
Analysis of dataset of players from FIFA 19 videogame.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

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FIFA19 Data Visualization by Léo

Leonardo Cavalcante Araújo

Data Analysis Full-Time FEB2021, Paris & February 29th 2021


Cover of FIFA19 Google Slides Presentation, with Neymar, Dybala and Kevin De Bruyne

Project Description

Football analytics: Data Analysis and Visualizations using the FIFA19 dataset from Kaggle.

Content of the dataset

Detailed attributes for every player registered in the edition of FIFA 19 database. Scraping code at GitHub repo: https://github.com/amanthedorkknight/fifa18-all-player-statistics/tree/master/2019


Data scraped from https://sofifa.com/


Inspired from this dataset: https://www.kaggle.com/thec03u5/fifa-18-demo-player-dataset


  • Practice visualization tools using Python (and the libraries MatplotLib and Seaborn) learned during the Week 4 of the Data Analytics Bootcamp of Ironhack.
  • Deliver descriptive insights from the dataset.


  1. Import the dataset into a dataframe.
  2. Clean data and prepare for analysis.
  3. Analysis of interesting parameters to visualize.
  4. Data Visualization.
  5. Export results and conceal presentation.


PS.: individual project.


Here you may find the relevant links for the repository, the main code and the final presentation slides.

GitHub Repository: fifa-19-analysis-and-visualizations

Google Slides: FIFA19 Presentation

Jupyter Notebook: FIFA19_vFinal