
An internal Leo API that powers the mobile and web client apps.

Primary LanguageRuby

Code Climate

Test Coverage


This is the core api for the leo-health services.

##RVM If you are on an previous version of Ruby, be sure to run rvm upgrade 2.2.0 2.2.2 Ensure that version 2.2.2 is selected as current (and default) using rvm list


  1. Using Devise gem for authentication
  2. Using cancancan gem for authorization
  3. One user model for all users, with associated models for role-specific details
  4. Using 'grape' to model the core API calls
  5. Using 'grape-entity' to serialize the models for the API responses
  6. Using 'rspec_api_documentation' to produce API documentation

Project Structure

  1. The models are in app/models
  2. The api is defined in app/api
  3. The entities are also in app/api
  4. The tests for the api are in spec/requests


  1. The tests live at spec/[models, requests, etc]
  2. To run the test suite, 2a. First run rake db:test:prepare on the command line 2b. Then run rspec spec

Setting Up

  1. Prerequisites: rvm, git, rails (via rvm), postgres
  2. Clone repository from git
  3. Make sure redis is running, run redis-server
  4. Run rake db:setup to prepare and populate the database with seed data (roles, etc.).
  5. Run rails s to start the local server


  1. If you're getting a HINT: Must be superuser to create this extension. error, you need to change your postgres user priveleges. Log into postgres and run these commands: postgres=# \du # to list all users, and then postgres=# ALTER ROLE user CREATEROLE SUPERUSER;``ALTER ROLE # to assign user the correct priveleges.