
RS485 interface to the VESC controller, written in LispBM

Primary LanguageCommon Lisp

VESC RS485 via LispBM

LispBM scripts to operate RS485 UART interface using the lisp dialect of LispBM in the VESC project

This depends directly on the 410_LACEP board, available at jordeam/vedderb_bldc_hardware.

A binary containing the firmware with configurations and this RS485 interface is available here

Checkout the Command List and Documentation here

PC testing

To test on a PC, build the original LispBM project. Use the Makefile provided, that should be quicker. Then comment out the (run) call on the end of the file. This is necessary as we are not mocking the uart-read-until procedure, so it won't run.

$ make repl

A tip is to use the rlwrap program to test

$ rlwrap lispBM/repl/repl
> load mock_vesc.lisp
> load duty_rs485.lisp
> (cmd-duty 0.75 0.05)

The mock_vesc.lisp contains a mock versions of functions from the VESC Extensions to the LispBM.

Running on the VESC

Just open the duty_rs485.lisp on the "VESC Dev Tools" page, at the "Lisp" tab, then "Upload". (The "Open File" button is at the right-lower corner of the editor)


Main things I wish I could do better:

  • The toggling of the control flow pins is done via a delay. We don't have access to blocking UART calls
  • Add a default ramp rate (alpha)