I was born in Mexico city in 1972. I'm interested in Science, Technology, Politics & Human behaviour. I love Music, Cinema, Photography & Web design.
ITESO UniversityGuadalajara Jalisco, Mexico
leobardooscar's Following
- anyprotoSwitzerland
- apache
- AskNowQA
- BrockDSL
- cadia-lvlReykjavik, Iceland
- CenterForOpenScienceCharlottesville, VA
- comunicaGhent, Belgium
- cservan
- danielnaberPotsdam, Germany
- facebookMenlo Park, California
- FauxFauxUnderspecified
- fiorin7
- flxztGermany
- geographyclubFreelance
- GitbookIOUnited States of America
- globalwordnet
- jsuarez5341Author of Neural MMO and MIT PhD student
- jupyterhubJupyter
- MewPurPur
- microsoftRedmond, WA
- mozillaMountain View, California
- NorthwoodsSoftwareNashua, NH, USA
- OrionReedSomewhere in the Milky Way
- owenmcateer@catchdigital
- perseids-project
- PufferAI
- python-pillow
- pytorchwhere the eigens are valued
- strapiParis, France
- WeblateOrgCzech Republic
- wordnikMillbrae, CA
- wordsEarth
- xenova@huggingface
- zenodotus280
- zfletch@perseids-project