IFTTT_ESP8266 is a simple server+client project I've made to make my ESP8266 projects available and controllable by IFTTT. There are a lot of solutions in internet to make your projects reacheable from outside your LAN but all involve port forwarding (with the risks connected if you are not an experienced user and the possibility that your router doesn't permit it) and dynamicDNS services. This project overcomes these problems with a simple python server as intermediary.
Here there is an example of interaction with Google Assistant:
In "server" folder there is the simple python server running on Flask framework. Put it on your favourite hosting server (I've used pythonanywhere, it is free and there is a simple guide about how to configure it for Flask). Pay attention to also include the HTML files and to edit the WSGI file as illustrated on pythonanywhere. Go the URL provided by pythonanywhere for your app and click on Register; annotate the key the app will show you. Now create your own IFTTT applet following the videos I made and that you can find in the client folders (I've also highlighted what you have to edit) to control an IR device and a WS212B led strip.
Everything you need is in "client" folder (except the external libraries). I've made a simple class to handle my [IRBlaster](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2756041 and a class to handle my WS2812B led strip (you can also use it to on/off a bulb connecting a relay to the ESP8266). The classes are all commented and explained and I've also included an example file for every class showing how to use them.