
Download/get all photo in Account Instagram

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

InstaPhoto v0.2-alpha


English Language

InstaPhoto is some program with command-line, the function this program to Download/get all photo in Account target

Indonesia Language

InstaPhoto adalah sebuah program command-line yang berguna untuk mengunduh semua foto di akun target


pip / pip3
instaloader module


English Language

You can download my reposity, or you can clone my repo in terminal

$ git clone https://github.com/lenovix/InstaPhoto.git

Indonesia Language

Anda bisa download project saya, atau anda bisa clone project saya melalu terminal

$ git clone https://github.com/lenovix/InstaPhoto.git

How to Use

English Language

After you clone my repo, type this command in your terminal

cd InstaPhoto/
bash setup.sh
bash instaphoto.sh

Indonesia Language

Setelah anda clone project saya, ketik perintah ini di terminal anda

cd InstaPhoto/
bash setup.sh
bash instaphoto.sh

Screenshot InstaPhoto