
Recording and playback for testing against APIs

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build Status


A tool to record and playback API responses to allow for predictable automated testing.

'groundhog --record' creates a proxy which records any requests that pass through it, so that they can be played back at a later date.


npm install -g groundhog


Usage: groundhog [--record [name]]
Attempts to load configuration options from a ".groundhog.json" if it exists in the current working directory.
--record        record the current session
                if a name is provided then the recording file is given that name, otherwise it is
                named with the current timestamp

CLI Config Options
--hostname      host to which to proxy requests
--config        load the options from a config file specified (default ./.groundhog.json)
--playback      playback the recordings from a specific recording file (default: last recording created)
--dir           directory in which to read/write playback files
--port          port to listen on (default: 3001)
--protocol      protocol to run (default: http)
--strict        only serve recordings in playback mode



    "dir": "./test/recordings",
    "hostname": "www.example.com",
    "protocol": "https",
    "port": 3003,
    "strict": false


Sets the directory in which recording files are written


Hostname of the internal service

protocol (optional)

Protocol of the external service - http|https - default http

port (optional)

Port groundhog will proxy on - default 3001

strict (optional)

Enabling strict mode will return a 500 response in playback mode if a recording does not exist - default false

Multiple Proxies

If you want to proxy more than one service then you can define your proxies as an array. The properties for each host are as above.

    "dir": "./test/recordings",
    "proxies": [
            "hostname": "www.example.com",
            "protocol": "https",
            "port": 3003
            "hostname": "www.example.net",
            "protocol": "http",
            "port": 3004


cd sample
npm install

You are running a simple transparent proxy from your server to a backend that is defined in config.js or by environment variable.

# what am i running?
cat app.js

Our .groundhog.json is where we define where we want to store the tests, and proxies we want to use.

In this case we are saving the recordings to ./test/recordings and proxying anything that goes against port 3003 to the yld.io website

cat .groundhog.json
  "dir": "./test/recordings",
  "proxies": [
     {  "hostname": "yld.io",
        "port": 3003,
        "protocol": "http"

We can now use environment variables to change our website to connect to our proxy, diverting the traffic that normally would go directly against the backend (see test/run):

_PROXYTO=http://localhost:3003 _APPPORT=1337 node app.js

Our test is simple, it runs a request and checks for errors. It uses the same config file so as long as your environments variables are set right this will consistently

# what am i testing?
cat test/index.js

If you run the test with our script you will get a lot of warnings, we know you are trying to run mocked tests and we couldn't find any mocks. Setting "strict": true in your .groundhog.json file will make this throw.

This is useful since these interactions are sometimes meaningful, and if a previous request was not executed (eg. login) the subsequent requests might not work properly.

# run tests

If you record the results, and run again, it should be out of warnings. Everything was returned from mocks.

# record test results
./test/run --record
ls test/recordings
# run tests using recordings

Of course, don't forget to run the real tests. If they break and mocks don't, you might have a problem.