
measure co2 and temperature in closed environments (office, home)

Primary LanguagePython


Measuring Co2 and Temperature in closed environments (office, home).

People are sensitive to high levels of Co2 in closed envorinments, so we want to have some numbers to monitor it.



  1. TFA-Dostmann AirControl Mini CO2 Messgerät -- 80 euro

  2. Raspberry PI 3 -- 40 euro

  3. case, 5v power supply, microSD card


  1. Install on your Raspberry PI 3 InfluxDB & Grafana.

  2. download Raspbian and install it on the microSD. We used this version of raspbian.

installation on the raspberry

  1. Boot the raspberry with the raspbian. You'll need a USB-keyboard, monitor and ethernet for this initial boot. After overcoming the initial configuration screen, you can login into the box using ssh.

  2. install python libs

sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev libyaml-dev
sudo pip install pyyaml
sudo pip install requests
  1. create config.yaml:
prefix: office.floor3

2b) (optional) You can configure this bot to automatically post to a Slack channel. Just add an "Incoming Webhook" to your Slack team's integrations and add a slack hash to the config file.

    webhook: 'https://hooks.slack.com/services/TXXXXXX/XXXXXX/xxxxxxx'
    channel: '#general'   # optional - this is the default value
    botname: 'CO2bot'     # optional - this is the default value
    icon: ':monkey_face:' # optional - this is the default value
    upper_threshold: 800  # optional - this is the default value
    lower_threshold: 600  # optional - this is the default value
  1. fix socket permissions
sudo chmod a+rw /dev/hidraw0
  1. run the script
./monitor.py /dev/hidraw0
  1. run on startup

To get everything working on startup, need to add 2 crontabs, one for root and the other for the pi user:


* * * * * if [ $(find /dev/hidraw0 -perm a=rw | wc -l) -eq 0 ] ; then chmod a+rw /dev/hidraw0 ; fi


* * * * * /usr/bin/python /home/pi/monitor.py /dev/hidraw0 [ **optional:** /home/pi/my_config.yaml ]  > /dev/null 2>&1

The script will default to using "config.yaml" (residing in the same directory as the monitor.py script - /home/pi in the example) for the librato credentials. You can optionally override this by passing a custom configuration file path as a second parameter.

ansible deployment on the raspberry

  1. In the project folder create the config.yaml file as described in the chapter for the manual installation process. Replace the line containing the prefix assignment by:

prefix: {{ name }}


based on code by henryk ploetz based on code by Wooga
