COVID-19 Tracker

About this Project

This app demonstrates the recent COVID-19 pandemic that's happened in the US from its first case in the state of Washington till most recent.This app allows the user to follow the timeline of the outbreak in each state of the US the new cases and deaths cases interactively. It also includes US COVID-19 testing data and hospitalized data from the COVID Tracking project.

Data Source

This app uses data from the following sources:

This app is developed in R Studio using Shiny and was inspired by this video.

Packages used in ths tracker includes:

  • Shiny
  • shinydashboard
  • leaflet
  • leaflet.extras
  • plotly
  • tidyr
  • tigris
  • DT
  • dplyr


This tracker is a personal project and for education purpose only. The data and analysis only represent the creater's own opinion and not affiliate with any other institution or parties. The source code can be found on Github COVID19_Tracker.