Shortcut Cheatsheet 🤓

Overall Shortcuts

Shortcut Functionality
[Command] + ([Option]) + [Shift] + [V] Paste content without formatting information ([Option] is only required for some apps)
[Shift] + [Command] + [Tab] Reverse order of select background apps
[Command] + [Tab] + [Option] (before releasing [Command]) Select background app and re-open the app's main window
[Command] + [Shift] + [3] Screenshot of overall screen(s)
[Command] + [Shift] + [4] Screenshot of specific selection
[Command] + [Control] + [Shift] + [3] Screenshot of overall screen(s) copied to the clipboard
[Command] + [Control] + [Shift] + [4] Screenshot of specific selection copied to the clipboard



Shortcut Functionality
[Command] + [Shift] + ⬅️ / ➡️ Switch between Browser tabs
[Command] + [Shift] + [\] Search in all open Tabs


Shortcut Functionality
[Command] + [Option] + ⬅️ / ➡️ Switch between Browser tabs
[Command] + [Shift] + [A] Search in all open Tabs

Atlassian JIRA

Shortcut Functionality
[S] + [T] Moving Jira Issues to top of the sprint/backlog.
[S] + [B] Moving Jira Issues to bottom of the sprint/backlog.
[A] Assign selected issue
[M] Comment on selected issue