
Aerospike Client for node.js

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Aerospike Node.js Client

An Aerospike add-on module for Node.js.

This module is compatible with Node.js 0.10.x and supports the following operating systems: CentOS/RHEL 6.x, Debian 6+, Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 14.04, Mac OS X.


The following is very simple example of how to write and read a record from Aerospike.

var aerospike = require('aerospike');

// Connect to the cluster.
var client = aerospike.client({
    hosts: [ { addr: '', port: 3000 } ]

function connect_cb( err, client) {
    if (err.code == AEROSPIKE_OK) {
        console.log("Aerospike Connection Success")


// The key of the record we are reading.
var key = aerospike.key('test','demo','foo');

// Read the record from the database
client.get(key, function(err, rec, meta) {
    // Check for errors
    if ( err.code == aerospike.status.AEROSPIKE_OK ) {
    	// The record was successfully read.
    	console.log(rec, meta);
    else {
        // An error occurred
        console.error('error:', err);

More examples illustrating the use of the API are located in the examples directory.

Details about the API are available in the docs directory.


Node.js version v0.10.x is required.

To install the latest stable version of Node.js, visit http://nodejs.org/download/

Aerospike Node.js has a dependency on Aerospike C client, which is downloaded during the installation. To Download Aerospike C client, curl is required. The client library requires the following libraries to be present on the machine for building and running.

Library Name .rpm Package Description
libssl openssl
libcrypto openssl Required for RIPEMD160 hash function.
liblua5.1 lua Required for Lua execution, used in query aggregation.

Note: Lua is used for query aggregation. If the application is not using the aggregation feature, lua installation can be skipped.

  • CentOS/RHEL 6.x

To install library prerequisites via yum:

sudo yum install openssl-devel lua-devel

Some CentOS installation paths do not include necessary C development tools. You may need the following packages:

sudo yum install gcc gcc-c++
  • Debian 6+

To install library prerequisites via apt-get:

sudo apt-get install libssl0.9.8 libssl-dev liblua5.1-dev

The following symlinks need to be created for Aerospike's packaged examples to compile:

sudo ln -s /usr/lib/liblua5.1.so /usr/lib/liblua.so
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/liblua5.1.a /usr/lib/liblua.a
  • Ubuntu 12.04+

To install library prerequisites via apt-get:

sudo apt-get install libssl0.9.8 libssl-dev liblua5.1-dev

The following symlinks need to be created for Aerospike's packaged examples to compile:

sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/liblua5.1.so /usr/lib/liblua.so
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/liblua5.1.a /usr/lib/liblua.a
  • Mac OS X

Before starting with the Aerospike Nodejs Client, please make sure the following prerequisites are met:

  • Mac OS X 10.8 or greater.
  • Xcode 5 or greater.
  • Lua 5.1.5 library. Required when running queries with user defined aggregations.

####Openssl library installation in Mac OS X.

$ brew install openssl
$ brew link openssl --force

#####Lua Installation in Mac OS X

Lua is required for performing aggregations on results returned from the database. The following are instruction for installing Lua 5.1:

$ curl -O http://www.lua.org/ftp/lua-5.1.5.tar.gz
$ tar xvf lua-5.1.5.tar.gz
$ cd lua-5.1.5
$ make macosx
$ make test
$ sudo make install


The Aerospike Node.js client is a Node.js add-on module utilizing the Aerospike C client. The installation will attempt to build the add-on module prior to installation. The build step will resolve the Aerospike C client dependency as described in C Client Resolution.

The Aerospike Node.js client can be installed like any other Node.js module, however we provided the following information for those not so familiar with Node.js modules.

Primer on Node.js Modules

Node.js modules are containers of JavaScript code and a package.json, which defines the module, its dependencies and requirements. Modules are usually installed as dependencies of others Node.js application or module. The modules are installed in the application's node_modules directory, and can be utilized within the program by requiring the module by name.

A module may be installed in global location via the -g flag. The global location is usually reserved for modules that are not directly depended on by an application, but may have executables which you want to be able to call regardless of the application. This is usually the case for tools like tools like npm and mocha.

If the application uses query aggregation feature, LUA library should be installed following the instruction given in Prerequisites. The last step in aggregation is executed in the client machine which uses LUA. To install aerospike library with LUA enabled, an environment variable USELUA must be set. For more details [Aerospike with Aggregation](#Aerospike with Aggregation)

$ export USELUA=1

Installing via NPM Registry

Installing via NPM Registry is pretty simple and most common install method, as it only involves a single step.

Although the module may be installed globally or locally, we recommend performing local installs.

To install the module as a dependency of your application, run the following from your application's directory:

$ npm install aerospike

In most cases, an application should specify aerospike as a dependency in its package.json.

Once installed, the module can be required in the application:

var aerospike = require('aerospike')

Installing via Git Repository

The following is relevant for users who have cloned the repository, and want to install it as a dependency of their application.

Installing via Git Repository is slightly different from installing via NPM registry, in that you will be referencing the module by path, rather than name.

Although the module may be installed globally or locally, we recommend performing local installs.

Installing Globally

This option required root permissions. This will download the Aerospike C client only once, which will improve the experience of using the module for many users. However, you will need to first install the package globally using root permissions.

Run the following as a user with root permission or using the sudo command:

$ npm install -g <PATH>

Where <PATH> is the path to the Aerospike Node.js client's Git respository is located. This will install the module in a globally accessible location.

To install the module as a dependency of your application, run the following from your application's directory:

$ npm link aerospike

Linking to the module does not require root permission.

Once linked, the module can be required in the application:

var aerospike = require('aerospike')

Installing Locally

This option does not require root permissions to install the module as a dependency of an application. However, it will require resolving the Aerospike C client each time you install the dependency, as it will need to exist local to the application.

To install the module as a dependency of your application, run the following from your application's directory:

$ npm install <PATH>

Where <PATH> is the path to the Aerospike Node.js client's Git respository is located.

Once installed, the module can be required in the application:

var aerospike = require('aerospike')
### Aerospike with Aggregation Aerospike nodejs client does not include LUA by default during installation. Application can set an environment variable `USELUA` to inclue LUA library, and can use the Aggregation feature in Aerospike. To install with Aggregation enabled:
$USELUA=1 npm install

If application includes aerospike as a dependency in package.json the variable USELUA can be exported as a environment variable as follows:

$export USELUA=1

C Client Resolution

When running npm install, npm link or node-gyp rebuild, the .gyp script will run scripts/aerospike-client-c.sh to resolve the C client dependency.

The script will check for the following files in the search paths:

  • lib/libaerospike.a
  • include/aerospike/aerospike.h

By default, the search paths are:

  • ./aerospike-client-c
  • /usr

If neither are found, then it will download the C client and create the ./aerospike-client-c directory.

You can modify the C client resolution via:

Force Download

To force downloading of the C client, you can specify the DOWNLOAD=1 environment variable. Example:

$ DOWNLOAD=1 npm install

Custom Search Path

If you have the Aerospike C client installed in a non-standard location or built from source, then you can specify the search path for the build step to use while resolving the Aerospike C client library.

Use the PREFIX=<PATH> environment variable to specify the search path for the Aerospike C client. The <PATH> must be the path to a directory containing lib and include subdirectories.

The following is an example of specifying the path to the Aerospike C client build directory:

$ PREFIX=~/aerospike-client-c/target/Linux-x86_64 npm install


This module is packaged with a number of tests in the test directory.

Before running the tests, you need to update the dependencies:

$ npm update

To run all the test cases:

$ npm test

For details on the tests, see test/README.md.


A variety of example applications are provided in the examples directory. See the examples/README.md for details.


Benchmark utilies are provided in the benchmarks directory. See the benchmarks/README.md for details.

API Documentation

API documentation is provided in the docs directory.


The Aerospike Node.js Client is made availabled under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2, as stated in the file LICENSE.

Individual files may be made available under their own specific license, all compatible with Apache License, Version 2. Please see individual files for details.