LCLPlayingCardView is a simple, but beautiful playing card implemented as a UIView.
Available as a CocoaPod. See CocoaDocs documentation for more details.
- Lightweight: No images for the cards -- 100% code.
- Flexible: Since the cards are code, you can tweak anything about them to fit your needs.
- Realistic Feel: The included customizations make the cards feel more real.
- Three pre-configured Sizes: Small, Medium and Large
##Getting Started ###Install with CocoaPods
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Objective-C, which automates and simplifies the process of using 3rd-party libraries in your projects. In your Podfile, add the following:
platform :ios, '7.0'
pod "LCLPlayingCardView", "~> 2.0"
###Or Manually Import Headers
#import "LCLPlayingCardView.h"
##Usage ###Example Usage
Initialize Small Card:
LCLPlayingCardView *card1 = [LCLPlayingCardView cardWithPoint:CGPointMake(80, 120)
[self.view addSubview:card1];
Initialize Medium Card:
LCLPlayingCardView *card2 = [LCLPlayingCardView cardWithPoint:CGPointMake(80, 0)
[self.view addSubview:card2];
Initialize Large Card:
LCLPlayingCardView *card3 = [LCLPlayingCardView cardWithPoint:CGPointMake(80, 200)
[self.view addSubview:card3];
- (void)flipCard;
- (void)tiltCardWithDegrees:(float)degrees
- (void)tiltCardRandomly
##License LCLPlayingCardView is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more information.
If you like this or use this, please star/fork/watch/tweet the repo, raise issues/ideas, send me pull requests, etc. so I know to keep improving it.
##Change Log ####v2.0.2
- Clean up enum switches
- Add cocoapods source spec to top of Podfile
- Add LCLPlayingCardSize enum for LCLPlayingCardViewSmall, LCLPlayingCardViewMedium and LCLPlayingCardViewLarge
- Tweak label sizes for Small and Large cards based on LCLPlayingCardSize
- Update example project with examples in each size
- Make most of the properties private
- Make suit & rank properties readonly
- Remove font size, card width and card height constants
- Deprecate cardwithFrame initialization
- Add example project
- Add LCLPlayingCardSuit enum
- Allow initialization of cardback color and text
##Future Improvements
- Externally manage back of card image vs solid color