
MMcontrol provides an easy way to control Mitsubishi heat pumps that use the MAC-558 WiFi adaptor

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

MMcontrol provides an easy way to control Mitsubishi heat pumps that use the MAC-558 WiFi Adaptor (sold in New Zealand and Australia).


MMcontrol provides the following features:

  • setting the power state
  • setting the operation mode (cool, heat, dry, fan, auto)
  • setting speed of the fans
  • setting the target temperature
  • setting the airflow direction (horizontal and vertical)
  • reading current state of the unit (power mode, standby mode, operation mode, fan speed, room temperature and target temperature)
  • notifying about changes to the state of the system made through the on-wall controller or the app
  • supports multiple units under a single account
  • session persistence between subsequent calls
  • integrates with bunyan logger


npm install mmcontrol


In order for the module to work you must set up an account with Mitsubishi (either using the browser or using the phone app). Once you've added your unit please make sure that the "Half degree temperature" is enabled.


var MMcontrol = require('mmcontrol');

var controller = new MMcontrol({
    'username': 'username@domain.com',
    'password': 'mypassword'

Establish a new connection

controller.connect(true, function (err) {
    if (err) {
        console.log("couldn't connect: " + err);
    } else {
        console.log("connection established");

Query capabilities of unit 0

controller.getCapabilities(0, function (err, capabilities) {
    if (err) {
        console.log("couldn't get the capabilities: " + err);
    console.log(JSON.stringify(capabilities, null, 1));


     "action": [
     "mode": [
     "power": [
     "fan": [
     "airDirH": [],
     "airDirV": [

Query current state of unit 0

controller.getCurrentState(0, function (err, state) {
    if (err) {
        console.log("couldn't get the current state: " + err);
    console.log(JSON.stringify(state, null, 1));


     "mode": "cool",
     "automode": "",
     "standby": "off",
     "fanSpeed": "2",
     "power": "on",
     "setTemperature": 23,
     "roomTemperature": 24,
     "airDirV": "",
     "airDirH": ""

Set the mode of unit 0 to 'cool'

controller.setMode(0, 'cool', function (err) {
    if (err) {
        console.log("couldn't set the mode: " + err)
    console.log("mode set");



The event is only emitted if 'trackState' is set to true. The event is emitted if the state of the heatpump unit got changed by some external inputs (for example on-wall controller or the app). The event handler gets passed the change object that contains the information about previously stored values and the new ones, only modified properties are included. Only user-settable properties are tracked.

controller.on('externalChange', function (change) {
    log.debug(JSON.stringify(change, null, 1));


     "unitid": 0,
     "previousState": {
      "fanSpeed": "2",
      "setTemperature": 25
     "currentState": {
      "fanSpeed": "1",
      "setTemperature": 24



Constructor, sets initial values

  • params object that contains parameters used to initialise the object:
parameter type definition default value
url string address the heat pump API resides at optional https://api.melview.net/
username string username (email address) used at the Mitsubishi site/in the app required
password string password used at the Mitsubishi site/in the app required
userAgent string user agent that should be used for all requests restify default
log object bunyan log object, MMcontrol will log using it (module=MMcontrol, level: trace) optional
minRefresh integer duration (in seconds) MMcontrol will wait before querying the API again to refresh the state of the heat pump ('set' requests are send immiedietaly) optional 60
tmpDir string directory used to store temporary files (cookies, capabilities and state if persistence is enabled) optional /tmp
persistence bool if MMcontrol should store cookies, capabilities of the heat pump(s) and the state(s) in a file for re-use after process terminates optional true
trackState bool if MMcontrol should track external changes made to the state of the unit and emit 'externalChange' events optional false

a TypeError exception is thrown if required parameters are missing.

connect (reuse, callback)

Builds a connection with the API or loads details of the previous one from a file. If a file can't be loaded a new connection will be build.

  • reuse (bool) - should the previous state be loaded.
  • callback (function (error)) - called on completion, if there was a problem 'error' contains a string, null otherwise

getUnitList (callback)

Returns an array with unit names. Index of the array can be used to identify the heat pump units in subsequent set/get calls.

  • callback (function (error, unitList)) - called on completion, if there was a problem 'error' contains a string, null otherwise, unitList contains an array of unit names

getCapabilities (unitid, callback)

Returns an object with capabilities of the unit, based on the information returned by the remote unit API.

  • unitid (integer) - the id of the unit (as returned by getUnitList)
  • callback (function (error, capabilities)) - called on completion, if there was a problem 'error' contains a string, null otherwise, capabilities contains the capabilities of the unit:
parameter type definition
action array set of commands that the unit responds to
mode array list of supported modes
power array list of supported power states (always 'on' and 'off')
fan array list of supported fan speeds
airDirH array list of supported horizontal airflow directions
airDirV array list of supported vertical airflow directions

getCurrentState (unitid, callback)

Returns an object with the current state of the heat pump unit

  • unitid (integer) - the id of the unit (as returned by getUnitList)
  • callback (function (error, state)) - called on completion, if there was a problem 'error' contains a string, null otherwise, state contains the current state of the unit:
parameter type definition
mode string currently set mode ('cool', 'heat', 'dry', 'fan', 'auto')
automode string if mode is set to 'auto' contains actual operating mode, empty string otherwise
standby string if the unit is in standby mode ('on', 'off')
fanSpeed string currently set fan speed
power string current power mode ('on', 'off')
setTemperature float currently set target temperature
roomTemperature float currently reported room temperature
airDirH string currently set horizontal air direction, empty string if the capability is not supported
airDirV string currently set vertical air direction, empty string if the capability is not supported

If the power is 'off' the reported values are the last active ones from before the unit was switched off. Current roomTemperature is always reported (even when the unit is off), the reported temperature is always rounded to the nearest integer (this is a limitation of the API).

getCurrentStateRaw (unitid, callback)

Returns an object with the current state of the heat pump unit as returned by the API (without being normalised with values from the model file)

  • unitid (integer) - the id of the unit (as returned by getUnitList)
  • callback (function (error, state)) - called on completion, if there was a problem 'error' contains a string, null otherwise, state contains the current state of the unit.

setTemperatureOffset(unitid, offset, callback)

Sets the offset that should be added to all temparture readings and settings (to be used when the temperature reported by the unit not correct). For example if the unit reports 26°C when the ambient temperature is 24°C the offset should be set to -2.

  • unitid (integer) - the id of the unit (as returned by getUnitList)
  • offset (float) - the offset to add to every temperature reading/setting
  • callback (function (error)) called on completion, if there was a problem 'error' contains a string, null otherwise

setState (unitid, state, callback)

Sets multiple properties of the unit at once. All properties are compared with the current state so only the necessary commands are sent. If temperature or mode are being changed the temperature will be adjusted to fit in the allowed range for the mode.

  • unitid (integer) - the id of the unit (as returned by getUnitList)
  • state (object) - contains the properties and values to be set (not all have to be specified):
parameter type definition
mode string mode ('cool', 'heat', 'dry', 'fan', 'auto')
fanSpeed string fan speed (1-5, 'auto')
power string current power mode ('on', 'off')
setTemperature float target temperature
airDirH string horizontal air direction (0-5, 'auto', 'swing')
airDirV string vertical air direction (0-5, 'auto', 'swing')
  • callback (function (error)) called on completion, if there was a problem 'error' contains a string, null otherwise

setPower (unitid, state, callback)

Turns the unit off or on.

  • unitid (integer) - the id of the unit (as returned by getUnitList)
  • state (string) - 'on' or 'off' (as defined in the model file)
  • callback (function (error)) - called on completion, if there was a problem 'error' contains a string, null otherwise

setTemperature (unitid, temperature, callback)

Sets the target temperature. Only works in modes that support temperature ('cool', 'heat', 'auto'), in others quietly returns. The value of the temperature is adjusted to fit within the range allowed by the unit.

  • unitid (integer) - the id of the unit (as returned by getUnitList)
  • temperature (float) - the temperature to set (should be set to half-degree resolution)
  • callback (function (error)) - called on completion, if there was a problem 'error' contains a string, null otherwise

setMode(unitid, mode, callback)

Sets the mode of operation ('cool', 'heat', 'dry', 'fan', 'auto'). Adjusts target temperature to sit within the range allowed by the unit.

  • unitid (integer) - the id of the unit (as returned by getUnitList)
  • mode (string) - one of 'cool', 'heat', 'dry', 'fan', 'auto'
  • callback (function (error)) - called on completion, if there was a problem 'error' contains a string, null otherwise

setFanSpeed(unitid, fanSpeed, callback)

Sets the speed of the fan.

  • unitid (integer) - the id of the unit (as returned by getUnitList)
  • fanSpeed (string) - speed to set (1-5, auto)
  • callback (function (error)) - called on completion, if there was a problem 'error' contains a string, null otherwise

setAirDirH(unitid, dir, callback)

Sets the horizontal direction of the airflow

  • unitid (integer) - the id of the unit (as returned by getUnitList)
  • dir (string) - direction (0-5, auto, swing)
  • callback (function (error)) - called on completion, if there was a problem 'error' contains a string, null otherwise

setAirDirV(unitid, dir, callback)

Sets the vertical direction of the airflow

  • unitid (integer) - the id of the unit (as returned by getUnitList)
  • dir (string) - direction (0-5, auto, swing)
  • callback (function (error)) - called on completion, if there was a problem 'error' contains a string, null otherwise


MMcontrol detects the capabilities of the heat pump and limits the commands to what the unit reports as enabled.

The following functions are always enabled:

  • mode:
  • heat
  • cool
  • fan
  • setting temperature
  • turning power on/off
  • setting fan speed
  • limited to the speeds reported by the unit

The following functions are only enabled if the unit reports back the capability

  • mode:
  • auto
  • dry
  • setting fan speed to auto
  • changing vertical direction of the airflow
  • directions 1-5 are enabled by default
  • auto and swing - if enabled by the unit
  • changing horizontal direction of the airflow
  • directions 1-5, swing and auto are enabled by default

Request optimisations

MMcontrol tries to limit the number of requests used to query the current state of the heat pump ('get' commands, i.e. not changing the state of the unit). By default, the state is cached for 60 seconds (this value can be changed by passing the minRefresh parameter to the constructor). Before a set-type command is send the new state is compared with the current one, if they differ the command is issued immediately and also refreshes the current state of the unit, otherwise the set-function quietly returns.


So far the module has been tested only with the following heat pumps:

  • ducted (PEAD-RPxx)


If for some reason the module refuses to work correctly please remove the state file (usually /tmp/state.txt) or connect with the reuse option set to false.


This software is not affiliated with Mitsubishi in any way, nor am I. Use at your own risk.