group
> arXiv'23

intro [Github]
Merging Multi-Task Models via Weight-Ensembling Mixture of Experts
Anke Tang, Li Shen, Yong Luo, Nan Yin, Lefei Zhang, Dacheng Tao
> Wuhan University, JD, MBZUAI, Nanyang Technological University
> arXiv'24

intro [PDF]
GAN Cocktail: Mixing GANs without Dataset Access
Omri Avrahami, Dani Lischinski, Ohad Fried
> The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Reichman University
> ECCV'22

intro [Github]
ZipIt! Merging Models from Different Tasks without Training
George Stoica, Daniel Bolya, Jakob Bjorner, Taylor Hearn, Judy Hoffman
> Georgia Tech
> arXiv'23

intro [Github]
Model Soups: Averaging weights of multiple fine-tuned models improves accuracy without increasing inference time
Mitchell Wortsman, Gabriel Ilharco, Samir Yitzhak Gadre, Rebecca Roelofs, Raphael Gontijo-Lopes, Ari S. Morcos, Hongseok Namkoong, Ali Farhadi, Yair Carmon, Simon Kornblith, Ludwig Schmidt
> University of Washington, Columbia University, Google Research, Meta AI Research, Tel Aviv University
> ICML'22

intro [Github]
Deep Model Reassembly
Xingyi Yang, Daquan Zhou, Songhua Liu, Jingwen Ye, Xinchao Wang
> National University of Singapore, Bytedance
> NeurIPS'22

intro [Github]
Factorizing Knowledge in Neural Networks
Xingyi Yang, Jingwen Ye, Xinchao Wang
> National University of Singapore
> ECCV'22

intro [Github]
REPAIR: REnormalizing Permuted Activations for Interpolation Repair
Keller Jordan, Hanie Sedghi, Olga Saukh, Rahim Entezari, Behnam Neyshabur
> Hive AI, Google Research, TU Graz / CSH Vienna
> ICLR'23

intro [Github]
An Empirical Study of Multimodal Model Merging
Yi-Lin Sung, Linjie Li, Kevin Lin, Zhe Gan, Mohit Bansal, Lijuan Wang
> UNC Chapel Hill, Microsoft
> arXiv'23

intro [Github]
Deep Neural Network Fusion via Graph Matching with Applications to Model Ensemble and Federated Learning
Chang Liu, Chenfei Lou, Runzhong Wang, Alan Yuhan Xi, Li Shen, Junchi Yan
> Shanghai Jiao Tong University, University of Wisconsin Madison, JD Explore Academy, Shanghai AI Laboratory
> ICML'22

intro [Github]
Merging Models with Fisher-Weighted Averaging
Michael Matena, Colin Raffel
> UNC Chapel Hill
> arXiv'21

intro [Github]
Re-basin via implicit Sinkhorn differentiation
Fidel A. Guerrero Peña, Heitor Rapela Medeiros, Thomas Dubail, Masih Aminbeidokhti, Eric Granger, Marco Pedersoli
> CVPR'23

intro [Github]
Dataless Knowledge Fusion by Merging Weights of Language Models
Xisen Jin, Xiang Ren, Daniel Preotiuc-Pietro, Pengxiang Cheng
> University of Southern California, Bloomberg
> ICLR'23

intro [Github]
Amalgamating Knowledge From Heterogeneous Graph Neural Networks
Yongcheng Jing, Yiding Yang, Xinchao Wang, Mingli Song, Dacheng Tao
> The University of Sydney, National University of Singapore, Stevens Institute of Technology, Zhejiang University
> CVPR'21

intro [Github]
Amalgamating Knowledge towards Comprehensive Classification
Chengchao Shen, Xinchao Wang, Jie Song, Li Sun, Mingli Song
> Zhejiang University, Stevens Institute of Technology
> AAAI'19

intro [Github]
Knowledge Amalgamation from Heterogeneous Networks by Common Feature Learning
Sihui Luo, Xinchao Wang, Gongfan Fang, Yao Hu, Dapeng Tao, Mingli Song
> Zhejiang University, Stevens Institute of Technology, Alibaba Group, Yunnan University
> IJCAI'19

intro [Github]
Student Becoming the Master: Knowledge Amalgamation for Joint Scene Parsing, Depth Estimation, and More
Jingwen Ye, Yixin Ji, Xinchao Wang, Kairi Ou, Dapeng Tao, Mingli Song
> Zhejiang University, Stevens Institute of Technology, Alibaba Group, Yunnan University
> CVPR'19

intro [Github]
Customizing Student Networks From Heterogeneous Teachers via Adaptive Knowledge Amalgamation
Chengchao Shen, Mengqi Xue, Xinchao Wang, Jie Song, Li Sun, Mingli Song
> Zhejiang University, Stevens Institute of Technology
> ICCV'19

intro [Github]
Data-Free Knowledge Amalgamation via Group-Stack Dual-GAN
Jingwen Ye, Yixin Ji, Xinchao Wang, Kairi Ou, Dapeng Tao, Mingli Song
> Zhejiang University, Stevens Institute of Technology, Alibaba Group
> CVPR'20

intro [Github]
CNN LEGO: Disassembling and Assembling Convolutional Neural Network
Jiacong Hu, Jing Gao, Zunlei Feng, Lechao Cheng, Jie Lei, Hujun Bao, Mingli Song
> Zhejiang University
> arXiv'22

intro [Github]
Collaboration by Competition: Self-coordinated Knowledge Amalgamation for Multi-talent Student Learning
Sihui Luo, Wenwen Pan, Xinchao Wang, Dazhou Wang, Haihong Tang, Mingli Song
> Zhejiang University, Stevens Institute of Technology, Alibaba Group
> ECCV'20

intro [Github]
Amalgamating Filtered Knowledge: Learning Task-customized Student from Multi-task Teachers
Jingwen Ye, Xinchao Wang, Yixin Ji, Kairi Ou, Mingli Song
> Zhejiang University, Stevens Institute of Technology, Alibaba Group
> IJCAI'19

intro [Github]
Deep Model Fusion: A Survey
Weishi Li, Yong Peng, Miao Zhang, Liang Ding, Han Hu, Li Shen
> National University of Defense Technology, JD Explore Academy, Beijing Institute of Technology
> arXiv'23

intro [Github]
... (TBD)