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Está página é dedicada a todos entusiastas, estudantes e profissionais da área de dados que esteja interessados em aprender Ciência de Dados, Machine Learning, Inteligência Artificial, Engenharia de Dados. 👨‍💻

Aqui temos uma compilação de diversas disciplinas acadêmicas de graduação, mestrado e doutorado de universidades brasileiras que estão disponíveis gratuitamente ao público através do youtube, disciplinas estas que pertencem a cursos de estatística, ciência da computação, engenharia, TI. Um muitíssimo obrigado a estes ilustres professores! 👏

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Se você conhece alguma disciplina que pode agregar valor a esta lista, envie sua recomendação para 😀

Segue a lista! Bons estudos! 📚

Disciplinas em Português

Mathematics (PT-BR)

Calculus I, UNIVESP (Virtual University of the State of São Paulo), Prof. Cláudio Possani

Calculus II, UNIVESP (Virtual University of the State of São Paulo), Prof. Cláudio Possani

Calculus III, UNIVESP (Virtual University of the State of São Paulo), Prof. Cláudio Possani

Linear Álgebra, UFMS (Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul), Prof. Bruno Amaro

Numerical Calculus, UFSC (Federal University of Santa Catarina), Prof. Alexandre Zabot

General Systems Theory and the Decision Making Process, IME (Military Engineering Institute), Prof. Marcos dos Santos

Computer Science (PT-BR)

Computer Architecture I, UFBA (Federal University of Bahia), Prof. Ewerton Salvador

Computer Architecture II, UFBA (Federal University of Bahia), Prof. Alisson Brito

Operational Systems, UFG (Federal University of Goiás), Prof. Sérgio Carvalho

Databases, UNICAMP (Federal University of Campinas), Prof. André Santanchè

NoSQL Databases, UNIFEG, Prof. Gustavo Poli

Topics in Big Data, UFAM (Federal University of Amazonas), Prof. Altigran Soares da Silva

Software Engineering, UFV (Federal University of Viçosa), Prof Lucas Vegi

Computer Networks, UFJF (Federal University of Juiz de Fora), Prof. Edelberto Franco Silva

Mobile Robotics, UFPB (Federal University of Paraíba), Prof. Tiago Pereira do Nascimento

Digital Circuits, UFPR (Federal University of Paraná), Prof. Marco A. Zanata Alves

Parallel Programming, UFPR (Federal University of Paraná), Prof. Marco A. Zanata Alves

Information Security, UFU (Federal University of Uberlândia), Prof. Rodrigo Sanches Miani

Systems Security and Auditing, IFRS (Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Sul), Prof. Rafael Vieira Coelho

Python Data Structure, Prof. Renzo Nuccitelli

Statistics (PT-BR)

Probability, ENCE (National School of Statistical Sciences), Prof. Gustavo Ferreira

Introduction to Statistics, ENCE (National School of Statistical Sciences), Prof. Gustavo Ferreira

Bayesian Inference, ENCE (National School of Statistical Sciences), Prof. Gustavo Ferreira

Generalized Linear Models, ENCE (National School of Statistical Sciences), Prof. Gustavo Ferreira

Stochastic Processes, UFPA (Federal University of Pará), Prof. Marcelino Silva

Multivariate Analysis, USP (University of São Paulo), Prof. Cibele Russo

Data Viewing and Exploration, USP (University of São Paulo), Prof. Cibele Russo

Statistics applied to Psychobiology I, UNIFESP (Federal University of São Paulo), Prof. Altay de Souza

Statistics applied to Psychobiology II, UNIFESP (Federal University of São Paulo), Prof. Altay de Souza

Time Series Analysis, Prof. Alexandre Cunha Costa

Statistical Inference, UFABC (Federal University of ABC), Prof. Rodrigo Pavão

Machine Learning (PT-BR)

Introduction to Machine Learning, UTFPR (Federal Technological University of Paraná), Prof. Dalcimar Casanova

Introduction to Deep Learning, UTFPR (Federal Technological University of Paraná), Prof. Dalcimar Casanova

Computer Vision, UFSC (Federal University of Santa Catarina), Prof. Aldo von Wangenheim

Image Processing, IMPA (Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics), Prof. Luiz Velho

3D Graphics Systems: A.I. Graphics, IMPA (Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics), Prof. Luiz Velho

Pattern Recognition, UFC (Federal University of Ceará), Prof. Carlos Alexandre Fernandes

Applied Intelligent Systems, UTFPR (Federal Technological University of Paraná), Prof. Thiago Naves

Fundamentals of Intelligent Systems, UTFPR (Federal Technological University of Paraná), Prof. Thiago Naves

Introduction to Computational Intelligence, IFNMG (Federal Institute of Northern Minas Gerais), Prof. Petronio Silva

Topics in Data Science, IFNMG (Federal Institute of Northern Minas Gerais), Prof. Petronio Silva

Time Series and Stochastic Processes, IFNMG (Federal Institute of Northern Minas Gerais), Prof. Petronio Silva

Artificial Neural Networks, IFNMG (Federal Institute of Northern Minas Gerais), Prof. Petronio Silva

Introduction to Ontologies and the Semantic Web, UFMG (Federal University of Minas Gerais), Prof. Thiago Castro Ferreira

Computational Linguistics, UFMG (Federal University of Minas Gerais), Prof. Thiago Castro Ferreira

Natural Language Processing, UFMG (Federal University of Minas Gerais), Prof. Adriana Pagano, Evandro L.T.P. Cunha, Thiago Castro Ferreira

Disciplinas em Inglês (Bônus)

Stanford University

EE104: Introduction to Machine Learning, Stanford University, Prof. Sanjay Lall

CS221 Artificial Intelligence: Principles and Techniques, Stanford University, Prof. Percy Liang

CS229I Machine Learning, Prof. Andrew Ng

CS224N Natural Processing with Deep Learning, Stanford University, Prof. Christopher Manning

CS224U Natural Language Understanding, Stanford University, Prof. Christopher Potts

CS330 Multi-Task and Meta-Learning, Stanford University, Professor Chelsea Finn

CS234 Reinforcement Learning, Prof. Emma Brunskill

CS224W Machine Learning with Graphs, Stanford University, Prof. Jure Leskovec

CS230 Deep Learning, Stanford University, Prof. Andrew Ng

CS231N Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition, Stanford University, Professor Fei-Fei Li, Justin Johnson, Serena Yeung

CS329S Machine Learning Systems Design, Stanford University, Seminar Series.

Others Lectures

Cloud Computing and Big Data, University of Iceland, Prof. Ing Morris Riedel

High Performance Computing, University of Iceland, Prof. Ing Morris Riedel

Intro to Machine Learning, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Prof. Sebastian Raschka

Intro to Deep Learning and Generative Models, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Prof. Sebastian Raschka

Deep Learning for Computer Vision, University of Michigan, Prof. Justin Johnson