
Friendly Resizer Droid

Primary LanguageClojureBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


Friendly Resizer Droid

Fred logo

A tool to resize images to the various screen densities of Android devices.

##Current version 1.0 (20130502). Download the binary here: fred-1.1.jar.

##Purpose When developing/designing for Android, you have to deal with a bunch of different screen sizes and resolutions. If you design your layouts following the design guidelines and develop them using properly the SDK, you'll have no trouble. Android does all the hard work for you.

But if you don't supply different versions of your image resources for the different screen sizes, Android will resize them at runtime. Therefore, your app will be slow. Because of that, it's always a good idea to supply images on the drawable-xxhdpi, drawable-xhdpi, drawable-hdpi, drawable-mdpi and (maybe) drawable-ldpi folders.

Doing this on an image editor (like Photoshop) takes time, and it's extremely boring. So why lose time doing that? Fred can do this job for you! And trust me, he would be very happy to help.

##How it works While designing your layouts, use the Nexus 5 and its resolution (1920x1080) as the base. After that, slice and export all your image resources.

Then, launch Fred and drag and drop the folder with the images on it. Fred will resize all and create the drawable-xxhdpi, drawable-xhdpi, drawable-hdpi, drawable-mdpi and (optional) drawable-ldpi folders for you. After that, just move them to your Android project.

##Usage Download the executable jar and double-click it. Fred's window will appear. Drag a folder from your file explorer and drop on it.

You need to have Java installed to run Fred.

##Build instructions For build instructions, refer to the wiki page.

##License Fred's source code is released under BSD 2-clause license. Check LICENSE file for more information.

If you use this code, I'd appreciate you refer my name (Leocadio Tiné) and the link to this project's page in your project's website or credits screen. Though you don't have any legal/contractual obligation to do so, just good karma.

##Suggestions? Comments? Pull requests are always welcome. So are donations :)

To find me, buzz at me[at]leocad.io or follow me on Twitter. To read interesting stuff, go to my blog.

Special thanks to swannodette, zachallaun and guilhermearaujo for the pull requests!

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Hacker School

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