
This repository stores code for second project from Udacity Data Streaming Nanodegree

Primary LanguagePython

Udacity Data Streaming Nanodegree

SF Crimes - Spark Streaming

This repository stores the second project from Udacity Data Streaming Nanodegree using Spark Streaming.

├── config
│   ├── server.properties
│   ├── zookeeper.properties
├── data_stream.py
├── kafka_server.py
├── producer_server.py
├── README.md
└── requirements.txt

Running and Testing

/bin/zookeeper-server-start config/zookeeper.properties

/bin/kafka-server-start config/server.properties

Start producer_server.py and kafka_server.py to send police-department-calls-for-service.json into Kafka topic

python kafka_server.py

Run kafka console consumer

kafka-console-consumer --topic "com.udacity.sf-crimes" --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --from-beginning

Run spark streaming job

spark-submit --packages org.apache.spark:spark-sql-kafka-0-10_2.11:2.4.7 data_stream.py


Q1 - How did changing values on the SparkSession property parameters affect the throughput and latency of the data?

They will change processedRowsPerSecond parameters, so the jobs will be completed more quickly.

Q2 - What were the 2-3 most efficient SparkSession property key/value pairs? Through testing multiple variations on values, how can you tell these were the most optimal?

  • "spark.default.parallelism" : 200
  • "spark.sql.shuffle.partitions": 50
  • "maxOffsetsPerTrigger": 200

Spark Streaming Console

Spark UI

Kafka Console Consumer