Scientific Library In Simple C++ (Numerical Recipes style)

Primary LanguageCOtherNOASSERTION

Scientific Library In Simple C++ (SLISC)


SLISC is a header-only library written in a style similar to Numerical Recipes 3ed, using simple C++ features so that it is easy to read and modify while maintaining a relatively high performance. The library currently provides simple class templates for vector, matrix (row-major and col-major, fixed-size and sparse), 3D matrix (row-major), and basic arithmetics for them. Codes from many other projects or libraries has been incorporated into SLISC (e.g. Numerical Recipes, Eigen, Intel MKL etc.). The library also provides some utilities frequently used, such as timers and IO utilities (a text based file format .matt similar to Matlab's .mat).

SLISC has a comprehensive test suit, main.cpp will execute all the tests. Tests has been performed in Windows using Visual C++ and Intel compilers in Visual Studio 15.9.8 and in Linux using gcc and Intel compilers. If intel MKL (now free) is not installed, some functions will not work or will be much slower. Note that SLISC is a project in development, interfaces are subjected to change and not all code are working.

A simple example :

#include "SLISC/algorithm.h"
#include "SLISC/disp.h"
int main()
	using namespace slisc;
	VecDoub u(3), v(3); // vectors, double type
	linspace(u, 0, 2); // elements linearly spaced from 0 to 2
	cout << "u = \n"; disp(u); // display vector/matrix
	v = 3.14; // set all elements to 3.14
	u += v; // vector plus vector
	v += 2; // vector plus scalar
	MatDoub a, b(1, 1); // row major matrices of double precision
	b.resize(2, 3); // resize b to 2 columns and 3 rows
	a.resize(b); // resize a to have the size of b
	a(0, 0) = 1.1; // access element by row and column indices
	a[3] = 9.9; // access element by a single index
	a.end() = 5.5; // last element
	cout << "a has " << a.n1() << " rows and " << a.n2()
	<< " columns, and a total of " << a.size() << " elements." << endl;

SLISC has a modular design like the Standard Template Library. Just include any header file(s) in the SLISC/ folder. All definitions has namespace slisc.

Recommended Programming Style

  • All SLISC containers types (e.g. Matrix<>, Vector<>) should be returned by reference.

  • Avoid using unsigned integer types when possible. They are not supported by SLISC for now.

  • Generally, functions output arguments can not be any of the input arguments (this is called aliasing).

  • There is no public default constructor for SLISC containers.

  • Intrinsic types are aliased inside the library. For example, Bool is bool, Int is 32-bit integer, Doub is double (64-bit); Comp is std::complex<Doub>. Llong is long long.

  • A type with _I suffix is the const or reference to const version of that type, used in function parameter declarations to indicate an input argument. Similarly, _O means output (reference type), _IO means both input and output (reference type). Note that a reference to an _O or _IO types is still a reference type.

Meta Programming

  • The file "meta.h" implements some meta programming utilities. These utilities are as user-friendly as possible, so that anyone with a basic c++ knowledge can understand their meaning with a glance. SLISC users should have a basic idea of how these utilities work, and are welcome to use them, but there is no need to understand how they are implemented.

  • The macro function SLS_IF(condition) can be used to limit template function instantiation. If condition is true, then template can be instantiated normally, if condition is false the function will not be instantiated. As an example, the function mul() in "arithmetic.h" for matrix-vector multiplication is defined as

template <class T, class T1, class T2, SLS_IF(is_dense_vec<T>() && is_dense_mat<T1>() && is_dense_vec<T2>())>
inline void mul(T &y, const T1 &a, const T2 &x)

Where is_dense_vec<T>() returns true if T is a dense vector (such as Vector<>, FixVec<>, Svector<>), is_dense_mat<T>() returns true if T is a dense matrix (such as Matrix<>, Cmat<>, FixCmat<>). These function templates are also defined in "meta.h".

GSL (GNU Scientific Library)

  • gsl-2.5 has been included in SLISC (it's not header only), see test/test_gsl.h for an example.
  • Note that not all gsl source files are compiled in Visual Studio project and in Makefile currently
  • It takes some effor to figure out which gsl source files should be included in the project or makefile (unfortunately, some header files also has .c extension, if those are included, there will be an error).
  • The easiest way to add new source file to the project: SLISC/gsl already has all the source needed for gsl. To use a new function, just include the header and use it. If the linker says that function is not found, search it's definition, then add the .c file to the Visual Studio project and/or to the Makefile.

Headers Introduction

When using something in any header file, just including that header file will be enough. Header files can be included in any order. Here is some brief introduction for each header file:

  • slisc.h is a shorthand for some of the most frequently used header files.

  • global.h has all the container declaration and type definitions etc.

  • meta.h has all the meta-programming utilities.

  • complex_arith.h defines extra operators used by std::complex<>, such as +, -, *, /, +=, -=, *=, /=, ==, !=.

  • imag.h defines a pure imaginary number type Imag<>, and related operators.

  • scalar_arith.h defines scalar utilities such as MIN(), MAX(), SQR(), isodd(), mod().

  • vector.h defines the base type Vbase<T> and vector container Vector<T>.

  • matrix.h defines the row-major matrix container Matrix<T>.

  • cmat.h defines the col-major matrix container Cmat<T>.

  • fixsize.h defines the fixed-size vector FixVec<T,N>, and col-major matrix FixCmat<T,Nr,Nc>.

  • mat3d.h defines the row-major 3D array Mat3d<T>.

  • disp.h display SLISC containers (matrix, vector, etc.)

  • input.h promp for input, can save input history and repeat input automatically.

  • matt.h save/load text-based data files in .matt format, can save multiple named scalars and containers to a single ascii file.

  • ptr_arith.h low level functions for arithmetic.h, using pointers as input and output instead of vector/matrix containers.

  • arithmetic.h has utilities for dense matrices and vectors, e.g. sum(), norm(), dot product, matrix-vector multiplication.

  • slice.h (experimental) matrix slicing, e.g. separate one column of a matrix and name it as a vector.

  • random.h random number utilities

  • time.h timing utilities

  • sort.h sorting utilities

  • search.h search elements in containers

  • string.h string utilities

  • svd.h for singlar value decomposition

  • eig.h calculate matrix eigen values/vectors

  • fft.h for fourier transforms

  • interp1.h for 1 dimensional interpolation

  • interp2.h for 2 dimensional interpolation

  • ludcmp.h for LU decomposition

  • sparse.h defines the sparse square diagonal matrix Diag<T>, COO sparse matrix MatCoo<T>, COO sparse Hermitian matrix MatCooH<T>, and basic arithmetics.

  • mat_fun.h functions of square matrix

  • anglib.h has functions for Clebsch–Gordan coefficients, 3j, 6j, and 9j symbols.

  • coulomb.h calculates coulomb functions (F, G, H), and their derivatives.

  • fedvr.h utilities for Finite Element Discrete Variable Representations, could be used to solve TDSE.

  • flm.h a data structure for quantum mechanics wave functions in spherical coordinates (partial waves)

  • mparith.h for arbitrary precision calculation

  • expokit.h calculate matrix exponential

  • TODO...


Scalar Types

Bool is bool, Char is char, Int is 32-bit integer, Llong is 64-bit integer; Float is float, Doub is double (64-bit); Comp is std::complex<Doub>; Ldoub is long double; Long Long is used as vector/matrix indices variables, and is Llong by default, define SLS_USE_INT_AS_LONG macro to use Int as Long. TODO...


const Doub PI = 3.14159265358979323;
const Doub E  = 2.71828182845904524;
const Comp I(0., 1.);


  • Every supported scalar type has a type number. type_num<T>() will return the type number of type T.
  • Functions like is_*(...) can dynamically or statically check properties of types. The inputs are type numbers.
  • functions like is_*<...>() can statically check properties of types. template parameters are types.
  • is_same<T1,T2>() checks if T1 = T2.
  • is_integral<T>() checks if T is an integral type, i.e. character types or integer types.
  • is_arithmetic<T>() checks if T is an arithmetic type, i.e. integral type or floating point types.
  • is_fundamental<T>() checks if T is a fundamental type, i.e. arithmetic type or void or nullptr.
  • is_signed<T> checks if a type is signed, i.e. T(-1) < T(0).
  • the following utilities checks if T is a specific scalar type: is_Bool<T>(), is_Char<T>(), is_Uchar<T>(), is_Int<T>(), is_Llong<T>(), is_Float<T>(), is_Ldoub<T>(), is_Fcomp<T>(), is_Comp<T>(), is_Lcomp(), is_Imag().
  • is_real<T>() checks if T is not a std::complex<> or Imag<> type.
  • is_comp<T>() checks if T is an std::complex<> type.
  • is_imag<T>() checks if T is an Imag<> type.
  • is_scalar<T>() checks if T is scalar type supported by SLISC.
  • is_Vector<T>() checks if T is a Vector<> type. The following are similar: is_Matrix<T>(), is_Cmat(), is_FixVec(), is_FixCmat(), is_Mat3d(), is_Diag(), is_MatCoo(), is_MatCooH().
  • is_fixed<T>() checks if T is a fixed-size container.
  • is_dense_mat<T>() checks if is dense matrix (2D).
  • is_dense<T>() checks if is dense container (including fixed-size)
  • is_sparse<T>() check if is sparse vector/matrix
  • Every SLISC matrix/vector container should has a container number, which can be returned by contain_num<T>().
  • contain_type<T>() returns the value type of any SLISC container type T.
  • is_real_dense<T>() checks if is_dense<T>() && is_real<contain_type<T>>().
  • is_comp_dense<T>() checks if is_dense<T>() && is_comp<contain_type<T>>()
  • is_real_contain<T>() checks if is_contain<T>() && is_real<contain_type<T>>()
  • is_comp_contain<T>() checks if is_contain<T>() && is_comp<contain_type<T>>()
  • is_same_contain<T>() checks if is_contain<T1>() && contain_num<T1>() == contain_num<T2>()



Common Members for Vector, Matrix, Mat3d Templates

  • size(): return total number of elements.
  • n1(), n2(): return number of rows or columns.
  • operator[][i], operator()(i) : return a reference for the i-th element.
  • operator()(i,j), (i,j,k) : return a reference for an element.
  • end() : return a reference for the last element.
  • operator<< : transfer data to another container.
  • TODO...

Vector Class Template

Constructors: Vector() for default, Vector(Long_I n) for vector size, Vector(Long_I n, const T &a) to specify element as well, Vector(Long_I n, const T *a) to initialize from array.

operator= : Copy-assignment operator, self-assignment is forbidden. The right hand side can be a scalar.

operator[] : for vector, get a reference for the i-th element; for matrix, return a pointer for the second index.

resize(Long_I) : resize vector, contents are not preserved. resize() does nothing if size doesn't change.

resize(Vector<> v) : resize to the same size of v


The matrix template name is Matrix<>, Methods are similar to that of vector class. Matrix is row-major only.



3D matrix template name is Mat3d<>. Methods are similar to that of vector class. Mat3d is row-major only.



Svector<> inherits Vector<> and thus can be casted to a vector when input to a function. Svector does not have it's own allocated memory, but use a block of contiguous memory from other dense containers (this is called slicing). For example, if we need to calculate the sum of a column of a Cmat, we can create an Svector to represent one column of Cmat, then use it as input to sum() function (need to cast to Vector<> first, unless sum() accepts Svector directly).

Vector/Matrix Type Alias

The typedefs for vector/matrix classes are (each type also comes with "_I", "_O", and "_IO" versions) : VecInt, VecUint, VecLlong, VecUllong, VecChar, VecUchar, VecDoub, VecComp, VecBool, MatInt, MatUint, MatLlong, MatUllong, MatChar, MatUchar, MatDoub, MatComp, MatBool, Mat3Doub, Mat3Comp.


  • includes basic arithmatics like "==", "+=", "*=", plus(), minus(), etc.
  • Operators +, -, *, /, +=, -=, *=, /= are only for container types element-wise operations.


includes various overloaded "disp()" functions.


time utilities

// all times are in seconds. void Timer::tic() Doub Timer::toc() void CPUTimer::tic() Doub CPUTimer::toc()


Int isodd(Int n) // return 1 if n is odd, return 0 otherwise Bool ispow2(Int n) // if n is a power of 2 or 0 operator +,-,*,/ between Complex and Int


void disp(av) // can also be used while debugging, because of this, default arguments are not allowed void disp(v, start, n) void disp(a, start1, start2, n1, n2) void disp(a3, start1, start2, start3, n1, n2, n3) void disp(..., precision)

If you want to use "disp()" in debugger, add "SLISC/print.cpp" to compiler and use "print()" with the same arguments.


There is no automatic resize() inside functions in SLISC, for performance reason and for compatibility with fixed sized containers or container slicing. In SLS_CHECK_SHAPES is defined (in debug mode it's defined by default), shapes of matrix/vector will be checked.

basic utilities

s = sum(av) // sum of elements
s = max(av) // max of absolute values for complex mat/vec
s = max(ind, av) // also output the index
s = norm(v) // vec/mat norm
s = norm2(v) // vec/mat norm squared

matrix manipulation

void linspace(vec/mat, first, last, N = -1)
void trans(a) // matrix transpose
void her(a) // hermitian conjugate
void flip(Vector<T>)
void shift(Matrix<T> &a, const Int nshift, const Int dim = 1)
void diagonals(Matrix<T> &a) // shift the i-th line i times to the left, moving diagonals to columns
void idiagonals(Matrix<T> &a) // inverse of diagonals(), shift the i-th line i times to the right

element-wise math functions

  • sin(v, v1), cos(v, v1), exp(v, v1), tan(v, v1), etc.

matrix arithmatics

operator ==, != // compare size and each element, right hand side can also be a scalar.
operators +,-,*,/ scalar/vec/mat, whenever make sense (inefficient!).
operators +=,-=,*=,/= scalar/vec/mat, whenever make sense
void Plus(out, in, in) //for scalar/vec/mat, whenever make sense.
void Minus(out, in, in) // binary "-" operator
void Minus(in_out) // unary "-" operator
void Minus(out, in)
Times, Divide
void real(MatDoub_O &rc, MatComplex_I &c)
void imag(MatDoub_O &ic, MatComplex_I &c)
void abs(out, in), whenever make sense
void complex(VecComplex_O &y, VecDoub_I &x)
void conjugate(VecComplex_IO v)
s = v1*v2 // dot product, whenever make sense
void outprod(MatComplex_O &prod, VecComplex_I &v1, VecComplex_I &v2) // outer product
void mul(out, in, in) // mat-mat or mat-vec multiplications, whenever make sense


For debug purpose only. Need to compile "print.cpp" along with the program.

"print()" are same as "disp()" except they can be called in debugger. To realize this, print() does not have any namespace, and cannot be inlined.

In gdb, things are a little more complicated, since gdb does not fully support function overloading, use "print2()" for 2 arguments, "print3()" for 3 arguments, etc.


void integral(Vector<T> &F, const Vector<T> &f, Doub_I dx) // simple indefinite integration


void dft(MatComplex_O &Y, Doub kmin, Doub kmax, Int Nk, MatComplex_I &X, Doub xmin, Doub xmax)
void idft(MatComplex_O &X, Doub xmin, Doub xmax, Int Nx, MatComplex_I &Y, Doub kmin, Doub kmax)

String related

template<typename T> inline Str num2str(T s) // mainly std::to_string(), but no trailing zeros.

OpenMP functions

parallelized version of a function should always end with "_par"

// arithmetic.h
template <class T, class T1, class T2, SLS_IF(is_dense_mat<T>() && is_Vector<T1>() && is_Vector<T2>())>
inline void outprod_par(T &v, const T1 &v1, const T2 &v2);

template <class T, class T1, class T2, SLS_IF(is_Vector<T>() && is_dense_mat<T1>() && is_Vector<T2>())>
inline void mul_par(T &y, const T1 &a, const T2 &x);

template <class T, class T1, class T2, SLS_IF(is_Vector<T>() && is_Vector<T1>() && is_dense_mat<T2>())>
inline void mul_par(T &y, const T1 &x, const T2 &a)

// arithmetic1.h
void diagonals_par(Matrix<T> &a);
void idiagonals_par(Matrix<T> &a);

// fft.h
void dft_par(MatComp_O Y, Doub kmin, Doub kmax, Long_I Nk, MatComp_I X, Doub xmin, Doub xmax);
void idft_par(MatComp_O &X, Doub xmin, Doub xmax, Long_I Nx, MatComp_I &Y, Doub kmin, Doub kmax);

Matt File (.matt)

  • .matt is a text based format that I designed to immitate Matlab's .mat file.

  • can write many variables and matrices to a single file, with names.

  • can find and read any number of stored variables/matrices from a file by name without scanning through the whole file. Thus, reading a large file is fast.

  • the read in value type T2 can be different from the written value type T1, if T1 can be losslessly converted to T2 (see is_promo<T1,T2>()).

  • there is a Matlab function save() that works similar to load() to read this file into Matlab workspace. This reading subroutine can be easily implemented for any other language.

  • Matrices are stored in column major order. Memory access speed is negaligible comparing to hard-drive.

  • TODO: i is not necessary, consider use a+b or a-b to represents complex numbers. However, mattread() might take longer time because Matlab cannot recognize this format directly.

Related Projects

  • See cuSLISC project for a GPU version of SLISC using CUDA.
  • See MatFile project for saving and reading "Vector" or "Matrix" to/from Matlab data file ".mat", or text based file ".matt".

Internal Coding Rules

  • C++14/17 features used: if constexpr
  • Code should be easy to understand and modify.
  • Interface and implementation should separated.
  • Class members variables should start with m_ for clearity, and avoid name confliction with member function arguments.
  • Use SFINAE macro SLISC_IF(bool) to limit template instanciation.
  • Templates must work for all possible instanciations.
  • Default constructors must be protected and empty, so that it can be most efficient, and can be used as GPU global variable. However, new or std::vector will require the default constructor. Also, the destructor will give an error when deleting an uninitialized container. I'll keep it this way for now, and think about it later.
  • use m_N to determin if delete[] should be used, never set m_p to nullptr.


  • consider define pure imaginary number as a spetial class, and implement more efficient "+", "-", "*", "/", etc.
  • consider replacing error() macro with throw()
  • warning() macro is already defined!
  • incorporate "arb" library for evaluation of some special functions, and for multi-precision arithmetic (does not work for windows yet)
  • use MKL to enhance performance (optionally), and time different implementations (mine, Eigen, MKL)
  • put all internal names into "slisc::internal" namespace
  • test randInt()
  • update from Go-Solver project
  • test "expokit.h"
  • test sparse arithmetic
  • ptr_arith.h functions must support N = 0
  • complete test of containers
  • complete test of "meta.h"
  • complete test of "ptr_arith.h"
  • complete test of "arithmetic.h"
  • check all compiler warnings
  • test "meta.h" for ImagNum types
  • modify "meta.h" so that Svector could be used as function arguments without casting to Vector first.
  • change ptr() function to data() for containers, like std::vector<>
  • container.resize(container) should support every possible container
  • operator= for containers (and slice classes!) should work for any possible right hand side type