Blowfish bindings for lua. LICENSE: This lib uses part of the code coming from the nettle library which is lgpl'd. I think that means this must be LGPL'd as well. Anyway, this lib is released under LGPL, which means You need to release the source if you make derivative work... basically if you use the source for anything, that thing must be released under LGPL If you use this ("bf = require 'blowfish'"), it is not derivative work, you're just making use of the library and that doesn't mean that code must be LGPL'd or GPL'd or free software or even open source. (If you're wondering "but I have to distribute sources for a person to be able to run lua scripts", google luac) You SHOULD read the LGPL anyway, including that famous disclaimer. The LGPL is available at 'LICENSE'. BUILDING: This is atm using lua5.1 library. It should* work with newer versions. It expects lua's headers to be in a folder called "lua5.1". There are two ways of building lua-blowfish. 1) make This is cool if you're on linux and don't really want to install to some common directory, just want to build the shared object. I wrote it in a linux only fashion, because I was using linux and I am really no make god, so I didn't want to spend a lot of time learning it. 2) luarocks LuaRocks should be able to compile this in every major OS, I am not sure, though. It worked on more than one linux distro and a Mac. If you're having problems and you're using some UNIX based OS, then ask for help. If you're using Windows, just die. Or give up (on win). CONTRIBUTING: I don't really care how you like to code, the only thing I do care is TABS ARE TABS. Not spaces, tabs, \t, got it? Ok, :D DOCUMENTATION: There's an example in the examples folder and cool ldoc documentation in the doc folder. Just open index.html and everything should be clear. I tried my best to have cool documentation and I think that's the only thing I didn't screw up. Well I hope I haven't.