
Create, edit and manage cookies with JavaScript

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build Status

CooQuery 3.2

Create, edit and manage cookies with JavaScript.


  1. Set a new cookie:

     cookie.set("my_cookie" , "hello");
     cookie.set("my_second_cookie", "hi", {
         duration : 2 // days

    Options are:

         duration : 1, // in days
         path : '',
         domain : '',
         secure : false
  2. Read the value of a cookie:

     cookie.get("my_cookie"); // returns "hello"
     cookie.get("noecziste"); // returns undefined
  3. Delete a cookie:


That is it. :)

Running tests

First, you need node.js and npm installed. Then...

git clone git://github.com/lenon/CooQuery.git
cd CooQuery
npm install jasmine-node -g
jasmine-node spec/