CDA ELF Analysis Exercise

This repository contains the sources of three binaries, each of them reads a password from standard input, compares it with a fixed value, and prints whether the two match.

The task is to reconstruct the password from the program binaries using readelf, objdump, eventually also strings. Correct answers can be easily deduced from the source code of the exercises.

Exercise 1

The password is stored in the .data section at the end, clearly separated from the rest of the data, where it can be found by both readelf and strings.

Exercise 2

Hint: look at the sections header for clues

The password is stored in a custom section called .secretsection. On the top of that, it is stored in between two other strings without any separation.

Hence, objdump has to be used to deduce the exact arguments to strncmp to get the address, which can be then used together with the start address of the section to determine the offset inside the section.

(Alternatively, the address of the passwords symbol can be used.)

Exercise 3

The password is determined by a series of compare instructions cmp $0x--,%al. With some knowledge of x86 assembly, this should be easy to see; it is also possible to deduce without much understanding of assembly, since it is the only compare instruction operating on bytes in the code.