
Modules Plug-in/out Approach in ASP.net5 (MVC6)-Beta8

This technique is originaly used by StuartLeeks ModularVNext to achieve modular approach in ASP.net5.I have just ported the project ModularVNext to latest beta8 of ASP.net5.


-- ModularAsp5-Beta8 (Main Web App)

This is main web app where all modules will be plugged. There is a copy task in gulp.js file that copies all the modules DLLs in the folder "ModularAsp5-Beta8\artifacts\bin\ModulesDLLs" (path from where main web app reads its modules) when we build main web app.

-- ModuleOne

A pluggable module

-- ModuleTwo

A pluggable module

What has done ?

  1. Every module has its controller and views
  2. Main web app has its own controller and views

How to run ?

  1. Download the zip file
  2. Open ModularAsp5-Beta8.sln in Visual Studio 2015
  3. Build all the modules first i.e ModuleOne and ModuleTwo
  4. Build main web app i.e ModularAsp5-Beta8
  5. Now run main web app by clicking on "IIS Express" button

How to test ?

  1. Trigger "YourUrl/ModuleOne" or "YourUrl/ModuleTwo" to open respective modules
  2. "YourUrl" will point to the "HomeController" in main web app