
Generate random chess position/perft

Primary LanguageScalaGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


Chess position/perft genertor using scalachess


This requires scala-cli in order to compile and run.

scala-cli compile .


gen command

  • Generate 64 positions after 32 moves depth for crazyhouse and save to crazyhouse.csv
scala-cli run . -- gen --variant crazyhouse --moves 32 --positions 64 --output crazyhouse.csv
  • To generate positions for all variants we can just omit the variant from command line.
scala-cli run . -- gen --moves 32 --positions 64 # the default output file is `positions.csv`

perft command

This command will first generate positions (same logic as gen command) and then generate perft for those positons.

  • generate perft with depth 2 for all variants with the default config
scala-cli run . -- perft --depth 2
  • generate perft with depth 2 for all variants with the custom config
echo "10,10\n23,99" > myconfig.csv
scala-cli run . -- perft --depth 2 --config myconfig.csv