Primary LanguagePython

Code of MT-ToxGNN,计算机工程与应用,增强分子拓扑信息的多任务图神经网络算法

Pre-train data availability:

smiles with 2D and 3D conformers: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1avy6ek6Dl1Sn7uuzYSYw6w password: wdnm

Pre-train the model:

python pretraining.py

To save training time, you can generate all needed data for all smiles first:

python prepare_graph_data.py

Or download our processes data: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1JyEitczI3ih5vbBDMMaQig password:wdnm

cat the files

cat logs.tar.bz2.* > new_tar.tar
tar xvf new_tar.tar -C ./processed_data/

Reproduce results:

four toxicity-datasets and logP:

The finetune_**.py are used to quickly reproduce the results:

python finetune_Toxicity.py --dataset LC50

you can re-train the model by:

python finetune_Toxicity.py --dataset LC50 --re_train 1

FreeSolv, Lipop and BBBP:

python finetune_FreeSol.py --random False
python finetune_Lip.py --scaffold True
python finetune_BBBP.py

Some details:

  1. Lip data is saved as data/lip.pkl, you can unzip data/lip.zip to use it to save time

  2. The processed BBBP data is also provided in data/*

  3. The trainset of logp is > 25 mb, and you can unzip dataset/logp/trainset.zip to use it

  4. The trained model are provided in Downstream/*

  5. The pre-trained model are provided in save_encoder/*, we provide 5 pre-trained models.


pip install paddlepaddle
pip install rdkit-pypi
pip install pgl
pip install deepchem

Any more questions, please let me know: 20205227080@stu.suda.edu.cn