
This project is a very small 2D game. Its purpose is to make you work with textures, sprites, and some other very basic gameplay elements.

Primary LanguageC


This repository contains my implementation of the so_long project from 42. The goal of the project is to create a 2D game using the MinilibX library, featuring a character that collects items on a map and eventually exits the level.


Link to the subject: Click Here

Table of Contents

  1. About the Project
  2. Project Structure
  3. Gameplay and Controls
  4. Requirements
  5. Installation and Compilation
  6. Usage

About the Project

so_long is an introductory graphics programming project at 42. The idea is to parse a map (in .ber format) and create a window where the player can move around, pick up collectible items, and eventually reach an exit. Key points include:

  • Parsing map files for walls, empty spaces, collectibles, player spawn, and exit.
  • Validating the map layout (e.g., walls around edges, valid path to exit, etc.).
  • Rendering a small 2D tile-based environment with MinilibX.
  • Managing basic events such as key presses and window close actions.


Learning Objectives

  • Work with the MinilibX library to handle window creation and events.
  • Understand basic 2D game logic and tile-based rendering.
  • Parse and validate file inputs.
  • Master pointer management and event handling in C.

Project Structure

  • inc/: Holds the project’s headers with function prototypes and relevant data structures.
  • src/: Source files implementing the core functionality (map loading, event handling, etc.).
  • assets/: XPM images or other graphical assets used for rendering.
  • maps/: Example map files in the .ber format.
  • Makefile: Defines compilation targets (e.g., all, clean, fclean, re).

Gameplay and Controls

  1. Objective:
    • Collect all items (C) on the map.
    • Reach the exit (E) without getting blocked.
  2. Map Layout:
    • 1 represents walls.
    • 0 represents walkable floor.
    • C represents collectibles.
    • P represents the player start position (unique).
    • E represents the exit.
  3. Controls:
    • W / A / S / D or ↑ / ← / ↓ / → to move.
    • Esc or window close button to exit the game.

Exemple Map



  • A Unix-like system (Linux or macOS).
  • The MinilibX library (provided by 42 or installed via the project instructions).
  • A functioning C compiler (GCC or Clang).

Installation and Compilation

  1. Clone the Repository

    git clone --recursive https://github.com/leoagea/19_so_long.git so_long
    cd so_long
  2. Compile the minilibx

    cd mlx-*** //depends on your OS
    cd ..
  3. Compile the project

    make bonus


./so_long [map_file].ber
./so_long_bonus [map_file].ber

Now collect all the coins to finish the map.