Leonardo Cavalcante Araújo
Data Analysis Full-Time FEB2021, Paris & February 29th 2021
Football analytics: Data Analysis and Visualizations using the FIFA19 dataset from Kaggle.
Detailed attributes for every player registered in the edition of FIFA 19 database. Scraping code at GitHub repo: https://github.com/amanthedorkknight/fifa18-all-player-statistics/tree/master/2019
Data scraped from https://sofifa.com/
Inspired from this dataset: https://www.kaggle.com/thec03u5/fifa-18-demo-player-dataset
- Practice visualization tools using
(and the librariesMatplotLib
) learned during the Week 4 of the Data Analytics Bootcamp of Ironhack. - Deliver descriptive insights from the dataset.
- Import the dataset into a dataframe.
- Clean data and prepare for analysis.
- Analysis of interesting parameters to visualize.
- Data Visualization.
- Export results and conceal presentation.
- Repository "https://github.com/leo-cavalcante/fifa-19-analysis-and-visualizations" : you may find my main Python codes stored as a Jupyter Notebook format, also the folder "Players" used to store players pictures used for the code and also the folder "Visualizations" with the visualizations produced in the notebook.
PS.: individual project.
Here you may find the relevant links for the repository, the main code and the final presentation slides.
GitHub Repository: fifa-19-analysis-and-visualizations