
A practice of software engineering with top-down design, basic gui as well as software testing. Praticing UML, software achitecture design, goole test by designing a ATM-like gui.


A practice of software engineering with top-down design, basic gui as well as software testing. Praticing UML, software achitecture design, goole test by designing a ATM-like gui.

A good practice would be start from 0_requirements.md. The prefix number is a reference for the precedure of development.

Welcome for your recomendation


  • Software achitecture
    • UML and related tools
  • Software testing
    • Line-coverage, branch-coverage...
  • API design
    • High-level
    • Low-level
  • Basic QT


  • QT
  • GoogleTest

Extra software for code generation

  • Visual Paradigm(Community Edition)


Software Eingineering
edX online Course
Draing UML Class Diagram
Generate code from class diagram