Liao Zhang

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  • Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Object Detection


  • B.E., Internet of Things, Physics and Information College, FuZhou University, 2012-2016.
  • M.S., Computer Science, School of Information Science and Engineering, XiaMen University, 2017-now.


  • 2016.6, A wood measurement system and its relevant methods based on depth sensor.
    • patent Id: 201610455749.4, patent type: Invention.
  • 2016.4, A school-bus location system based on Wechat.
    • patent Id: 201620445463.3, patent type: Utility.

Work Experience

  • 2016.7-2017.7, Assistant engineer of software development,
    • In charge of audio and video development, e.g. decode H264 or H265 Video via MediaCodec by using hardware in Android platform, decode video via FFMpeg by using software and de-package FLV, render video and synchronize the audio and video.
    • Awarded innovation prize(team prize) of ChinaNetCenter in 2016.


  • Learning Object’s Scale with Clicks for Object Detection.
    • Propose a simple yet effective framework which combines CNN visualization and center clicks to generate more tight pseudo bounding box used for training a fully-supervised object detector. Note that our method can also be used to annotate instance-level bounding box or pixel-level annotation used for semantic segmentation.
    • Evaluations on PASCAL VOC 2007 and 2012 show that our method surpasses all state-of-art weakly-supervised detection methods and center click based methods by a significant margin.
    • Aimming for IEEE SPL.


  • CET4/6 certificate.
  • Experienced with Python, familiar with C, C++.
  • Deep Learning Framework: Caffe, TensorFlow.
  • Familiar with CUDA C++ Programming.
  • Commonly used Deep Learning Model: AlexNet, VGG, GoogleNet, ResNet, SqueezeNet, etc.
  • Familiar with the-state-of-art Object Detection Method: RCNN, Fast-RCNN, Faster-RCNN,RFCN, YOLO, SSD, etc.

Campus Activity & Scholarship

  • The Volunteer of the 7th IEEE Conference on Future Multimedia Technologies. 2018.8
  • Academic Excellence Scholarship of XiaMen University. 2017.7
  • The Third Prize Scholarship of FuZhou University. 2015.9


  • iMaterialist Challenge (Furniture) at FGVC5 Mar 2018 – May 2018.
    • Enrolled in iMaterialist Challenge (Furniture) at FGVC5 for Image Classification of Furniture & Home Goods.
    • Got 84 place in 428 teams(at the deadline(5/31/2018) of competition), top 19%, won the bronze medal.