
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Louvre Project - Gobelins 2019 - 2020

Built with:

  • Handlebars
  • SASS
  • Babel
  • Webpack


Setup using:

npm install

Start a development server with watch tasks:

npm start

Build for production:

npm build

Project Structure

├── src
│   ├── css
│   │   └── index.scss
│   ├── data
│   │   ├── replacements.json
│   │   └── site.json
│   ├── fonts
│   ├── img
│   ├── js
│   │   └── index.js
│   ├── views
│   │   ├── layout
│   │   │   └── template.hbs
│   │   ├── paritals
│   │   ├── page.hbs
│   │   └── index.hbs
│   └── entry.js
├── webpack.config.js
└── webpack.helpers.js

The generated build will have the following structure:

├── bundle[hash].js
├── fonts
├── img
├── index.html
├── main[hash].css
└── page
    └── index.html


To add a new 3D Model (gltf only) just add your 3D Object folder into src/modeles and then add a new item in src/data/modeles.json.


Add browsersync Handle Handlebars compilation errors