
No web api auth key specified - workshop downloads will be disabled

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I was once able to download and use workshop maps but now I can't and I'm not sure what has changed. I'm getting this error even though I have set an apiauthkey. Tried creating a new one too and that didn't work.

I have managed to get workshop maps to download:

I had to create a .txt file inside .\csgosl\server\csgo called "webapi_authkey". Inside that I just pasted my API key and saved. I then restarted the server, set a workshop map id and it worked fine.

Closing this issue.

Sorry, I just edited my initial comment I meant workshop maps ;)

Yeah Idk why either. Mine used to work and then didn't. Oh well. I hope this helps someone else if they run into the same problem!