
A application management system for Middlebury student council to manage their funding applications


A web-based application management system for Middlebury student council to manage their funding applications

Tech Stack and Focus

  • Stacks: Node.js, react.js
  • Database: Postgres or MongoDB
  • Focus: Equally focused full-stack app


  • Streamline the management workflow of Student Council funding applications, reducing wait time for students as well as administrative time for council members


  • Admins: Student Council budgetary committee members
  • Students: Middlebury students who need to apply for funding from student council
  • Clubs (accounts operated by students): Clubs who need to check club balance and apply for funding


  • Eventually, data from Middlebury Student Services will be used for club and student info. During development, I will use mock data to create a prototype.


  1. Backend:
    • Database Schema:
      • Users: Need email, and password, and name to sign up. There are three types of user accounts: admin, student and club. Each type with required different additional signup information
      • Applications: Need applicant, amount and type. Different types of application will correspond to different required fields.
      • Votes: Boolean value with two foreign keys - voter and application being voted on. Admins can vote on an application.
    • Routes:
      • Auth: Can only register as students or clubs with university email (admin accounts will be set up in the database for now)
      • Applications: Get all requires admin priviledge, get by id require correct user. PATCH request requires correct user
      • Users: Required correct user or admin priviledge