
A Django App to keep a diary

Primary LanguagePython


Journal is a Django app used to keep a journal. it uses Quill https://quilljs.com/ and Django 5.0 .

Quick start

  1. git submodule add https://github.com/leoBitto/journal.git

  2. pip install django_quill

  3. Add "journal" to your setting.py like this:

  4. Include the journal URLconf in your project urls.py like this:

    path('journal/', include(('journal.urls', 'journal'), namespace="journal")),

  5. Run python manage.py migrate journal to create the journal models.

journal docs

if you want to use the article links outside the app you need to use the namespace. it is always a good idea when having many apps inside a Django project to use the namespace. for example:

> <a href="{% url 'journal:article' slug=article.slug  %}"</a>